Fire King High Avatar Kirin (2024)

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2,400 +

ATK string

2400 +


Activates from your hand +, Activates if destroyed by battle +, Activates if destroyed by card effect +, Activates if sent to the Graveyard + andActivates from your Graveyard +

Archetype support

Fire King +


Fire King +



Belongs to

Main Deck +

Card category

Monster Card +

Card image

FireKingHighAvatarKirin-SR14-EN-UR-1E.png +

Card type

Monster Card + andEffect Monster +

Card type (short)

Monster +

Class 1

Official +


200 +

Database ID

19,398 +

English database ID

19,398 +

English name

Fire King High Avatar Kirin +

English name (linked)

Fire King High Avatar Kirin +

French database ID

19,398 +

French lore

Durant la Main Phase, si cette carte est dDurant la Main Phase, si cette carte est dans votre main (Effet Rapide): vous pouvez détruire 1 autre monstre FEU dans votre main ou Terrain face recto, et si vous le faites, Invoquez Spécialement cette carte. Si cette carte est détruite et envoyée au Cimetière: vous pouvez Invoquer Spécialement 1 monstre "Roi du Feu" ou "Rois du Feu" ("Avatar Grand Roi du Feu Kirin" exclu) depuis votre main ou Cimetière, puis vous pouvez détruire 1 carte sur le Terrain. Vous ne pouvez utiliser chaque effet de "Avatar Grand Roi du Feu Kirin" qu'une fois par tour.nd Roi du Feu Kirin" qu'une fois par tour. +

French name

Avatar Grand Roi du Feu Kirin +

German database ID

19,398 +

German lore

Während der Main Phase, falls sich diese KWährend der Main Phase, falls sich diese Karte in deiner Hand befindet (Schnelleffekt): Du kannst 1 anderes FEUER Monster in deiner Hand oder offen auf deiner Spielfeldseite zerstören und falls du dies tust, beschwöre diese Karte als Spezialbeschwörung. Falls diese Karte zerstört und auf den Friedhof gelegt wird: Du kannst 1 „Feuerkönig“-Monster als Spezialbeschwörung von deiner Hand oder deinem Friedhof beschwören, außer „Feuerkönig Hochavatar Kirin“, dann kannst du 1 Karte auf dem Spielfeld zerstören. Du kannst jeden Effekt von „Feuerkönig Hochavatar Kirin“ nur einmal pro Spielzug verwenden. Kirin“ nur einmal pro Spielzug verwenden. +

German name

Feuerkönig Hochavatar Kirin +

Italian database ID

19,398 +

Italian lore

Durante la Main Phase, se questa carta è nDurante la Main Phase, se questa carta è nella tua mano (Effetto Rapido): puoi distruggere 1 altro mostro FUOCO nella tua mano o Terreno scoperto e, se lo fai, Evoca Specialmente questa carta. Se questa carta viene distrutta e mandata al Cimitero: puoi Evocare Specialmente 1 mostro "Re del Fuoco" dalla tua mano o Cimitero, eccetto "Re del Fuoco Alto Avatar Kirin", poi puoi distruggere 1 carta sul Terreno. Puoi utilizzare ogni effetto di "Re del Fuoco Alto Avatar Kirin" una sola volta per Avatar Kirin" una sola volta per turno. +

Italian name

Re del Fuoco Alto Avatar Kirin +

Japanese database ID

19,398 +

Japanese kana name

えんおうしんじゅう キリン +

Japanese lore

このカード名の①②の効果はそれぞれ1ターンに1度しか使用できない。①:このカードが手札に存在する場合、自分・相手のメインフェイズに発動できる。このカード以外の自分の手札・フィールド(表側表示)の炎属性モンスター1体を破壊し、このカードを特殊召喚する。②:このカードが破壊され墓地へ送られた場合に発動できる。自分の手札・墓地から「炎王神獣 キリン」以外の「炎王」モンスター1体を特殊召喚する。その後、フィールドのカード1枚を破壊できる。 +

Japanese name

炎王神獣 キリン +

Korean database ID

19,398 +

Korean lore

이 카드명의 ①②의 효과는 각각 1턴에 1번밖에 사용할 수 없다. ①: 이 이 카드명의 ①②의 효과는 각각 1턴에 1번밖에 사용할 수 없다. ①: 이 카드가 패에 존재할 경우, 자신 / 상대의 메인 페이즈에 발동할 수 있다. 이 카드 이외의 자신의 패 / 필드(앞면 표시)의 화염 속성 몬스터 1장을 파괴하고, 이 카드를 특수 소환한다. ②: 이 카드가 파괴되어 묘지로 보내졌을 경우에 발동할 수 있다. 자신의 패 / 묘지에서 "염왕신수 기린" 이외의 "염왕" 몬스터 1장을 특수 소환한다. 그 후, 필드의 카드 1장을 파괴할 수 있다.몬스터 1장을 특수 소환한다. 그 후, 필드의 카드 1장을 파괴할 수 있다. +

Korean name

염왕신수 기린 +


8 +

Level string

8 +


During the Main PhaseDuring the Main Phase, if this card is in your hand (Quick Effect): You can destroy 1 other FIRE monster in your hand or face-up field, and if you do, Special Summon this card. If this card is destroyed and sent to the GY: You can Special Summon 1 "Fire King" monster from your hand or GY, except "Fire King High Avatar Kirin", then you can destroy 1 card on the field. You can only use each effect of "Fire King High Avatar Kirin" once per turn.once per turn. +


TCG + andOCG +


Only once per turn +


Destroys hand +, Destroys your face-up Monster Cards +, Destroys Monster Cards +, Destroys Spell Cards + andDestroys Trap Cards +


Fire King High Avatar Kirin (en) +, Avatar Grand Roi du Feu Kirin (fr) +, Feuerkönig Hochavatar Kirin (de) +, Re del Fuoco Alto Avatar Kirin (it) +, 염왕신수 기린 (ko) +, Avatar Altíssimo do Rei de Fogo Kirin (pt) +, Avatar del Alto Rey de Fuego Kirin (es) + and炎王神獣 キリン (ja) +

Name (additional)

Rōmaji (En'ō Shinjū Kirin (ja)) + andTranslation from Japanese (Flame King God Beast Kirin (en)) +

OCG Status

Semi-Limited +

Page name

Fire King High Avatar Kirin +

Page type

Card page +


02526224 +

Phonetic name

En'ō Shinjū Kirin +

Portuguese database ID

19,398 +

Portuguese lore

Durante a Fase Principal, se este card estDurante a Fase Principal, se este card estiver na sua mão (Efeito Rápido): você pode destruir 1 outro monstro de FOGO na sua mão ou no campo com a face para cima e, se isso acontecer, Invoque este card por Invocação-Especial. Se este card for destruído e enviado para o Cemitério: você pode Invocar por Invocação-Especial 1 monstro "Rei(s) de Fogo" da sua mão ou do Cemitério, exceto "Avatar Altíssimo do Rei de Fogo Kirin" e, depois, você pode destruir 1 card no campo. Você só pode usar cada efeito de "Avatar Altíssimo do Rei de Fogo Kirin" uma vez por turno.o do Rei de Fogo Kirin" uma vez por turno. +

Portuguese name

Avatar Altíssimo do Rei de Fogo Kirin +

Primary type

Effect Monster +

Romaji name

En'ō Shinjū Kirin +

Ruby Japanese name

<<ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>炎</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>えん</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>王</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>おう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>神</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>しん</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>獣</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>じゅう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby> キリン> (じゅう) キリン +

Ruby text

<<ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>炎</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>えん</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>王</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>おう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>神</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>しん</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby><ruby class="rubytext ruby-ja" lang="ja"><rb>獣</rb><rp> (</rp><rt>じゅう</rt><rp>) </rp></ruby> キリン> (じゅう) キリン +

Spanish database ID

19,398 +

Spanish lore

Durante la Main Phase, si esta carta está Durante la Main Phase, si esta carta está en tu mano (Efecto Rápido): puedes destruir otro monstruo de FUEGO en tu mano o Campo boca arriba y, si lo haces, Invoca esta carta de Modo Especial. Si esta carta es destruida y mandada al Cementerio: puedes Invocar de Modo Especial, desde tu mano o Cementerio, 1 monstruo "Rey(es) de Fuego", excepto "Avatar del Alto Rey de Fuego Kirin", y después puedes destruir 1 carta en el Campo. Sólo puedes usar cada efecto de "Avatar del Alto Rey de Fuego Kirin" una vez por turno.lto Rey de Fuego Kirin" una vez por turno. +

Spanish name

Avatar del Alto Rey de Fuego Kirin +


8 +

Stars string

8 +


Special Summons itself from your hand +, Special Summons from your hand +, Special Summons from your Graveyard +, Can be Special Summoned + andCan always be Special Summoned +



TCG Advanced Format Status

Unlimited +

TCG Traditional Format Status

Unlimited +

Translated name

Flame King God Beast Kirin +


Beast +

Fire King High Avatar Kirin (2024)


What is the fire king high avatar Kirin ruling? ›

OCG Rulings

It is a Quick Effect that can be activated in the hand. Even if you do not have an available Main Monster Zone, you can activate this effect as long as you have a face-up FIRE monster in your Main Monster Zone. When resolving this effect, destroy 1 other FIRE monster in your hand or face-up field.

How do you get the high rank Kirin? ›

High Rank Kirin

In the Coral Highlands, the material you'll find with blue scout flies belongs to Kirin - an optional Elder Dragon. Pick up enough of this Electrified Fur, and you'll eventually unlock the optional high-rank quest for Kirin.

What is Kirin elemental weakness? ›

Being a creature of thunder, it's natural to assume that both paralysis and thunder have little effect on the Kirin. In fact, the only element that does have effectiveness against it is fire, while other elements like water and ice, as well as sleep and blast have medium effectiveness against this horse.

What kind of dragon is Kirin? ›

Kirin is a chimera, a mix of creatures. It seems to be a horse mixed with a dragon. It has scaled skin and a ribbed stomach, two hoofed arms at their chest and a horse-like tail. They have a single black horn with a gold cover at the tip and two small horse ears.

Can you get Oroshi Kirin egg? ›

You can find Oroshi Kirin eggs in Rare Dens, both low-rank and high-rank varieties.

How to get kirin to spawn? ›

If you want to face Kirin at High Rank, you must get to Hunter Rank 49 first. As for its location within the Coral Highlands, if you start at the north-west campsite, it'll be in this elevated set of areas (12, 13 and 15). You should find tracks pretty quickly, and you can go from there.

How to unlock lightning strikes twice? ›

Yes, do the capture quests you Get from the researcher in Astera and you'll unlock LR Kirin. It also unlocks Bazelgeuse quest later in HR. Beat this quest and you get "Lightning Strikes Twice" which is HR Kirin.

What is Kirin fire? ›

Kirin Fire Coffee Freshly Grounded is a fine sugar coffee with a clean aftertaste, with the aroma of coffee finished over an open flame.


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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.