B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (2025)


B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (1)

A good visual representation of the reader during this.

Stay tuned for surprises Marty McFly never could have imagined!

Everyone knows the story of Back to the Future: teenager Marty McFly goes back in time from 1985 to 1955, interrupts his parents' first meeting, jeopardizes his existence in the process, so on, so forth, and what have you.

Well... actually, not everyone knows that story, or at least the finalized version. One particular person, George Gipenote, was more familiar with the draft he was given in 1984 so he could write the novelization. Soon after submitting his manuscript, he died from an allergic reaction to a bee sting.

And, for a while, that was it: the novelization was published, and not much attention was directed towards it since.

At least, until January 30, 2012, when one particular man decided to create a Tumblr blog dedicated to recapping / reviewing the novelization. That man... was Ryan North.

While "B^F"'s primary form of existence comes in the form of the Tumblr blogB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (2) (which can be read in chronological order hereB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (3), an ebook versionB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (4) was made after it finished, released on August 12th, 2012.

If you thought you knew Back to the Future before, hold on to your hats...

This book / series provides examples ofnote:

  • Ambiguous Syntax: When Mr. Strickland asks Marty about the "emergency" call at the beginning of the book (knowing full well about it due to tapping into their phone line), Marty lies and says it's about a crippled aunt and uncle in Wisconsin, claiming, "They were in a car accident about ten years." Ryan is left confused about whether Marty meant a past event or an "epic ten-year-long car accident STILL IN PROGRESS".
  • Antiquated Linguistics: Ryan constantly points out instances of the novel using these, often dubbing them "old-man-itis". He, in particular, enjoyed the use of the word "suzeraintyB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (5)".
  • Artistic License – Physics: DiscussedB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (6).

    (SCIENCE CORNER: refraction is about changing the direction of a wave, not focusing it; please do not learn science while reading this)

  • Author Appeal: Ryan suspects that Gipe liked to name-drop brand names at every chance he got.
  • Big "WHAT?!": Upon reaching the novelization's take on Marty reacting to the altered 1985, Ryan wonders how long it's going to take Marty to realize the future's been chang—
  • Crazy Is Cool: This is Ryan's reaction to Marty worrying that Doc will wind up in "a society of robots that takes [him] prisonerB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (8)":


  • Date Rape Averted: While that bit from the film is still intact in the novelization, here it's played up instead of downplayed. It even outright uses the word "rape" in one scene.B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (9)
  • Deadpan Snarker: Apparently either Gipe or Zemeckis and Gale (who wrote the draft Gipe used) thought Marty should engage in some stand-up in the movienote. This is especially prevalent in the 1985 dinner scene, where Marty "throws out one-linersB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (10) [at] EVERY SINGLE CHANCE HE GETS".
  • Delayed Ripple Effect: Ryan discusses it hereB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (11), using "metatime" as a thesis to explain how long (or quickly) the timeline takes to change in response to Marty's actions in the past.
  • Doing In the Wizard: The novelization explainsB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (12) that the flux capacitor isn't what makes time travel possible, "it’s just a really good battery with a high discharge rate". Ryan even compares this to Star Wars introducing midichlorians to explain the Force.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (13)What does Marty do after getting the keys to the 4x4?B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (14)note

    Marty runs out and climbs inside and begins to have sex with it!

  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Ryan really loves Mr. Strickland.
    • Parodied in the ebook announcementB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (15), where Ryan lists people the ebook would be the perfect gift for:

      It is the perfect gift for anyone who likes jokes! And reading! And writing! And time travel? And... Book Marty??

  • Everyone Has Standards: The only reason why Ryan did this at all was because George Gipe was too dead to see him eviscerate the bookB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (16).
  • Faux Computer Code: When Ryan describesB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (17) the brief scuffle between Marty and Biff in Lou's Cafe after George's attempt to ask Lorraine out.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Page 118B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (18) ends with the 1955 Doc asking Marty who's president in 1985, and Ryan makes it a big Cliffhanger moment. Only problem? Even if you honestly don't know yourself for whatever reason, Ryan quotes the movie version of this scene at the start of the post. "Ronald Reagan, the actor?", remember?


    • Even funnier is that one of the tags points this out:

      it's ronald reagan i said so in the first sentence

  • Freak Out: A minor changeB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (19) to one of Doc's lines causes Ryan to go nuts:


  • Genre Shift: As Ryan points out, there are two instances where Marty suddenly acts like he's in a Adventure Game. And when this happens, we are treated to "MartyB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (20) QuestB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (21)" just to hit the point home, Text Parser and all.
  • Giving Up on Logic: Discussed: the scene where Marty escapes from detention is so far removed from the realm of logic that not only does Ryan hypothesize that this exact scene caused the entire script to be rewritten outright, but also, as stated above, Ryan presents the scene as a point-and-click adventure game, as it is the only way for Marty's actions to even make some amount of sense.

    ALRIGHT, PENCILS DOWN. Have you figured out how to escape the room yet? Probably not! Probably because you are a human being who is not insane!

  • A Good Name for a Rock Band: Ryan's reaction when the Libyans' van was decribedB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (22) as an "ominous van":

    (“Ominous Van” = great band name? GREATEST band name?)

  • Grave Humor: At a point in the storyB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (23) where Biff has yet to call Marty a butthead, Ryan reveals what he wants his epitaph to say:

    All he wanted was to see a teen drive a car through time so that he could be called a butthead in two distinct time periods.
    -My epitaph

  • I'm Mr. [Future Pop Culture Reference]:
    • Unfortunately,B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (24) Marty shoots down Lorraine's assumption that his name is "Calvin Klein" by telling her that's the name of the underwear manufacturer. Sigh.
    • Luckily, the Darth Vader sceneB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (25) is still intact... Except Marty ties in a lot more references into it.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Somehow, the LybiansB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (26) manage to miss shooting at Doc, with an AK-47, at point-blank range.
  • Late to the Realization: ItB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (27) takesB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (28) Marty a shocking amount of time to realize that by driving the time machine, he went back in time.
    • And, sadly, it doesn't even take driving to his house, only to find a model home in an empty field, to clue Marty in. What does? Glancing at the "Destination Time" and "Current Time" readouts on the time circuits.

      Marty I want to help but you need to tell me what happened to you

  • Literal Metaphor:
    • The coverageB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (29) of the most racist page in the novelization ends on this note:

      "a swarthy character resembling Yasser Arafat leaned out. He threw up an AK 47 submachine gun and opened fire."
      And so this, the most racist page so far, ends with Yasser Arafat vomiting up machine guns.

    • Also, during the sceneB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (30) where Mr. Strickland confronts George McFly over being bullied:

      "'You're a slacker!' Strickland charged."
      and one of the advantages of books over movies is that WE get to imagine the action, and I choose to read "charged" in the "bull running towards someone" sense, which means I get to imagine Mr. Strickland yelling "You're a slacker!" as he rushes towards George McFly, students falling like so many bowling pins around him, and I invite you to join me because it's great.

  • "Not Making This Up" Disclaimer: Practically a Running Gag in the blog as Ryan has to keep pointing out that what he's describing is what actually happens in the novelization.
  • Pet the Dog:
    • For all the book's faults, Ryan still admits that it's a better novelization than the ones for Parts 2 and 3.
    • He even goes out of his way to mention two points that the novelization does better: Doc punching in December 25th, 0000 as Jesus' birthdaynote and Marty managing to only give himself 10 minutes to try and save Docnote.
  • Plot Hole:
    • As Ryan points out, it's mentioned that Marty has a "new" Walkman with him as he leaves for Twin Pines Mall due to Strickland crushing his old one with a vice while Marty was in detention in an earlier scene.

      (when did he get it? Seriously, when) (Marty's movements have been fully accounted for since his Walkman was destroyed and he never went to the Walkman store) (I dub thee: Paradox Walkman)

    • Similarly, the 1955 Doc picks up his Brain-wave AnalyzerB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (32) after learning Ronald Reagan is President in 1985... and it's intact, despite Doc having smashed it three pages agoB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (33):

      (which is also insane!! He smashed it into smithereens just three pages ago but hah hah continuity across three pages? WHY NOT ASK FOR THE MOON WHILE YOU’RE AT IT)

  • Precision F-Strike: Here's the novelization's take on Doc correcting Marty's questioning where Einstein and the DeLorean went after it vanished; Ryan took it well:

    "The appropriate question," Doc Brown amended, "is not where are they, but where the hell are they?"

  • Race Against the Clock: Unsurprisingly, Gipe manages to futz the original trope naming scenenote up by relegating the final stretch to a few paragraphs.
  • Rage Quit: "Marty Quest IIB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (34)" comes to an abrupt end when, as Marty travels through time, Ryan gets fed up:

    Can you solve [the mystery of the phenomena happening when the car hit 88 mph]?
    > can’t say i care to!! QUIT
    Are you sure you want to quit Marty Quest II?
    > i say this with all sincerity: never in all my years on this lonely planet have i been more sure of anything until this very moment
    Thank you for playing Marty Quest II!

    • He only gets 1.21 out of 88 points as a result.
  • Rimshot: Ryan links to this SNL clipB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (35) everytime Marty makes a quip in the 1985 dinner sceneB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (36).
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness:
    • Ryan has a theory that Gipe (thought he) was paid by the word, and really, it shows...

    One of the challenges with this blog is to find new ways to say “HOLY CRAP THERE ARE A LOT OF UNNECESSARY WORDS”, but holy crap, you guys: there are a lot of unnecessary words.

    • What adds credence to Ryan's theory is that the last two chapters of the book speed through the clocktower scene and the ending. And in a book that averages at 17.71 pages per chapter, that amounts to twenty-four pages altogether.

      In the movie there's still lots of movie time left, but it seems Gipe is racing towards the finish line here? Perhaps at this point he realized he wasn't being paid by the word??B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (37) Perhaps he said "aw frig, really?" and then busted out sentences like "then the teen with the shirt on went back to future, like in the title, and his parents were all weird, THE END"?

  • Show, Don't Tell: At one point, the narration says, "Doc Brown truly resembled the stereotypical mad scientist on a mission that would shake the world."B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (38) Ryan calls this "a new level of straight-up-telling-instead-of-showing crappy writing that I've never even considered before", and pokes fun of it by writing similar descriptions for Captain Kirk, Conan the Barbarian, and a generic mobster.
  • A Simple Plan: Originally, Ryan was simply going to talk about 20 pages that he had dog-eared that interested him for various reasons. Instead, he wound up talking about the whole novelization page-by-page, which ultimately (at least going by the ebook) wound up being longer than it.
  • Surprise Incest: Page 199B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (39). Just... page 199.

    Doc "senses Marty's mental turmoil" and asks him what the deal is, and Marty says "I guess it's this whole thing with my mother" and oh boy we will have deal with THAT tomorrow! It is actually a whole thing! It's kinda awful!B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (40)

  • Verbal Backspace: After his "When this baby hits 88 MPH, you're going to see some serious shit" line, Doc realizes that Marty is filming this and quickly rewords his statement without colloquial language:

    "When a speed of eighty-eight miles an hour is attained, unusual things should begin happening in this phase of temporal experiment number one."

  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Say, you know how Marty and Doc are friends? Kinda hard to tell here...

    Doc says that's all well and good but "what if you'd been spotted by some cop?" and Marty replies "What if I'm spotted by a cop when I'm in the time machine?" and Doc says "If that happens, you keep going, dummy.B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (41)"
    Can’t you feel the love between these two people? It’s just so wonderful to read about two great friends having an adventure together

  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Ryan really lays into how the novelization handles the "Marty being too forward with Lorrane at the dance" plan, where instead of downplaying that it's an assault, it emphasizes it, even going so far as to... well, let's just say Ryan labels a certain lineB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (42) as the worst line of the book...
    • In fact, Ryan calls out that portion of the film in all contexts.
    • Ryan statesB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (44) that by only giving himself 10 minutes to try and prevent Doc's death in 1985 in the movie, Marty acts like his book counterpart.
  • Who's on First?: This is how Ryan describes the "bit" where Marty confirms with Doc about "[meeting him] at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 tomorrow morningB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (45)":

    It’s like they’re in a “who’s on first” routine, only instead of jokes, there’s just repeated confirmation of a useless fact! I say, are they to meet at Twin Pines Mall at 1:15 am tomorrow morning? Could this be clarified somehow??

  • Writers Cannot Do Math: Minor contradiction asideB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (46), Ryan is weirded outB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (47) by Doc's flawed calculation between dates when explaining how long he had been working on the time machine. He then imagines a weird number system inspired by Doc's faulty math.

    "How old are you, Ryan?"
    "Oh shucks, I'm 10 years and 252 months old! Incidentally, the current time is 11:429 am, so we should probably get dinner going."
    - actual conversation??

  • You Have GOT to Be Kidding Me!: In playing "Marty Quest IIB to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (48)", Ryan has trouble working the DeLoreannote:

    > hint
    On the steering column, just like any other ordinary unsophisticated car, is an ignition switch and a key.
    > are you serious
    I am Marty Quest II!

B to the F: The Novelization of the Feature Film (2025)


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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

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Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.