Master Index - Dartmouth Collegenorthstar- · XVOLUME, 1767 Ref, 273 WNew. 7 Master Index A Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development - [PDF Document] (2024)

Master Index - Dartmouth Collegenorthstar-· XVOLUME, 1767 Ref, 273 WNew. 7 Master Index A Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development - [PDF Document] (1)

IDL Version 5.4September, 2000 EditionCopyright © Research Systems, Inc.All Rights Reserved

Master Index

Master Index - Dartmouth Collegenorthstar-· XVOLUME, 1767 Ref, 273 WNew. 7 Master Index A Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development - [PDF Document] (2)

Restricted Rights NoticeThe IDL® software program and the accompanying procedures, functions, and documenta-tion described herein are sold under license agreement. Their use, duplication, and disclo-sure are subject to the restrictions stated in the license agreement. Research Systems, Inc.,reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time and without notice.

Limitation of WarrantyResearch Systems, Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied, as to any matter notexpressly set forth in the license agreement, including without limitation the condition ofthe software, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose.

Research Systems, Inc. shall not be liable for any direct, consequential, or other damagessuffered by the Licensee or any others resulting from use of the IDL software package or itsdocumentation.

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AcknowledgmentsIDL® is a registered trademark of Research Systems Inc., registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, forthe computer program described herein. Software ≡ Vision™ is a trademark of Research Systems, Inc.

Numerical Recipes™ is a trademark of Numerical Recipes Software. Numerical Recipes routines are used by permission.

GRG2™ is a trademark of Windward Technologies, Inc. The GRG2 software for nonlinear optimization is used by permis-sion.

NCSA Hierarchical Data Format (HDF) Software Library and UtilitiesCopyright © 1988-1998 The Board of Trustees of the University of IllinoisAll rights reserved.

CDF LibraryCopyright © 1999National Space Science Data CenterNASA/Goddard Space Flight Center

NetCDF LibraryCopyright © 1993-1996 University Corporation for Atmospheric Research/Unidata

HDF EOS LibraryCopyright © 1996 Hughes and Applied Research Corporation

This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.

This product contains StoneTable™, by StoneTablet Publishing. All rights to StoneTable™ and its documentation areretained by StoneTablet Publishing, PO Box 12665, Portland OR 97212-0665. Copyright © 1992-1997 StoneTablet Publish-ing

WASTE text engine © 1993-1996 Marco Piovanelli

Portions of this software are copyrighted by INTERSOLV, Inc., 1991-1998.

Other trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of the respective trademark holders.

Master Index - Dartmouth Collegenorthstar-· XVOLUME, 1767 Ref, 273 WNew. 7 Master Index A Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development - [PDF Document] (3)

Master Index

Symbols! character, 2464 Ref

slash character, 44 DataM!C system variable, 2437 Refcharacter

escape sequences, 190 Build!D system variable, 2437 Ref!D.TABLE_SIZE system variable, 1467 Ref,2439 Ref!D.WINDOW system variable, 1508 Ref,1661 Ref, 1695 Ref!DIR system variable, 2429 Ref, 290 EDG!DLM_PATH, 338 EDG

!DLM_PATH system variable, 2429 Ref!DPI system variable, 2423 Ref!DTOR system variable, 2423 Ref!EDIT_INPUT system variable, 2429 Ref,36 Using!ERR system variable, 1514 Ref, 2425 Ref!ERROR_STATE system variable, 889 Ref,890 Ref, 955 Ref, 1348 Ref, 2425 Ref,415 Build, 425 Build, 230 EDG, 290 EDG

MSG, 422 BuildMSG field, 1348 RefMSG_PREFIX field, 890 RefSYS_MSG, 422 Build

Master Index 3

Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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!ERROR_STATE.CODE system variable,359 EDG!ERROR_STATE.MSG system variable,290 EDG!ERROR_STATE.SYS_MSG system variable,290 EDG!EXCEPT system variable, 2426 Ref!HELP_PATH system variable, 2430 Ref!JOURNAL system variable, 652 Ref,2430 Ref!MAKE_DLL system variable, 2430 Ref,196 WNew!MAP system variable, 2423 Ref, 349 Using!MAP1 system variable, 843 Ref!MORE system variable, 2432 Ref!MOUSE system variable, 265 Ref, 2427 Ref!ORDER system variable, 1457 Ref, 1465 Ref,2440 Ref, 384 Using, 290 EDG!P system variable, 2440 Ref!P.COLOR system variable, 1743 Ref,256 WNew!P.FONT system variable, 2473 Ref!P.MULTI system variable, 2377 Ref,280 Using!P.T system variable, 255 Ref, 334 Ref,1212 Ref, 1214 Ref, 1371 Ref, 1391 Ref,2410 Ref!P.T3D system variable, 255 Ref!PATH system variable, 456 Ref, 2433 Ref,11 Wvlt!PI system variable, 2423 Ref!PROMPT system variable, 2435 Ref!QUIET system variable, 889 Ref, 2435 Ref!RADEG system variable, 2423 Ref!VALUES system variable, 2423 Ref!VERSION system variable, 2436 Ref!VERSION. ARCH system variable, 290 EDG

!VERSION.OS system variable, 290 EDG!VERSION.OS_FAMILY system variable,290 EDG!VERSION.RELEASE system variable,290 EDG!WARN system variable, 2428 Ref!X system variable, 2444 Ref!Y system variable, 2444 Ref!Z system variable, 2444 Ref# of Rows/Columns base property, 546 Build# operator, 24 Build, 447 Using## operator, 2453 Ref, 2453 Ref, 25 Build,448 Using$ character, 2465 Ref, 55 Using$, continuation character, 148 GStart% character

printf-style format code, 187 Build& character, 2466 Ref&, multiple command character, 148 GStart' character, 2464 Ref* character, 2466 Ref. character, 2465 Ref.COMPILE command, 48 Ref.CONTINUE command, 49 Ref.EDIT command, 50 Ref.FULL_RESET_SESSION command, 51 Ref.GO command, 52 Ref.OUT command, 53 Ref.prc file

testing in project, 336 Build.prj files, 326 Build.RESET_SESSION command, 54 Ref.RETURN command, 56 Ref.RNEW command, 57 Ref.RUN command, 59 Ref.sav files, 60 Using.SIZE executive command, 2517 Ref

Symbols Master Index

Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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.SKIP command, 61 Ref

.STEP command, 62 Ref

.STEPOVER command, 63 Ref

.TRACE command, 64 Ref

.Xdefaults file, 1527 Ref: character, 2466 Ref; character, 2465 Ref< operator, 2453 Ref, 23 Build> operator, 2453 Ref, 23 Build? character

conditional expression, 30 Buildstarting online help, 2467 Ref

?: ternary operator, 2453 Ref, 30 Build@ character, 2466 Ref, 56 Using^ character, 23 Build_EXTRA keyword (keyword inheritance),301 Build_REF_EXTRA keyword (keyword inherit-ance), 301 Build’’ character, 2465 Ref

Numerics24-bit images, 1457 Ref2D plot, 51 GStart2D rendering of 3D volumes, 1043 Ref3D

imagesreconstructed from 2D arrays, 1159 Refviewing coordinate system, 255 Ref

rendering, 876 Reftext objects, 604 Usingtransformations, 245 Ref, 287 Ref, 334 Ref,1212 Ref, 1214 Ref, 1371 Ref, 1391 Ref,1492 Ref, 333 Usingvolume slices, 1259 Ref

3D plotsviewing, 1744 Ref, 257 WNew

64-bit data typelong, 40 Buildunsigned long, 40 Build

64-bit integerarrays, 665 Ref, 790 Refdata type, converting to, 793 Refvectors, 790 Ref

64-bit memory support, 32 WNew

AA_CORRELATE function, 65 Refabbreviating keywords, 296 Build, 120 GStartaborting IDL, 54 Usingabout IDL, 15 BuildABS function, 67 Refabsolute deviation, 903 RefABSOLUTE keyword, 66 DataMabsolute value, 67 Ref, 297 EDGaccess field, 246 EDG, 415 EDGaccess_mode argument, 250 EDGaccessing

data in a database, 10 DataMdatabases using IDL objects, 24 DataMexternal databases, 17 DataM

Accessing Structure Tags, 183 EDGAccessing Variable Data, 196 EDGaccuracy

floating-point operations, 444 Usingnumerical algorithms, 442 Using

ACOS function, 68 Refaction argument, 230 EDG, 255 EDG,286 EDGaction routines, 145 Usingactive command line, 1725 Ref, 613 Build

Master Index A

Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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ActiveXdrawing the interface, 47 EDGmajor features, 44 EDGspecifying the path, 48 EDG

actual parameters, 296 BuildADAPT_HIST_EQUAL function, 69 RefAdd Data Source dialog, 29 DataMadding

files to a project, 332 Buildhelp files, 450 Buildsystem routines, 324 EDG

adding code to IDLoverview, 22 EDGskills required, 23 EDGsystem routines, 300 EDG

Adding To The Journal File, 263 EDGaddition

array elements, 1418 Refaddition operator, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildAddPolygon method, 2207 RefADDSYSVAR, see obsolete routinesadjacency list, Delaunay triangulation,1429 RefADJCT, see obsolete routinesAdobe

Font Metrics files, 1047 RefType Manager, 2342 Ref, 2484 Ref

Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format(PDF), 198 GStartAitoff map projection, 844 Ref, 844 Ref,360 UsingAlber’s

equal area conic map projection, 845 RefAlbers equal-area conic projection, 370 Usingaliasing, 420 Usingaligning text (XYOUTS), 1777 Refaligning text objects, 603 Using

Alignment base property, 547 BuildAlignment button property, 558 BuildAlignment label property, 566 BuildAlignment table property, 581 Buildallocated memory, returning amount of,574 RefAllocating and Freeing File Units, 257 EDGallow argument, 254 EDGAllow Closing base property, 547 BuildAllow Moving base property, 548 Buildallowed_dims field, 414 EDGallowed_types field, 415 EDGALOG function, 71 RefALOG10 function, 72 Refalpha blending, 641 Using, 654 Usingalpha channel, 640 UsingAlter Table statement

Text, 146 DataMAltivec support, 38 WNewAltura Software, 452 Buildalways on top, 49 WNewAMOEBA function, 73 Refampersand, 2466 Refanalysis objects

IDLanRIOGroup, 1821 RefIDLanROI class, 1796 Ref

analytic signal, 422 UsingAND operator, 2453 Ref, 26 BuildAngstrom symbol, 2475 Refanimation, 331 Using

flickering images, 500 RefMPEG files, 923 Ref, 924 Ref, 928 Ref,930 Refwidgets (CW_ANIMATE), 276 Refwidgets (XINTERANIMATE), 1711 Refwire mesh surface, 147 GStartXVOLUME, 1767 Ref, 273 WNew

A Master Index

Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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ANNOTATE procedure, 77 RefANNOTATE routine, 41 WNewannotating

maps, 122 GStartannotating text objects, 603 Usingannotations, 138 SDF

adding to an HDF file, 133 SDFof displayed images, 77 Refplots, 265 Usingretrieving HDF reference numbers, 142 SDF

anonymous structures, 98 Build, 181 EDG,182 EDGANOVA, see obsolete routinesANOVA_UNEQUAL, see obsolete routinesANSI C, 23 EDGAPI

conformance standard, 12 DataMfunctions, 12 DataM

apostrophe, 2464 RefAppendData method

IDLanROI, 1798 RefApple events

Do Script, 96 EDGGet Data, 97 EDGoverview, 96 EDGSet Data, 99 EDG

AppleScript, 419 Refcontrolling other applications, 94 EDG,94 EDGexporting data from IDL, 94 EDGimporting data into IDL, 94 EDGlaunching IDL, 91 EDGmoving data to and from IDL, 93 EDGopening documents, 91 EDGoverview, 90 EDGprinting documents, 91 EDGquitting IDL, 91 EDG

running IDL commands, 92 EDGapplications, written in IDL, 14 BuildAppropriate Applications of Callable IDL,349 EDGapproximating models, statistical, 200 Refarc-cosine, 68 Refarchitecture, current version in use, 2436 Refarc-sine, 86 Refarc-tangent, 90 Refarg_max field, 325 EDG, 411 EDGarg_min field, 325 EDG, 411 EDGARG_PRESENT function, 79 Refarg_struct argument, 413 EDGargc argument, 205 EDG, 211 EDG, 250 EDG,253 EDG, 257 EDG, 257 EDG, 262 EDG,301 EDG, 355 EDG, 359 EDG, 363 EDG,413 EDGargk argument, 211 EDG, 250 EDG,253 EDG, 262 EDG, 301 EDGarguments

checking, 237 EDGchecking existence of, 79 Refdescribed, 45 Refkeyword see keywordskeywords, 43 DataMpositional parameters, 43 DataMsupplying values for missing, 381 Build

arguments, described, 1785 Refargv argument, 205 EDG, 211 EDG,237 EDG, 250 EDG, 253 EDG, 257 EDG,257 EDG, 262 EDG, 301 EDG, 355 EDG,359 EDG, 363 EDG, 413 EDGarithmetic errors, 427 BuildARMA filter, 427 Usingarr_len field, 179 EDGarray operators

CHOLDC, 181 Ref

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CHOLSOL, 182 RefCOND, 212 RefCRAMER, 251 RefDETERM, 383 RefEIGENVEC, 433 RefELMHES, 435 RefGS_ITER, 554 RefHQR, 600 RefINVERT, 641 RefLU_COMPLEX, 799 RefLUDC, 801 RefLUMPROVE, 803 RefLUSOL, 805 RefNORM, 944 RefSVDC, 1372 RefSVSOL, 1380 RefTRIQL, 1440 RefTRIRED, 1442 RefTRISOL, 1443 Ref

array variables, 179 EDGARRAY_EQUAL function, 81 Ref,158 WNewarrays

changing dimensions of, 1165 Refcolumn-major indexing, 446 Usingcomparing to scalars, 81 Ref, 158 WNewcomparing values, 81 Ref, 158 WNewconcatenation, 2453 Ref, 25 Buildcreating

64-bit integer(L64INDGEN function), 665 Ref(LON64ARR function), 790 Ref

any type (MAKE_ARRAY function),811 Refbyte

(BINDGEN function), 115 Ref(BYTARR function), 131 Ref

complex(CINDGEN function), 184 Ref(COMPLEXARR function), 209 Ref(DCINDGEN function), 361 Ref(DCOMPLEXARR function), 364 Ref

double-precision(DBLARR function), 360 Ref(DCINDGEN function), 361 Ref(DCOMPLEXARR function), 364 Ref(DINDGEN function), 414 Ref

integer(INDGEN function), 624 Ref(INTARR function), 634 Ref

longword(LINDGEN function), 684 Ref(LONARR function), 791 Ref

single-precision, floating-point(FINDGEN function), 495 Ref(FLTARR function), 506 Ref

string(SINDGEN function), 1251 Ref(STRARR function), 1327 Ref

unsigned 64-bit(ULON64ARR function), 1474 Ref

unsigned 64-bit integer(UL64INDGEN function), 1472 Ref

unsigned integer(UINDGEN function), 1469 Ref

unsigned longword(ULINDGEN function), 1473 Ref(ULONARR function), 1475 Ref

data type, determining, 1253 Ref, 382 Builddefinition, 84 Builddeterming size and type, 382 Buildefficient accessing, 213 Buildextracting sub-arrays, 462 Reffilling with a scalar value, 1172 Ref

A Master Index

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finding number of elements in, 937 Reffloating-point, 495 Refincrementing elements, 587 Refinteractive editing tool (XVAREDIT proce-dure), 1766 Refmemory allocation under VMS, 32 Usingmultiplying, 24 Build, 447 Usingmultiplying transposed arrays, 35 WNewof structures, 1172 Ref, 108 Buildoperators, see array operatorsresizing, 213 Ref, 455 Ref, 1155 Refreturning

maximum value, 856 Refminimum value, 891 Refsubscripts of non-zero elements, 1513 Ref

reversing indices, 1184 Refrotating, 1194 Ref, 325 Usingrow-major indexing, 446 Usingsearching for objects, 1215 Ref, 1218 Refshifting elements, 1244 Refsize, 1253 Refsorting, 1289 Refsparse, 484 Usingstored in structure form, 484 Usingsubscript ranges, 90 Buildsubscripts

returning non-zero elements, 1513 Refsumming elements, 1418 Refsymmetric, 447 Usingtesting equality, 35 WNewtransposing, 1423 Refunique elements of (UNIQ function),1478 Refupdating, 118 Refusing as subscripts, 92 Build

arrays, creating from existing data, 192 EDGARROW procedure, 82 Ref

ASCII filesimporting into Wavelet Toolkit, 27 Wvltimporting using macros, 197 Usingreading, 233 Using

ASCII_TEMPLATE function, 84 RefASIN function, 86 Refassignment, 477 Build

pointers, 129 Buildstatement, 258 Build

assignment operator, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildASSOC enhancements, 33 WNewASSOC function, 87 Ref, 154 Build,177 EDG, 180 EDGassociated I/O, 209 Buildassociated input/output, 177 EDG, 180 EDGassociated variables, 87 Ref

opening compressed files, 33 WNewasterisk, 2466 Refat sign (character), 2466 RefATAN function, 90 Refatomic graphic objects, 512 Using, 529 Usingattribute objects, 515 Using, 530 Using,570 Usingattributes

adding to a Shapefile, 1906 Ref, 291 WNewcopying, 474 SDFdraw widget, 575 Builddroplist, 570 Buildlabel widget, 566 Buildlistbox, 572 BuildnetCDF, 20 SDF, 467 SDFof a Shapefile, 1900 Ref, 285 WNewtable widget, 581 Build

autocorrelation, 65 Refautocovariance, 65 Refautomatic compilation, 293 Build

Master Index A

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automatic structure definition, 114 Build,468 Buildautoregressive moving average filters,427 Usingautoregressive time-series forecasting,1447 Ref, 1451 RefAVANTGARDE keyword, 2316 Refaverage

mean, 903 Refmedian, 863 Refmoving, 1281 Ref, 1453 Ref

AVERAGE_LINES keyword, 2316 Refavoiding shell under Unix, 39 EDGaxes, 1927 Ref, 2412 Ref

changing type, 1749 Ref, 262 WNewdate labels for, 666 Refdate/time data, 141 WNewdirection, 1934 Refend points, 2451 Refgridstyles, 1935 Ref, 2446 Reflinear, 2451 Reflocation, 1936 Reflogarithmic, 1936 Ref, 2451 Ref, 278 Using

[XYZ]LOG keywords, 92 Ref, 235 Ref,235 Ref, 985 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1237 Ref,1370 Ref, 1370 Ref, 1370 Ref

margins, 2446 Ref, 2446 Refmulti-level, 2417 Refmultiple-level date/time, 142 WNewplotting, 296 Usingrange, 2445 Ref, 2447 Ref, 261 Usingrange (CRANGE, EXACT, EXTEND,RANGE), 1931 Refreverse plotting, 15 WNewscaling, 2447 Ref, 259 Usingstyle, 2448 Refsystem variables for, 2444 Ref

thickness, 1938 Ref, 2448 Refthickness, (XYZ)THICK keyword, 2412 Reftitles, 1942 Ref, 2418 Ref, 2451 Refturning off, 150 GStart

axis object, 1927 Ref, 512 Using, 585 UsingAXIS procedure, 91 Refaxis tick labels, 601 Usingaxis title, 601 Usingazimuth

mapping points, 820 Ref, 22 WNew,201 WNew

azimuthal equidistant map projection, 845 Ref,359 Using, 121 GStartazimuthal map projections, 356 Using

BBackColor, 79 EDGback-face culling, 693 Usingbackground color, 2356 Ref

for graphics windows, 442 RefBACKGROUND keyword, 2402 RefBACKGROUND system variable field,2441 Refbackground tasks, widgets, 1572 Ref,628 Buildbacking store, 1662 Ref, 2337 Ref, 2351 Ref

for draw widgets, 288 Ref, 1583 Ref,1589 Reffor zoom widgets, 356 RefMacintosh platform, 178 UsingMotif platform, 129 UsingWindows platform, 91 Using

backprojectionHough inverse transform, 592 Ref,18 WNew, 179 WNew

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Radon inverse transform, 1084 Ref,19 WNew, 210 WNew

backslash characterescape sequences, 190 Build

back-substitution, 1380 Refbackward index list (for histograms), 584 Refbandpass filters, 428 Usingbandstop filters, 428 Usingbar charts, 95 Ref, 272 UsingBAR_PLOT procedure, 95 Refbase 10 logarithm, 72 Refbase widgets, 1518 Ref

attributes, 546 Buildbulletin board bases, 1536 Ref, 632 Buildchanging title of, 1573 Refcolumn, 1521 Refcolumn bases, 1521 Refdefined, 592 Buildevents, 555 Buildevents returned by, 1538 Refexclusive, 1522 Refexclusive and non-exclusive, 1535 Refkeyboard focus events, 1523 Refmapping and unmapping, 1563 Refnonexclusive, 1526 Refpositioning, 1572 Ref

top-level bases, 1536 Refresize events, 1532 Refrow bases, 1529 Reftop-level, 1519 Refusing, 508 Build, 191 GStart

Baseld, 83 EDGbaseline changes to text objects, 604 UsingBaseName, 79 EDGBasic AppleScript Support, 91 EDGbatch

processing, 2467 Ref

batch files, 56 UsingIDLDE startup file

Windows platform, 93 Usingstartup file on Macintosh, 182 Usingstartup file on Motif platform, 131 Usingusing as startup file

discussion, 58 Usingbatch mode, 56 UsingBEGIN...END statement, 99 Refbell, ringing with error messages, 231 EDGbenchmarks, 1410 RefBernoulli distribution, 116 RefBESELI function, 101 RefBESELJ function, 103 RefBESELK function, 105 Ref, 159 WNewBESELY function, 107 RefBessel functions

BESELI, 101 RefBESELJ, 103 RefBESELK, 105 Ref, 159 WNewBESELY, 107 Refenhancements, 23 WNew

BETA function, 109 Refincomplete (IBETA), 604 Ref

BETAI, see obsolete routinesbig endian byte order, 1287 Ref, 225 WNewbig endian byte ordering, 133 Ref, 1382 Refbi-level images, 1407 Refbilinear

transform, 434 UsingBILINEAR function, 110 Refbilinear interpolation, 110 Ref, 1155 RefBIN_DATE function, 112 Refbinary data

importing using macros, 203 Usingtemplate interface, 241 Using

Master Index B

Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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binary filesimporting into Wavelet Toolkit, 28 Wvlt

binary interpolation, 637 RefBINARY keyword, 2317 Refbinary SAVE and RESTORE, 1206 Refbinary trees, 143 BuildBINARY_TEMPLATE function, 113 RefBINDGEN function, 115 Refbinomial distribution, 116 RefBINOMIAL function, 116 Refbinomial random deviates, 1094 Ref, 1099 Refbins, histogram, 584 Refbit shift operation, 646 Refbitmap

button labels, 1546 Ref, 1547 Ref, 1701 Refbyte array, 274 Reffiles

reading (READ_BMP), 1114 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildwriting (WRITE_BMP), 1665 Ref

labels, creating, 274 RefBitmap button property, 558 BuildBitmap Editor

opening, 558 Buildtools, 519 Buildusing, 517 Build

bitmapsadding to buttons, 517 Buildtransparent, 1548 Ref, 518 Build

BITS_PER_PIXEL keyword, 2317 RefBKMAN keyword, 2317 RefBLAS_AXPY procedure, 118 RefBLK_CON function, 120 Refblob coloring, 670 Refblock convolution, 120 Refblock of statements, 269 Buildblocking timers, 278 EDG

Blocking Unix Timers, 282 EDGBMP files

adding to button widgets, 517 Builddisplaying on buttons, 558 Buildreading (READ_BMP), 1114 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildsupplied, 518 Buildwriting (WRITE_BMP), 1665 Ref

BOLD keyword, 2317 RefBOOK keyword, 2317 RefBookman font, 2317 RefBoolean operators, 2453 Ref, 26 Buildbottom margin, setting, 2446 Refboundaries

maps, 350 Usingbox charts, 272 UsingBOX_CURSOR procedure, 122 Refboxcar average, 1281 Refboxcar filter, 432 UsingBREAK statement, 124 Ref, 161 WNewBREAKPOINT procedure, 125 Refbreakpoints

debugging, 437 Buildediting, 439 Build, 441 BuildMacintosh platform, 441 Buildremoving, 126 Refreturning information on, 572 Refsetting, 127 RefUNIX platform, 438 BuildWindows platform, 438 Build

Bristol Technology, 452 Build, 51 UsingBROYDEN function, 128 RefBroyden’s method, 128 Refbubble sort, 141 Buildbuf argument, 357 EDGbuffer object, 517 Using, 674 Using

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Build=Building IDL Applications • DataM=IDL DataMiner Guide • EDG=External Development Guide •GStart=Getting Started with IDL • Ref=IDL Reference Guide • SDF=Scientific Data Formats • Using=Using IDL •Wvlt=IDL Wavelet Toolkit User’s Guide • WNew=What’s New in IDL

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buffer objectscreating, 674 Usingoverview, 674 Using

buffered data, flushing, 260 EDGbuffered output, 436 Ref, 507 Refbuffers, 507 Ref

flushing, 453 Reftype-ahead, 539 Ref

bugs, see debugging.building

order in project, 344 Buildprojects, 347 Build

bulletin board bases, 1536 Ref, 632 Buildbutton

groups, 291 Reflabels, creating, 274 Refmouse with CURSOR procedure, 265 Refwidgets, 1540 Ref

bitmap labels, 1546 Ref, 1547 Ref,1701 Refbutton release events, 1543 Refevents returned by, 1547 Refgroups, 291 Refsetting pointer focus, 1561 Reftoggle, 1547 Ref

button widgetsadding menus to, 517 Builddefined, 592 Buildsetting attributes, 558 Buildsetting properties, 557 Buildusing, 508 Build, 191 GStart

BYPASS_TRANSLATION keyword,2317 RefBYTARR function, 131 Refbyte

arguments and strings, 65 Buildarrays, 115 Ref, 131 Ref

data type, 40 Buildscaling values into a range of bytes, 137 Refswapping, 133 Refswapping short integers, 134 Reftype, converting to, 132 Ref

BYTE function, 132 Refbyte order, 1287 Ref, 225 WNewbyte ordering

big endian, 204 Using, 241 Usingbinary data, 204 Using, 241 Usinglittle endian, 204 Using, 241 Usingnative method, 204 Using, 241 Using

byte scaling, 64 GStart, 91 GStartBYTEORDER procedure, 133 RefBYTSCL function, 137 Ref


ANSI, 23 EDGstream package, 244 EDG

C_CORRELATE function, 139 RefC_EDIT, see obsolete routinesCALDAT, 287 Using, 593 UsingCALDAT procedure, 141 Refcalendar dates

stored as Julian, 285 Using, 591 Usingcalendar dates in Julian, 136 WNewCALENDAR procedure, 144 RefCALL_EXTERNAL, 664 Build

alpha/open VMS restrictions, 156 EDGcalling a C routine, 142 EDGcalling a VMS Fortran subroutine, 160 EDGFortran common blocks, 162 EDGintermediate glue code, 36 WNewsharable object libraries, 155 EDGVMS issues, 659 Build

Master Index C

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CALL_EXTERNAL function, 145 Ref,139 EDG

for Macintosh, 165 EDGfor OpenVMS, 156 EDGfor Unix, 155 EDGfor Windows, 164 EDG

CALL_EXTERNAL function, overview,16 EDGCALL_FUNCTION function, 159 RefCALL_METHOD, 160 RefCALL_PROCEDURE procedure, 161 RefCALL_VMS, see obsolete routinesCallable IDL

appropriate uses, 349 EDGcleanup, 352 EDG, 362 EDGcompiling and linking C programs, 363 EDGdiverting IDL output, 357 EDGexample programs, 364 EDG, 368 EDG,371 EDGexecuting IDL statements, 359 EDGimplementation, 346 EDGinteractive IDL sessions, 363 EDGinter-language calling conventions, 349 EDGlicensing issues, 350 EDG, 354 EDGoverview, 18 EDGprogram size considerations, 348 EDGthreading, 349 EDGtroubleshooting, 349 EDGusing, 351 EDGusing the Macintosh graphics driver,348 EDGusing the Windows graphics driver,348 EDGwhen to use, 347 EDG

callback argument, 279 EDGcallbacks, timer, 279 EDG

callingexternal modules from IDL, 145 RefIDL functions from a string, 159 RefIDL methods from a string, 160 RefIDL procedures from a string, 161 Refmechanism for procedures, 311 Buildroutines written in other languages, 145 Ref,688 Refsequence, 44 Ref

Calling A Simple Mathematical Function,368 EDGcalling other programs from IDL, 155 EDGcalling sequence

function methods, 1784 Refprocedure methods, 1784 Ref

calling sequence. See syntaxCALLS keyword, 424 Buildcalltest program listing

C, 364 EDG, 389 EDGFortran, 371 EDG

CAN_GET_TABLES keyword, 51 DataMCAN_MOVE_ABSOLUTE keyword,58 DataM, 62 DataM, 68 DataMCAN_MOVE_FIRST keyword, 62 DataMCAN_MOVE_LAST keyword, 62 DataMCAN_MOVE_NEXT keyword, 62 DataMCAN_MOVE_PRIOR keyword, 62 DataMCAN_MOVE_RELATIVE keyword,62 DataMcancel button, 1553 RefCANCEL keyword, 417 BuildCanceling Asynchronous Timer Requests,281 EDGcapturing output, 38 EDGcaret, 23 Buildcarrot, 23 Buildcascade plot, see multiresolution analysis

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caseuppercase/lowercase, 67 Build

CASE statement, 162 RefCATCH procedure, 164 Refcatch, C++ language, 164 RefCD procedure, 166 RefCDE File Manager, 153 UsingCDF

creating files, 23 SDFoverview, 15 SDF

CDF filesattributes

creating, 26 SDFdeleting, 27 SDFexistence, 29 SDFgetting information about, 33 SDFobtaining numbers, 34 SDFreading, 31 SDFrenaming, 38 SDFretrieving information, 44 SDFsetting parameters, 44 SDFwriting, 35 SDF

CDFvarHyperPut C routine, 88 SDFCDFvarPut C routine, 88 SDFclosing, 39 SDFcreating, 51 SDFdeleting, 57 SDFdetermining if library exists, 65 SDFepochs

computing, 62 SDFglobal information about, 66 SDFobtaining explanations of status codes,64 SDFobtaining information about, 58 SDFopening, 71 SDFretrieving information, 44 SDFsetting parameters, 44 SDF

variablescreating, 74 SDFobtaining information about, 85 SDFreading multiple values from, 80 SDFreading one value, 83 SDFrenaming, 90 SDFretrieving information, 44 SDFreturning numbers, 87 SDFsetting parameters, 44 SDFwriting values to, 88 SDF

CDF_ATTCREATE function, 26 SDFCDF_ATTDELETE procedure, 27 SDFCDF_ATTEXISTS function, 29 SDFCDF_ATTGET procedure, 31 SDFCDF_ATTINQ procedure, 33 SDFCDF_ATTNUM function, 34 SDFCDF_ATTPUT procedure, 35 SDFCDF_ATTRENAME procedure, 38 SDFCDF_CLOSE procedure, 39 SDF, 39 SDFCDF_COMPRESSION procedure, 40 SDFCDF_CONTROL procedure, 44 SDFCDF_CREATE function, 51 SDFCDF_DELETE procedure, 57 SDFCDF_DOC procedure, 58 SDFCDF_EPOCH procedure, 62 SDFCDF_ERROR function, 64 SDFCDF_EXISTS function, 65 SDFCDF_INQUIRE function, 66 SDFCDF_LIB_INFO procedure, 69 SDFCDF_OPEN function, 71 SDFCDF_PARSE_EPOCH function, 72 SDFCDF_VARCREATE function, 74 SDFCDF_VARDELETE procedure, 78 SDFCDF_VARGET procedure, 80 SDFCDF_VARGET1 procedure, 83 SDFCDF_VARINQ function, 85 SDFCDF_VARNUM function, 87 SDF

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CDF_VARPUT procedure, 88 SDFCDF_VARRENAME procedure, 90 SDFCEIL function, 170 Refcell drawing using contour method, 306 Usingcentral map projection, 845 Ref, 358 UsingCGM driver, 2357 Refchange value event, 569 Buildchanging

directories, 166 Refwidget values, 626 Build

changing access permissions, 477 Ref,164 WNewchanging modes on all platforms, 477 Ref,164 WNewchanging working directory on Macintosh,187 UsingCHANNEL keyword, 2402 RefCHANNEL system variable field, 2441 Refchannels

alpha, 640 Usingimage objects, 640 Using

characterscharacter sets, 2491 Refnewline, 1654 Refnon-printable, 48 Buildplotting in graphics windows, 1776 Refsize, 1777 Ref

characters, reading from the keyboard,261 EDGCHARSIZE keyword, 2403 RefCHARSIZE system variable field, 2441 Ref,2445 RefCHARTHICK keyword, 2403 RefCHARTHICK system variable field, 2441 RefCHEBYSHEV function, 171 RefCHECK_MATH function, 172 Ref

checkbox widgetscreating, 557 Buildlaying out, 558 Buildsetting attributes, 558 Buildsetting properties, 557 Build

checkboxes, 557 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

checking arguments, 237 EDGChecking File Status, 255 EDGCHI_SQR, see obsolete routinesCHI_SQR1, see obsolete routineschild processes

under Unix, 40 EDGchildren, of widgets, 1603 RefCHISQR_CVF function, 178 RefCHISQR_PDF function, 179 RefChi-square distribution, 178 Ref, 179 Refchi-square error statistic, minimizing, 685 RefChi-square goodness-of-fit test, 263 Ref,1762 Refchmod, 477 Ref, 164 WNewCHOLDC procedure, 181 RefCholesky decomposition, 181 Ref, 182 RefCHOLSOL function, 182 Refchromacoded editor (Windows), 249 BuildCIA World Map database, 376 UsingCINDGEN function, 184 RefCIR_3PNT procedure, 185 Refclass

object, 465 Buildstructure, 467 Buildstructures

zeroed, 467 BuildCleaning Up, 417 EDGCleanup, 362 EDGclearing breakpoints, 126 Refclient process, 104 EDG

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Client Variables, 106 EDGCLIP keyword, 2403 RefCLIP system variable field, 2441 Refclipboard object, 1966 Ref, 517 Usingclipboard objects

creating, 675 Usingclipboard support

graphics windowsMacintosh, 162 UsingWindows, 68 Using

clipping planes, 543 Usingclipping window, 2441 Refclock, system, 1385 RefCLOSE keyword, 2318 RefCLOSE procedure, 187 RefCLOSE_DOCUMENT keyword, 2318 RefCLOSE_FILE keyword, 2318 Refclosing

(image processing) function, 412 RefCDF files, 39 SDFfiles (CLOSE procedure), 187 Reffiles (overview), 156 Buildgraphics output files, 2318 RefHDF files, 121 SDFnetCDF files, 484 SDFprojects, 328 BuildShapefiles, 1909 Ref, 294 WNew

Closing Files, 253 EDGCLUST_WTS function, 189 Refcluster analysis

CLUST_WTS function, 189 RefCLUSTER function, 191 Refroutines, 495 Using

CLUSTER function, 191 Refcluster weights, 189 Refcmd argument, 360 EDGCMY color system, 351 Ref

cnt argument, 324 EDG, 411 EDGcoastlines, 824 Refcode

IDL GUIBuilder generated, 502 Build,185 GStartmodifying generated, 502 Build, 186 GStartusing the IDL editor, 246 Build

code argument, 230 EDGcoefficient power plot, denoising, 45 Wvltcoiflet, see wavelet functionscolon character, 2466 Refcolor

mapping voxel values, 653 Usingpixel depth on Macintosh, 179 Using

color indices, 397 UsingCOLOR keyword, 2318 Ref, 2404 Refcolor maps

flashing, 136 Usingsharing (Motif), 136 Using

Color Modeldraw area property, 575 Build

color modeldestination objects, 562 Usingdigital data, 559 Usingindexed, 560 Usingpalette objects, 563 Usingprinters, 676 UsingRGB, 559 Using, 561 Usingwindow objects, 667 Using

color paletteMacintosh platform, 178 UsingWindows platform, 99 Using

color propertyspecifying color values, 564 Using

COLOR system variable field, 2441 Refcolor systems

HLS, 389 Using

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HSV, 389 UsingRGB, 389 Using

color tablescolors1.tbl file, 787 Ref, 901 Refcommon block, 394 Usingcreating and modifying with XPALETTE,1739 Refexample, 504 Build, 188 GStartfor LJ device, 772 Refgamma correction, 527 Refhistogram equalization, 558 Refhistogram equalizing, 557 RefHLS (Hue, Lightness, Saturation), 590 RefHSV (Hue, Saturation, Value), 602 RefLHB (Lightness, Hue, Brightness), 1048 Refloading, 1461 Ref, 390 Using, 90 GStartloading into variables (GET keyword),1462 Refloading predefined, 787 Ref, 1718 Refmaximum indices for draw widgets,1579 Refmodifying predefined colortable files,901 Refobtaining, 394 Usingoverview, 389 Usingpredefined, 392 Usingsetting maximum number of indices,1661 Refstretching, 1337 Refswitching between devices, 395 UsingTektronix 4115, 1400 Refwrapping (MULTI procedure), 936 Ref

COLOR_CONVERT procedure, 193 RefCOLOR_EDIT, see obsolete routinesCOLOR_QUAN function, 195 Refcolorbar object, 1980 Ref, 514 Using

colorbar objectscreating, 644 Usingoverview, 644 Usingusing, 644 Using

coloringvertices, 615 Using

COLORMAP_APPLICABLE function,199 Ref, 162 WNewcolors

background, 442 Ref, 2356 Ref, 2402 Ref,2441 Refbyte scaling, 91 GStartcontrast enhancement, 69 GStartconverting between color systems, 193 Refdefault index, 2441 Reffilling contours, 96 GStartgamma correction (GAMMA_CT), 527 Refindices, 296 Ref, 299 Ref, 351 Ref,2322 Ref, 397 Usingluminance of (CT_LUMINANCE function),261 Refmanipulation compound widgets, 594 Buildmaximum number available, 1467 Refmaximum number for draw widgets,1579 Refquantization, 195 Refreducing number in an image, 1164 Refreserving for IDL, 136 Usingresources, for widgets, 1529 Refscaling, 64 GStartsetting maximum number of indices,1661 Refshared colormap, 2344 Refsystems, 351 Ref, 1461 Reftables, See color tables

COLORS common block, 394 UsingColors draw area property, 575 Build

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COLORS keyword, 2319 Refcolumn bases, 1521 RefColumn Labels table property, 581 Buildcolumn-major indexing, 446 Usingcombination, 471 Refcombining

contour and surface plots, 333 Usingcombining transformations, 548 UsingCOMFIT function, 200 Refcommand input buffer, displaying, 575 RefCommand Input Line

anchoring on Macintosh platform, 176 UsingIDLDE for Motif, 18 GStartMacintosh platform, 156 UsingMotif platform, 105 UsingWindows platform, 66 Using

command lineswitches, 26 Using

command line optionsMotif platform, 137 Using, 143 Using

command recall, 34 Usingbuffer, 1158 Refsetting the buffer, 36 Using

command stream substitutions on Motif,143 Usingcommands

displaying previously-executed, 575 Refexecutive

.COMPILE, 48 Ref


.EDIT, 50 Ref


.GO, 52 Ref

.OUT, 53 Ref


.RETURN, 56 Ref

.RNEW, 57 Ref

.RUN, 59 Ref

.SIZE, 2517 Ref

.SKIP, 61 Ref

.STEP, 62 Ref


.TRACE, 64 Refcommands, list of, 60 Wvltcomments, 255 Buildcommon blocks, 56 Build

widgets and, 640 BuildCommon Data Format See CDFCommon Desktop Environment (CDE) FileManager, 153 Usingcommon methods in object classes, 508 UsingCOMMON statement, 203 Refcommunicating with a child process, 40 EDGcompact support, wavelet functions, 31 Wvltcomparing array values, 81 Ref, 158 WNewcompatibility with earlier IDL versions,421 EDGCompatibility with older IDL code, 109 EDGCompilation and Link Statements, 377 EDGCOMPILE_OPT statement, 204 Refcompiling

all files in a project, 346 Buildchanging default rules, 313 BuildCOMPILE_OPT, 313 Buildfrom a project, 335 Buildmodified files in a project, 346 Buildprograms on Macintosh, 187 UsingRESOLVE_ALL, 1175 RefRESOLVE_ROUTINE, 1177 Ref

Compiling and Linking Programs that CallIDL, 363 EDGcompiling automatically, 53 Using

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compiling filesIDLDE

Windows platform, 75 UsingMacintosh platform, 167 UsingMotif platform, 112 Using

compiling functions and proceduresdisplaying, 576 Ref

complexarrays, creating, 184 Ref, 209 Ref, 361 Ref,364 Refarrays, rounding, 210 Refconjugate, 216 Refdata type, 207 Ref, 362 Refnumbers, 46 Buildnumbers, exponentiation, 23 Buildnumbers, returning imaginary part of,623 Refnumbers, returning real part of, 501 Refnumbers, returning the magnitude of, 67 Refpolynomials, 524 Ref

complex data type, 41 Buildcomplex data types, 170 EDGCOMPLEX function, 207 RefCOMPLEXARR function, 209 RefCOMPLEXROUND function, 210 RefComponent Sizing common property,540 Buildcomposite classes, 682 Usingcompound statement, 269 Buildcompound widgets, 594 Build, 642 Build

color manipulation, 594 BuildCW_ANIMATE, 276 RefCW_ARCBALL, 287 RefCW_BGROUP, 291 RefCW_CLR_INDEX, 296 RefCW_COLORSEL, 299 RefCW_DEFROI, 301 Ref

CW_FIELD, 305 RefCW_FILESEL, 309 RefCW_FORM, 313 RefCW_FSLIDER, 321 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR, 325 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR_GET, 329 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR_SET, 332 RefCW_ORIENT, 334 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR, 336 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR_GET, 342 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR_SET, 343 RefCW_PDMENU, 344 RefCW_RGBSLIDER, 351 RefCW_ZOOM, 355 Refdata entry, 594 Buildexample, 532 Buildhandling events, 543 Buildimage manipulation, 595 Buildin IDL GUIBuilder code, 532 Buildorientation, 595 Builduser interface, 595 Buildwriting, 646 Build

compress save files, see preferencescompressed files

opening, 33 WNewcompression, JPEG, 1120 Ref, 1669 RefCOMPUTE_MESH_NORMALS function,211 RefComputeBounds method, 2247 RefComputeDimensions method, 1982 Ref,2031 RefComputeGeometry method

IDLanROI, 1801 RefComputeMask method

IDLanROI, 1803 RefIDLanROIGroup, 1825 Ref

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ComputeMesh methodIDLanROIGroup, 1828 Ref

Computer Graphics Metafile, 2357 Refconcatenation

array, 2453 Ref, 25 Buildstring, 63 Build

concave polygons, 2206 Ref, 581 UsingCOND function, 212 Refcondition number, 212 Refconditional expression, 2453 Ref, 30 Buildconditional statements, 272 Buildconfirm exit, see preferencesconformal conic map projection, 369 Usingconformance

API levels, 12 DataMCore Level API, 12 DataMLevel 1 API, 12 DataMLevel 2 API, 12 DataMODBC standards, 12 DataMSQL levels, 12 DataM

CONGRID function, 213 Ref, 1155 RefCONJ function, 216 Refconjugate, complex, 216 RefConnect ODBC

INFORMIX, 79 DataMOracle, 93 DataMSybase, 108 DataMText, 126 DataM

CONNECTION keyword, 48 DataMconnections supported

INFORMIX, 92 DataMOracle, 107 DataMSybase, 125 DataMText, 146 DataM

Constants, 296 EDGconstants

complex, 46 Build

decimal, 43 Builddouble-precision, 45 Buildfloating-point, 45 Buildhexadecimal, 43 Buildinteger, 43 Buildivalues, 44 Buildoctal, 43 Buildstring, 46 Build

CONSTRAINED_MIN procedure, 217 Refcontacting RSI, 20 Usingcontainer object, 1787 Ref, 510 UsingContainsPoints method

IDLanROI, 1806 RefIDLanROIGroup, 1830 Ref

Contents button, 200 GStartcontext, 414 Buildcontext argument, 279 EDG, 281 EDGcontext number, 956 Refcontinental boundaries, 824 Refcontinents, 352 Usingcontingency table, 263 RefCONTINGENT, see obsolete routinesCONTINUE statement, 224 Ref, 163 WNewcontinuous wavelet functions, 31 Wvltcontinuous wavelet transform, 237 WNew,31 Wvlt, 50 Wvlt, 67 Wvltcontour object, 1992 Ref, 512 Using,608 Usingcontour plots, 225 Ref

direction of grade, 319 Usingfilling, 318 Usinglabeling, 316 Usingoverlaying images, 312 Using, 312 Usingoverlaying with images, 619 Refoverview, 305 Usingpolar, 1001 Refsmoothing, 317 Using

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with images and surface plots, 1246 RefCONTOUR procedure, 225 Refcontours, 94 GStart

displaying date/time data, 143 WNew,152 WNewfilling, 96 GStartlevels, 95 GStartnumber of levels, 13 WNew3D perspective, 97 GStarttickmarks, 96 GStart

contours in wavelet power spectrum, 39 Wvltcontrast enhancement, 69 GStartcontrast, gamma correction, 527 RefControl Panel Buttons

modifying in Motif, 142 UsingMotif platform, 104 Using

Controlling Macintosh Applications, 94 EDGcontrolling the device cursor, 400 Usingcontrols see widgetsconventions

terminology, 16 DataMused in this manual, 16 DataM

convergence criterion, 942 Refconvert field, 416 EDGCONVERT_COORD function, 238 Refconverting

colors between color systems, 193 Refcoordinate systems, 238 Ref

converting data types, 38 DataMconverting expressions

between host and network byte ordering,133 Refto 64-bit integer type, 793 Refto byte type, 132 Refto complex type, 207 Ref, 362 Refto double-precision type, 424 Refto integer type, 498 Ref

to longword type, 792 Refto single-precision floating-point type,501 Refto string type, 1339 Refto unsigned 64-bit integer type, 1477 Refto unsigned integer type, 1470 Refto unsigned longword type, 1476 Ref

convex polygons, 2206 Ref, 581 UsingCONVOL function, 241 Refconvolution, 120 Ref, 241 RefCooley-Tukey algorithm, 421 UsingCOORD2TO3 function, 245 Refcoordinate conversion, 549 Usingcoordinate systems

scaling coordinates, 536 Usingtransformation, 536 Using

coordinate transformations, 549 Usingcoordinates

3D transformations, 245 Ref, 287 Ref,334 Ref, 1212 Ref, 1214 Ref, 1371 Ref,1391 Ref, 1492 Refclipping, 2403 Refconverting, 257 Using, 328 Using

2D to 3D, 245 Refbetween coordinate systems, 272 Refmap coordinates, 843 Refsystems, 238 Ref

data, 256 Usingdefining 3D systems, 255 Refdevice, 2404 Ref, 256 Usinghom*ogeneous, 323 Usingnormal, 2407 Ref, 256 Using

COPY keyword, 2319 Ref, 2319 Refcopying pixels from one window to another,2319 Refcopying strings, 222 EDGcopying variables, 197 EDG

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Core Level API conformance, 12 DataMcorrection, gamma, 527 RefCORREL_MATRIX, see obsolete routinesCORRELATE function, 247 Refcorrelation

analysis, 450 Usingcoefficient, 450 Using, 451 Usingroutines, 453 Using

correlation analysiscorrelation/covariance matrix, 247 RefKendall’s tau rank, 1080 Reflagged autocorrelation, 65 Reflagged crosscorrelation, 139 Refmultiple, 807 Refpartial, 975 RefPearson’s correlation, 247 RefSpearman’s rho rank, 1080 Ref

correlation coefficientCORRELATE, 247 RefKendalls’s, 1080 RefM_CORRELATE, 807 Refmultiple, 807 RefP_CORRELATE, 975 Refpartial, 975 RefPearson, 247 RefR_CORRELATE, 1080 Refrank, 1080 RefSpearman’s, 1080 Ref

COS function, 249 Ref, 249 RefCOSH function, 250 Refcosine, 249 Ref

hyperbolic, 250 Refinverse, 68 Ref

COSINES, see obsolete routinescount accumulation, 587 RefCount method, 1790 Refcountry boundaries, 824 Ref

COURIER keyword, 2319 RefCRAMER function, 251 RefCramer’s rule, 251 RefCRANGE system variable field, 2445 RefCREATE_STRUCT function, 253 RefCREATE_VIEW procedure, 255 Refcreating

.sav file from a project, 347 Buildbuffer objects, 674 Usingclipboard objects, 675 Usingcolorbar objects, 644 Usingcontour objects, 608 Usingheap variables, 123 Buildhelp systems, 450 BuildIDL runtime distribution, 351 Buildimage objects, 640 Usinglegend objects, 620 Usinglight objects, 633 Usingplot objects, 616 Usingpolygon objects, 610 Usingpolyline objects, 615 Usingprinter objects, 676 Usingprojects, 326 Buildrealizing widgets, 1564 Refsurface objects, 628 Usingsystem variables, 376 Refvolume objects, 650 UsingVRML objects, 679 Usingwindow objects, 667 Usingwindows, 1661 Ref

Creating an array from existing data, 192 EDGcreating arrays from existing data, 192 EDGcreating axis objects, 585 Usingcreating data, 51 GStart, 87 GStartcreating multiple, 557 BuildCreating Routines that Accept Keywords,205 EDG

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creating structures, 181 EDGcreating text objects, 603 Usingcross correlation, 139 Refcross covariance, 139 RefCROSSP function, 258 RefCRVLENGTH function, 259 RefCT_LUMINANCE function, 261 RefCTI_TEST function, 263 Refcubic convolution interpolation, 638 Ref,1007 Refcubic spline interpolation, 1306 Ref, 1308 Refculling to improve performance, 693 Usingcumulative power plot, denoising, 45 Wvltcurrent IDL session, returning information on,571 Refcurrent working directory, 166 Refcursor

box, 122 Refchanging appearance, 2320 Refcontrolling position, 400 Usingdetermining position, 300 Usingdisplaying, 1459 Refgraphics on Tektronix terminals, 2329 Refhiding, 1460 Refhourglass, 1560 Ref, 627 Buildpositioning, 1459 Refreading position of, 1105 Refreturning events from draw widgets,1582 Refsetting to crosshair, 2319 Refspecifying pattern, 2320 Reftype, 2319 Ref

CURSOR procedure, 265 Refand Tektronix terminals, 2329 Ref

CURSOR_CROSSHAIR keyword, 2319 RefCURSOR_IMAGE keyword, 2320 RefCURSOR_STANDARD keyword, 2320 Ref

CURSOR_XY keyword, 2321 Refcurve fitting, 200 Ref

COMFIT, 200 RefCRVLENGTH, 259 RefCURVEFIT, 268 Refdiscussion, 454 UsingGAUSS2DFIT, 531 RefGAUSSFIT, 534 RefLADFIT, 672 RefLINFIT, 685 RefLMFIT, 775 RefMIN_CURVE_SURF, 893 RefPOLY_FIT, 1011 RefREGRESS, 1167 Refroutines, 455 UsingSFIT, 1232 RefSVDFIT, 1375 Ref

CURVEFIT function, 268 Refcurve-fitting routines


customizing IDLMacintosh platform, 175 UsingMotif platform, 123 UsingWindows platform, 86 Using

customizing routines, 99 GStartcutoff value

Chi-square distribution, 178 RefF distribution, 468 RefGaussian distribution, 528 RefT distribution, 1388 Ref

CV_COORD function, 272 RefCVTTOBM function, 274 RefCW_ANIMATE function, 276 Ref

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CW_ANIMATE_GETP procedure, 281 RefCW_ANIMATE_LOAD procedure, 283 RefCW_ANIMATE_RUN procedure, 285 RefCW_ARCBALL function, 287 RefCW_BGROUP function, 291 RefCW_BSELECTOR, see obsolete routinesCW_CLR_INDEX function, 296 RefCW_COLORSEL function, 299 RefCW_DEFROI function, 301 RefCW_DICE function, 646 BuildCW_FIELD function, 305 RefCW_FILESEL function, 309 RefCW_FORM function, 313 RefCW_FSLIDER function, 321 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR function, 325 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR_GET procedure,329 RefCW_LIGHT_EDITOR_SET procedure,332 RefCW_LOADSTATE, see obsolete routinesCW_ORIENT function, 334 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR function, 336 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR_GET procedure,342 RefCW_PALETTE_EDITOR_SET procedure,343 RefCW_PDMENU function, 344 Ref, 1543 Ref,623 BuildCW_RGBSLIDER function, 351 RefCW_SAVESTATE, see obsolete routinesCW_TMPL procedure, 354 RefCW_ZOOM function, 355 Refcyclical fluctuation, 487 Usingcylindrical coordinates, 272 Refcylindrical equidistant map projection,845 Ref, 368 Usingcylindrical map projections, 366 Using

Ddangling references, 133 Build, 472 Builddata

irregularly-gridded, 134 GStartretrieving from a table, 31 DataM

data argument, 192 EDGdata coordinates, 256 Using

converting to other types, 239 Refdata entry

compound widgets, 594 Buildfield widget, 305 Ref

data field, 179 EDG, 209 EDGDATA keyword, 2404 RefData Manipulation Language, 13 DataMdata modes

netCDF, 466 SDF, 485 SDFdata picking, 658 Using, 662 Usingdata sets

creating, 51 GStartplotting, 44 GStart

data source, 11 DataMconfiguring

INFORMIX, 81 DataMOracle, 95 DataMSybase, 109 DataMText, 127 DataM

connecting via connection stringINFORMIX, 86 DataMOracle, 100 DataMSybase, 118 DataMText, 140 DataM

connecting via logon dialog boxINFORMIX, 85 DataMOracle, 100 DataMSybase, 117 DataM

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data types64-bit

long, 40 Buildunsigned long, 40 Build

byte, 40 Buildcomplex, 41 Buildconverting, 38 DataMdefault output formats, 293 EDGdetermining, 1253 Ref, 382 Builddouble-precision complex, 41 Builddouble-precision floating-point, 40 Buildfloating-point, 40 BuildHDF, 96 SDFINFORMIX, 89 DataMinteger, 40 Buildlong integer, 40 BuildOracle, 105 DataMstring, 41 BuildSybase, 123 DataMText, 145 DataMunsigned

integer, 40 Buildlong, 40 Build

data types see typesdatabase

availabilityDB_Exists function, 25 DataMfinding a specific database, 26 DataMGetDatasources method, 26 DataM

connecting, 27 DataM, 47 DataMcreating an object, 26 DataM

database application, 11 DataMdatabase management systems, 10 DataM

data source, 11 DataMDataMiner Manual

Overview, 9 DataM

datasetscreating, 51 GStart, 87 GStart, 135 GStartmathematical expressions, 25 Wvltselecting variables, 25 Wvltvariable information fields, 22 Wvlt

DATASOURCE keyword, 48 DataMDATATYPE structure tag, 85 SDFdate

converting from string to binary, 112 Refconverting Julian to calendar, 141 Refdisplaying calendars, 144 Reflabeling axes with, 666 Refreturning current, 1385 Ref

date and time functions, 164 DataMdate format, 37 DataMdate/time

contour plots use, 143 WNewdata generation, 138 WNewdisplaying in direct graphics, 140 WNewdisplaying in object graphics, 148 WNewdouble-precision versus Julian, 137 WNewgenerate using TIMEGEN, 138 WNewkeywords versus system variables,146 WNewplotting, 12 WNewprecision, 286 Using, 592 Using, 137 WNewusing system variables, 145 WNew

date/time datadisplaying, 288 Using, 593 Usinggeneration, 287 Using, 592 Usingusing system variables to display, 293 Using

Daubechies wavelet filter, 1697 RefDaubechies, see wavelet functionsDavidon-Fletcher-Powell minimization,389 Refday, returning current, 1385 RefDB_Exists function, 25 DataM, 46 DataM

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DBLARR function, 360 RefDBMS, 10 DataMDBMS_NAME keyword, 51 DataMDBMS_VERSION keyword, 51 DataMDCINDGEN function, 361 RefDCL interpreter symbols

defining, 1225 Refdeleting, 378 Ref

DCOMPLEX function, 362 RefDCOMPLEXARR function, 364 RefDDE routines, see obsolete routinesdeallocated memory, returning amount of,574 Refdebugging, 125 Ref

command example, 435 Buildexecutive commands, 38 UsingIDLDE

Windows platform, 75 UsingMacintosh platform, 167 UsingMotif platform, 112 UsingPROFILER procedure, 1039 Refsetting breakpoints, 438 Buildstepping into a program, 436 Buildstepping into versus over, 436 Buildstepping over routines, 437 Buildtrace execution, 436 BuildSee also breakpoints

debugging in IDLMacintosh platform, 161 Using

decimal, 43 BuildDECOMPOSED keyword, 2322 Refdecomposition

Cholesky, 181 Ref, 182 RefLU, 801 Ref, 805 Refsingular value, 1372 Ref, 1381 Ref

default button, 1554 Refdefault data source specification, 72 DataM

default directory, see preferencesdefault font, 2221 Ref, 571 Using, 606 Usingdefault output formats for data types, 293 EDGdefault visual class, 2388 Refdefine mode, 485 SDFDEFINE_KEY procedure, 365 Refdefining

command or help path, 456 Refkeys, 365 RefnetCDF define mode, 486 SDFregion of interest, 374 Refsystem variables, 376 Ref

defining method routines, 481 Buildnote for Windows 3.11 users, 484 Build

definitions, external, 30 EDG, 30 EDGDEFROI function, 374 Refdefs argument, 324 EDG, 410 EDGDEFSYSV procedure, 376 RefDelaunay triangulation, 1429 Ref, 463 UsingDELETE_SYMBOL procedure, 378 Refdeleting

DCL interpreter symbols, 378 Reffiles in a project, 334 Buildfiles or directories, 481 Ref, 168 WNewregion of interest, 1760 Ref, 271 WNewvariables, 380 Refwindows, 1508 Ref

deleting strings, 223 EDGdelimiters, string, 47 BuildDELLOG procedure, 379 RefDELVAR procedure, 380 RefDEMI keyword, 2322 RefDEMO_MODE, see obsolete routinesdenoising

coefficient threshold, 45 Wvltcolor scaling for images, 44 Wvltcumulative power threshold, 45 Wvlt

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Denoise Tool, 43 Wvlttheory, 54 Wvltwavelet coefficient display method, 44 WvltWV_DENOISE function, 239 WNew,69 Wvltsee also WV_TOOL_DENOISE function

density function, 584 Ref, 585 Refdereference operator, pointers, 129 BuildDERIV function, 381 Refderived variables, 491 UsingDERIVSIG function, 382 Refde-sensitizing widgets, 1566 Refdest argument, 198 EDGdestination device, 666 Usingdestination objects, 517 Using

color models, 562 Usingdrawing, 666 Using

destroyingobjects, 476 Buildwidgets, 1555 Ref, 626 Buildwindows, 1508 Ref

detail (band-pass) multiresolution plots,41 WvltDetecting End Of File, 259 EDGDETERM function, 383 Refdeterminant of a square matrix, 383 Refdetermining variable scope, 376 Builddeviation, mean absolute, 861 Refdevice

backing store, 2351 RefCGM, 2357 Refcontrolling the cursor, 400 Usingcoordinates, 256 Using

converting to other types, 239 Refdisplay channels, 2441 Refflags, 2438 Reffont, 2326 Ref

for graphics output, 2310 Refgraphics

independent, 252 Usingoutput, 2310 Ref

height, 2350 RefHP-GL, 2359 Refindependent graphics, 252 UsingLJ, 2361 RefMacintosh (MAC), 2364 RefMicrosoft Windows (WIN), 2386 Refmonochrome, 2353 Refname of, 2439 RefNull, 2367 Refnumber of color table indices, 2439 Refnumber of colors, 2439 Refoffset, 2348 Ref, 2349 RefPCL, 2368 RefPostScript, 2371 RefPrinter, 2370 RefRegis terminals, 2383 Refresolution of, 2440 Refsize of display, 2440 RefTektronix, 2384 Refwidth, 2349 RefX Windows, 2387 RefZ-buffer, 2395 Ref

device files, special, 248 EDGDevice fonts, 2472 Refdevice independent graphics, 505 UsingDEVICE keyword, 2404 RefDEVICE procedure, 385 Ref, 2310 RefDFPMIN procedure, 389 RefDFT, 409 Usingdialog boxes

Add Data Source, 29 DataMSQL Data Sources, 27 DataM

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DIALOG_DBConnect function, 27 DataM,45 DataMDIALOG_MESSAGE function, 392 RefDIALOG_PICKFILE enhancements,57 WNewDIALOG_PICKFILE function, 395 RefDIALOG_PRINTERSETUP function,398 Ref, 596 BuildDIALOG_PRINTJOB function, 400 Ref,596 BuildDIALOG_READ_IMAGE, 28 WvltDIALOG_READ_IMAGE function, 402 RefDIALOG_READ_IMAGE routine, 41 WNewDIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE function, 405 RefDIALOG_WRITE_IMAGE routine,41 WNewdialogs

file selection, 595 Buildmessage dialog box, 392 Refmodal, 392 Refprinting, 596 Build

dialogs for printing, 676 Usingdicer, 1259 Ref, 344 UsingDICOM

conformance summary, 1840 RefIDLffDICOM object, 1838 Refquerying DICOM files, 1066 Refreading DICOM files, 1116 Ref

DIFFEQ_23, see obsolete routinesDIFFEQ_45, see obsolete routinesdifferences among platforms

Macintosh, 186 UsingWindows, 98 Using

differentiated smoothing, 77 GStartdifferentiation

routines, 472 Usingdifferentiation, CONVOL function, 241 Ref

digital dissolve effect, 415 Refdigital filters, 427 Usingdigital signal processing, 405 Usingdigital smoothing polynomial, 1208 Ref,219 WNewDIGITAL_FILTER function, 407 Ref,428 UsingDILATE function, 409 Refdilation operator, 409 Refdim argument, 189 EDG, 190 EDG, 192 EDGdim field, 180 EDGDIM structure tag, 86 SDFdimensions, netCDF, 467 SDFdims field, 182 EDGDIMVAR structure tag, 86 SDFDINDGEN function, 414 RefDirect Graphics, 504 Using

clipboard supportMacintosh platform, 162 UsingWindows platform, 68 Using

font use, 2473 Refoverview, 250 Using

direct graphicsprinting, 51 Using

DIRECT_COLOR keyword, 2323 RefDirectColor visuals, 2322 Refdirection

light source for shaded surface plots,1223 Ref

direction of grade, 319 Usingdirectories

changing, 166 Refchanging permissions, 477 Ref, 164 WNewcreating, 485 Ref, 172 WNewdeleting, 481 Ref, 168 WNewexpanding pathnames, 483 Ref, 170 WNewmain directory system variable, 2429 Ref

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making, 485 Ref, 172 WNewpopping, 1027 Refprinting, 1035 Refpushing, 1055 Refsearching for files, 490 Ref, 177 WNewsearching for help files, 2430 Ref

disappearing variables, 414 Builddiscrete Fourier transform, 409 Usingdiscrete wavelet functions, 31 Wvltdiscrete wavelet transform, 424 Using,31 Wvlt, 50 Wvlt, 74 Wvltdismissing windows, 64 GStartDISP_TEXT, see obsolete routinesDISPLAY environment variable, 31 Usingdisplay graphics driver (Windows), 98 UsingDisplay Headers table property, 581 Builddisplaying

date/time data on contours, 144 WNew,152 WNewdate/time data on plots, 141 WNewdate/time with system variables, 145 WNew

displaying imagesflickering (FLICK), 500 Refoverview, 383 UsingTrueColor, 1457 RefTV, 1455 Refwith intensity scaling, 1467 Ref

displaying isosurfaces, 342 Usingdisplaying text

ASCII files, 1703 Refin a graphics window, 1776 Ref

displayssize, 2440 Ref

DISSOLVE procedure, 415 RefDIST function, 416 Refdistance

between points, 820 Ref, 201 WNew

distributing IDL applications, 14 Builddistribution

creating, 351 Builddithering, 2351 Ref, 2353 Ref

Floyd-Steinberg, 2325 Refordered, 2332 Refthreshold, 2346 Ref

Diverting IDL Output, 357 EDGdivision operator, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildDL_Load(), 341 EDGDLM

building sharable libraries, 814 Ref,192 WNewloading, 417 Refregistering, 418 Ref

DLM (Dynamically Loadable Module),11 WvltDLM_LOAD procedure, 417 RefDLM_REGISTER procedure, 418 RefDO_APPLE_SCRIPT procedure, 419 Ref,94 EDGDoButtonPress, 77 EDGDoButtonRelease, 77 EDGDOC_LIBRARY procedure, 421 Refdocument windows

IDLDEWindows platform, 67 Using

Macintosh platform, 159 Usingdocumentation headers, extracting, 421 RefDoExpose, 77 EDGdollar sign, 2465 RefDoMotion, 77 EDGDoppler frequency, 1494 Refdot product, 449 UsingDOUBLE function, 424 Refdouble-clicks, 1626 Ref

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double-precisionarrays, creating, 360 Ref, 414 Refcomplex data type, 41 Buildfloating-point data type, 40 Buildtype, converting to, 424 Ref

double-precision supportIBETA, 22 WNewIGAMMA, 22 WNewintroduction, 8 WNewobjects, 10 WNewroutines, 10 WNewsystem variables, 9 WNewutilities, 11 WNew

drag eventsfor floating-point slider widgets, 322 Reffor RGB slider widgets, 352 Reffor slider widgets, 1628 Ref, 1635 Refin draw widgets, 1556 Ref, 1582 Ref

drag quality, Wavelet Power Spectrum,36 Wvltdraw widgets, 1578 Ref, 619 Build, 562 Using,667 Using

attributes, 575 Buildbacking store, 1589 Ref, 577 Buildchanging size, 1556 Ref, 1556 Refcolor model, 575 Buildcolors used in, 575 Builddefined, 592 Buildevents, 578 Build

determining if set, 1604 Ref, 1604 Ref,1604 Ref, 1604 Refreturned by, 1587 Refreturning, 1555 Ref

example application using, 499 Build,183 GStartgraphics type, 576 Buildmotion events, 1582 Ref

mouse events, 578 Buildmouse motion events, 579 Buildobtaining window number of, 1585 Refproperties, 575 Buildrenderer type, 576 Buildreturning events, 1555 Ref, 1556 Ref,1556 Ref, 1556 Refscrolling, 577 Buildscrolling area, 577 Build, 578 Buildusing, 510 Build, 191 GStartview change events, 579 Buildviewport move, 580 Buildviewport, position, 1558 Ref, 1566 Ref

DRAW_ROI procedure, 426 Refdrawing

arrows, 82 Refcontinents, 824 Refcontinents on maps, 352 Usingdestination device, 666 Usinglines (PLOTS procedure), 994 Refmeridians, 350 Usingobjects (ANNOTATE procedure), 77 Refparallels, 350 Using

drawing latitude and longitude lines,120 GStartdrawing to a printer object, 677 UsingDrawld, 83 EDGDrawWidgetName, 80 EDGDriver Manager

DriverSet component, 11 DataMODBC architecture, 11 DataM

DRIVER_ODBC_LEVEL keyword,51 DataMDRIVER_VERSION keyword, 51 DataMdrivers, 11 DataMDriverSet

components, 11 DataM

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droplist widgets, 1591 Refdefined, 593 Buildevents, 570 Buildevents returned by, 1597 Refinitial value, 570 Buildreturning

current selection, 1604 Refnumber of elements, 1604 Ref

select event, 571 Buildsetting, 1567 Refsetting attributes, 570 Buildsetting properties, 570 Buildtitle, 570 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

DWT, 424 UsingDXF library, supported version, 1866 RefDXF object, 1866 Ref

displaying, 1706 Ref, 252 WNewmanipulation, 1706 Ref, 252 WNew

dynamic memory, 194 EDG, 286 EDGfreed when deleting strings, 223 EDGfreeing, 198 EDGIDL_MemAlloc(), 286 EDGIDL_MemAllocPerm(), 287 EDGIDL_MemFree(), 287 EDGusage, 865 Ref, 207 WNew

dynamic memory, returning amount in use,574 Refdynamically loadable module. See DLMdynamically loadable modules. See DLMdynamically loaded modules, keyword,572 Ref

Eearth, interpolating irregularly-sampled dataover, 1429 Ref

edge detection, CONVOL function, 241 Refedge enhancement

ROBERTS function, 1189 RefSOBEL function, 1283 Ref

Editable table property, 582 BuildEditable text property, 561 Buildediting

a source file from a project, 335 Buildcommand line, 34 Using

editing resource files, 135 Usingeditor windows

IDLDEWindows platform, 67 Using

Macintosh platform, 159 UsingMotif platform, 106 Using

editorsexternal (Motif), 249 Build

efficiencyconstants, 360 Buildconstants, correct type, 360 BuildIDL implementation, 368 BuildIF statements, 356 Buildinvariant expressions, 361 Buildprogramming, 354 Buildsystem functions and procedures, 359 Buildvector and array operations, 357 Build,173 GStart

e-folding time, 32 WvltEFONT procedure, 428 RefEIGEN_II, see obsolete routinesEIGENQL function, 430 Refeigenvalues, 430 Ref, 433 Ref, 435 Ref,600 Ref, 1440 Ref

complex, 458 Usingreal, 457 Usingrepeated, 460 Using, 461 Usingroutines for computing, 462 Using

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EIGENVEC function, 433 Refeigenvectors, 430 Ref, 433 Ref, 1440 Ref

complex, 458 Usingreal, 457 Usingrepeated, 461 Usingroutines for computing, 462 Using

EJECT keyword, 2323 Refelements, number of, 937 Refelevation levels. contours, 95 GStartELMHES function, 435 Refelt_len field, 179 EDGelt_size argument, 195 EDGEMPTY procedure, 436 Refemptying

file buffers, 507 Refgraphics buffers, 436 Ref

ENABLE_SYSRTN procedure, 437 RefENCAPSULATED keyword, 2324 RefEncapsulated PostScript

preview, 13 WNewencapsulated PostScript, 2376 Refencapsulation, 465 BuildENCODING keyword, 2325 Refendian

big, 1287 Ref, 204 Using, 241 Using,225 WNewbyte ordering, 204 Using, 241 Usinglittle, 1287 Ref, 204 Using, 241 Using,225 WNew

end-of-file, 439 Ref, 1509 Refenergy scaling, wavelet power spectrum,37 Wvltensure_simple argument, 196 EDGensuring length of, 225 EDGEntering Procedure Definitions, 306 Build

entitiesinserting into a Shapefile, 1922 Ref,307 WNewretrieving from a Shapefile, 1913 Ref,298 WNew

entity, in a Shapefile, 1896 Ref, 281 WNewenvironment variables

adding or changing, 1226 RefDISPLAY, 31 Using, 31 UsingIDL_ARRAY_MEMORY_SIZE, 32 UsingIDL_DEVICE, 30 UsingIDL_DIR, 30 UsingIDL_DLM_PATH, 30 UsingIDL_HELP_PATH, 31 UsingIDL_PATH, 31 UsingIDL_STARTUP, 31 Using, 58 UsingIDL_TMPDIR, 31 UsingLM_LICENSE_FILE, 32 UsingPATH, 24 Usingpath expansion, 33 Usingreturning, 546 Refreturning value of, 544 Refsetting, 546 RefTERM, 32 UsingUNIX, 545 RefUNIX platform, 31 Usingused by IDL, 30 UsingVMS logical names, 32 Using

EOF function, 439 RefEOS_EH_CONVANG function, 301 SDFEOS_EH_GETVERSION function, 302 SDFEOS_EH_IDINFO function, 303 SDFEOS_EXISTS function, 304 SDFEOS_GD_ATTACH function, 305 SDFEOS_GD_ATTRINFO function, 306 SDFEOS_GD_BLKSOMOFFSET function,307 SDF

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EOS_GD_CLOSE function, 308 SDFEOS_GD_COMPINFO function, 309 SDFEOS_GD_CREATE function, 310 SDFEOS_GD_DEFBOXREGION function,313 SDFEOS_GD_DEFCOMP function, 314 SDFEOS_GD_DEFDIM function, 316 SDFEOS_GD_DEFFIELD function, 317 SDFEOS_GD_DEFORIGIN function, 319 SDFEOS_GD_DEFPIXREG function, 320 SDFEOS_GD_DEFPROJ function, 321 SDFEOS_GD_DEFTILE function, 323 SDFEOS_GD_DEFTIMEPERIOD function,325 SDFEOS_GD_DEFVRTREGION function,327 SDFEOS_GD_DETACH function, 329 SDFEOS_GD_DIMINFO function, 330 SDFEOS_GD_DUPREGION function, 331 SDFEOS_GD_EXTRACTREGION function,332 SDFEOS_GD_FIELDINFO function, 333 SDFEOS_GD_GETFILLVALUE function,334 SDFEOS_GD_GETPIXELS function, 335 SDFEOS_GD_GETPIXVALUES function,337 SDFEOS_GD_GRIDINFO function, 338 SDFEOS_GD_INQATTRS function, 339 SDFEOS_GD_INQDIMS function, 340 SDFEOS_GD_INQFIELDS function, 341 SDFEOS_GD_INQGRID function, 342 SDFEOS_GD_INTERPOLATE function, 343 SDFEOS_GD_NENTRIES function, 345 SDFEOS_GD_OPEN function, 346 SDFEOS_GD_ORIGININFO function, 347 SDFEOS_GD_PIXREGINFO function, 348 SDF


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EOS_PT_INQATTRS function, 386 SDFEOS_PT_INQPOINT function, 387 SDFEOS_PT_LEVELINDX function, 388 SDFEOS_PT_LEVELINFO function, 389 SDFEOS_PT_NFIELDS function, 390 SDFEOS_PT_NLEVELS function, 391 SDFEOS_PT_NRECS function, 392 SDFEOS_PT_OPEN function, 393 SDFEOS_PT_PERIODINFO function, 394 SDFEOS_PT_PERIODRECS function, 395 SDFEOS_PT_READATTR function, 397 SDFEOS_PT_READLEVEL function, 398 SDFEOS_PT_REGIONINFO function, 400 SDFEOS_PT_REGIONRECS function, 401 SDFEOS_PT_SIZEOF function, 402 SDFEOS_PT_UPDATELEVEL function, 403 SDFEOS_PT_WRITEATTR function, 405 SDFEOS_PT_WRITELEVEL function, 407 SDFEOS_QUERY function, 408 SDFEOS_SW_ATTACH function, 409 SDFEOS_SW_ATTRINFO function, 410 SDFEOS_SW_CLOSE function, 411 SDFEOS_SW_COMPINFO function, 412 SDFEOS_SW_CREATE function, 413 SDFEOS_SW_DEFBOXREGION function,414 SDFEOS_SW_DEFCOMP function, 416 SDFEOS_SW_DEFDATAFIELD function,418 SDFEOS_SW_DEFDIM function, 420 SDFEOS_SW_DEFDIMMAP function, 421 SDFEOS_SW_DEFGEOFIELD function, 423 SDFEOS_SW_DEFIDXMAP function, 425 SDFEOS_SW_DEFTIMEPERIOD function,426 SDFEOS_SW_DEFVRTREGION function,428 SDF


preview, 13 WNew

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EPS machine-specific parameter, 810 RefEPSI files, 2335 RefEPSNEG machine-specific parameter, 810 RefEQ operator, 2453 Ref, 29 Build

object references, 478 Buildpointers, 132 Build

EQUAL_VARIANCE, see obsolete routinesequal-area map projection, 370 Usingequivalence strings, 1445 Ref, 1446 RefErase method, 1950 Ref, 2280 RefERASE procedure, 442 Referasing a window object, 670 Usingerasing IDL windows, 442 RefERODE function, 444 Referosion operator, morphologic, 444 Referr_str argument, 286 EDGerr1 argument, 235 EDGerr2 argument, 235 EDGerrno global variable

setting, 234 EDGsystem level errors, 232 EDG

errorfloating-point, 444 Usingmathematical error assessment, 445 Usingrounding, 444 Usingtruncation, 445 Using

error handling on Macintosh, 188 Usingerror message

ODBC formats, 21 DataMstandard, 21 DataMverbose, 21 DataM

error messagesdisplaying, netCDF, 486 SDFgenerating (MESSAGE procedure), 889 Refmodal dialog box, 392 Refreturning text of (STRMESSAGE function),1348 Ref

ERRORF function, 449 Referrors

checking arguments, 237 EDGdefault error-handling mechanism, 413 Builderror bars, 450 Referror bars (OPLOTERR), 974 Referror bars (PLOTERR), 993 Referror function (ERRORF), 449 Reffloating-point underflow, 427 Buildhandling, 412 Build

CATCH procedure, 164 Refinput/output, 420 BuildON_ERROR procedure, 954 Ref,419 BuildON_IOERROR procedure, 955 RefOPEN procedure, 961 Ref

handling (CATCH procedure), 415 Buildinput/output, 420 Buildissuing, 230 EDGissuing OpenVMS messages, 235 EDGmath, 427 Buildmessage format string, 232 EDGmessages, generating (MESSAGE proce-dure), 889 Refmessages, modal dialog box, 392 Refmessages, returning text of (STRMESSAGEfunction), 1348 Refplacing error status in variable, 961 Refringing bell with error message, 231 EDGsetting errno explicitly, 234 EDGsignaling (MESSAGE procedure), 422 Buildsuppressing error message, 231 EDGsuppressing message prefix, 231 EDGsuppressing traceback portion of message,231 EDGsystem, 232 EDGsystem variables, 425 Build, 230 EDG

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system variables for, 425 BuildERRPLOT procedure, 450 RefESRI Shapefiles, 43 WNewEstablishing A Signal Handler, 270 EDGEuclidean norm, 944 Refevent driven programming, 590 Buildevents, 584 Build

basic structure returned by all widgets,1600 Refbutton press, 560 Buildbutton release, 1543 Refclearing, 1553 Refcommon properties, 543 Buildcompound, handling, 543 Builddestruction, 544 Builddraw area mouse, 578 Builddraw area mouse motion, 579 Builddraw area view changes, 579 Builddraw area widget, 578 Builddraw viewport move, 580 Builddroplist, 570 Builddroplist select, 571 Buildfocus, 555 Buildhandling in IDL GUIBuilder code,502 Build, 525 Build, 526 Build, 529 Build,534 Build, 186 GStartinterrupting the event loop, 639 Buildkeyboard focus, 638 Buildkill request, 555 Buildlistbox, 573 Buildlistbox selection, 573 Buildpost creation, 545 Buildprocessing, 1599 Refrealize, 544 Buildrelease for buttons, 559 Buildreturned by

button widgets, 1547 Ref

draw widgets, 1587 Refdroplist widgets, 1597 Reflist widgets, 1626 Refslider widgets, 1634 Reftext widgets, 1658 Reftop-level base widgets, 1538 Ref

returningbase resize events, 1532 Refhandler procedure name, 1605 Refkeyboard focus events, 1523 Ref,1640 Ref, 1653 Ref

sending to widgets, 1566 Refsetting button, 560 Buildslider, 569 Buildslider change value, 569 Buildtable cell select, 585 Buildtable column width change, 585 Buildtable data invalid, 587 Buildtable focus, 586 Buildtable insert character, 586 Buildtable insert string, 587 Buildtable text delete, 586 Buildtable text selection, 587 Buildtext delete, 563 Buildtext focus, 563 Buildtext inserts, 564 Build, 564 Buildtext selection, 564 Buildtext widget, 563 Buildtimer, 544 Build, 628 Buildtop-level base kill events, 1532 Reftracking, 544 Buildwidget, 611 Build

ExampleCalling a C routine, 157 EDGCalling a C Routine on a Macintosh,165 EDGCalling a Fortran Routine, 158 EDG

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Calling a Fortran Routine Using a C InterfaceRoutine, 143 EDGCalling a Runtime Library Function,159 EDGCalling the TPU Editor, 159 EDG

example, 2308 Ref

examplescalling a simple math function, 368 EDGHello World for IDL, 302 EDGsimple system routine, 303 EDGusing callable IDL from C, 364 EDGusing callable IDL from Fortran, 371 EDGusing IDL_EzCall(), 417 EDGwidget stub, 403 EDG, 405 EDG

exclamation point, 2464 Ref, 2491 RefEXECUTE function, 159 Ref, 160 Ref,161 Ref, 452 RefExecuteStr, 50 EDGExecuting IDL Commands from AppleScript,92 EDGExecuting IDL Statements, 359 EDGexecutive commands, 38 Usingexit handlers

IDL_ExitRegister(), 288 EDGEXIT procedure, 453 Refexiting IDL, 453 Ref, 29 UsingEXP function, 454 RefEXPAND procedure, 455 RefEXPAND_PATH function, 456 Refexpanding pathnames, 483 Ref, 170 WNewEXPINT function, 460 Refexplicitly formatted I/O, 153 Build, 167 Buildexponential

integral, 460 Refnatural, 454 Refrandom deviates, 1095 Ref, 1100 Ref

exponentiation operator, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildexport.h file, 30 EDGexporting

projects, 350 Buildexpose events, 691 Usingexposing window objects, 670 Usingexpressions

data type, determining, 1253 Ref, 382 Buildefficiency of evaluation, 355 Buildreturning information on, 571 Refstructure of, 34 Build, 36 Buildtype of, 34 Build

externalsharable object, 145 Ref

external definitions, 30 EDGexternal editors (Motif), 249 Buildexternal programs, accessing (SPAWN),13 EDGEXTRA keyword (keyword inheritance),301 Buildextra_flags argument, 251 EDGEXTRAC function, 462 RefEXTRACT_SLICE function, 464 Refeye position, 541 Using

FF distribution, 468 Ref, 469 RefF_CVF function, 468 RefF_PDF function, 469 RefF_TEST, see obsolete routinesF_TEST1, see obsolete routinesFACTORIAL function, 471 Ref

input enhancements, 24 WNewfalse, definition of, 273 Buildfar clipping plane, 543 Using

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Fast Fourier transform, 473 Ref, 409 Usingimplementation, 421 Using

fast Fourier transform. See FFT.fcn argument, 213 EDGFFT, 409 Using, 416 Using

Cooley-Tukey algorithm, 421 Usingimplementation, 421 Usingperformance improvement, 17 WNew

FFT function, 473 Reffield

plots, 504 Ref, 991 Refwidget, 305 Ref

FIELD_INFO keyword, 63 DataMfile

adding to a project, 332 Buildcompiling from a project, 335 Buildcompiling in a project, 346 Build, 346 Buildediting from a project, 335 Buildmoving in a project, 333 Buildremoving from a project, 334 Buildsetting properties for a project, 336 Build

file accessIDL_FILE_STAT struct, 246 EDGmode, 250 EDG

file argument, 361 EDGfile attributes, 255 EDGfile descriptor, 245 EDGfile handling routines, 34 WNewfile information

IDL_FILE_STAT struct, 245 EDGfile selection

using compound widgets, 228 Usingusing dialogs, 226 Using

file status attributes, 34 WNewfile status, checking, 255 EDGfile units, 157 Build

allocating, 541 Ref

returning information about, 572 RefSee also logical unit numberssetting file position pointer, 999 Ref

FILE_CHMOD procedure, 477 Ref,164 WNewFILE_DELETE procedure, 481 Ref,168 WNewFILE_EXPAND_PATH function, 483 Ref,170 WNewFILE_MKDIR procedure, 485 Ref,172 WNewFILE_TEST function, 486 Ref, 173 WNewfile_unit field, 180 EDGFILE_WHICH function, 490 Ref, 177 WNewFILENAME keyword, 2325 RefFILEPATH function, 491 Reffiles

always open, 252 EDGand input/output, 244 EDGchanging permissions, 477 Ref, 164 WNewclosing, 511 Ref, 2318 Ref, 253 EDGclosing (CLOSE procedure), 187 Refclosing (overview), 156 Builddeleting, 481 Ref, 168 WNewdetecting file end, 259 EDGdisplaying ASCII, 1703 Refend-of-file, 1509 Ref, 220 Buildensuring proper attributes, 255 EDGexpanding pathnames, 483 Ref, 170 WNewfile units, see file unitsfilenames, 2325 Ref

Macintosh platform, 186 UsingWindows platform, 98 Using

finding, 395 Ref, 493 Reffinding in IDL distribution, 491 Refflushing file units, 219 Build

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formatsBMP, 240 BuildInterfile, 240 BuildJPEG, 240 BuildNRIF, 240 BuildPICT, 240 BuildPNG, 240 BuildPPM, 240 BuildSRF, 240 BuildTIFF, 240 BuildX11 Bitmap, 240 BuildXWD, 240 Build

freeing logical unit numbers, 511 RefHDF, 16 SDFhelp and information, 217 BuildIDL GUIBuilder

generated, 502 Build, 185 GStartgenerating code, 523 Buildgenerating resource, 523 BuildIDL code, 523 Buildregeneration, 524 Buildresource, 523 Build

indexed, 231 Buildinput/output, 147 Buildjournal, 263 EDGlocating, 214 Buildlogical unit number, 157 BuildMacintosh path, 2435 RefMacintosh-specific information, 238 Buildmanipulation operations, 214 BuildMessage-of-the-Day

Macintosh platform, 184 UsingWindows platform, 97 Using

modifying generated, 502 Build, 186 GStartMPEG, 646 Usingmultiple structures, 212 BuildnetCDF, 16 SDF

ODBC.INI, 70 DataMopening, 959 Ref, 155 Buildopening with IDL_FileOpen(), 250 EDGpointer position, 514 Ref, 220 Build

POINT_LUN procedure, 999 RefWindows platform, 99 Using

preventing closure, 254 EDGprinting to, 1032 Refprotection classes, 477 Ref, 164 WNewreading

ASCII data, 1109 Refbinary data from, 1152 Refdata, 1106 Refunformatted binary data, 1152 Ref

reading image data, 63 GStartrecord-oriented, 229 Buildrestoring

Windows platform, 99 Usingreturning information on open, 571 Refsaving

Windows platform, 99 Usingsaving images, 646 Usingsearching directories, 490 Ref, 177 WNewSee also CDF files, HDF files, netCDF filesselecting, 395 Refselection dialogs, 595 Buildsize of, 514 Refskipping records, 1258 Refspecial functions (IOCTL function), 643 Refspecifying search path

Macintosh platform, 183 UsingMotif platform, 133 UsingWindows platform, 95 Using

sql.log, 73 DataMstoring in a project, 324 Buildtrace, 72 DataM

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updating records (REWRITE keyword),1694 RefVMS-specific information, 227 BuildWindows-specific information, 237 Buildwith indexed organization, 1108 Refwriting formatted output, 1032 Refwriting unformatted binary data, 1693 Ref

FILES keyword, 217 BuildFILL_DIST system variable field, 2437 RefFILLCONTOUR, see obsolete routinesfilling

plotting symbols, 1480 Refpolygons, 1015 Ref, 1019 Ref

filling contours, 318 Using, 96 GStartfilling polygons, 271 Using, 611 Usingfiltering

convolution, 120 Refdigital, 407 Refdigital filters, 407 Reffilenames, 396 Reffrequency domain, 473 Ref, 55 GStartHanning windows, 559 Refhistogram equalization, 581 RefLee filter algorithm, 676 Refmean, 1281 Refmedian, 863 Refmorphologic dilation, 409 Refmorphologic erosion, 444 RefRoberts, 1189 RefSobel, 1283 Ref

filtering techniques, 55 GStartfiltering, see denoisingfilters

autoregressive moving average, 427 Usingbandpass, 428 Usingbandstop, 428 Usingboxcar, 432 Using

digital, 427 UsingFIR, 427 Usinghighpass, 428 UsingIIR filter, 427 UsingKaiser’s window, 428 Usinglowpass, 428 Usingmoving average, 427 Usingnotch, 434 Usingrectangular, 432 Using

FIND_BY_UNAME keyword, 526 BuildFINDFILE function, 493 Ref, 214 BuildFINDGEN function, 495 Reffinding files, 395 Reffinding text

IDLDEWindows platform, 74 Using

Macintosh platform, 166 UsingMotif platform, 111 Using

finiteimpulse response filters, 427 Usingnumbers, 496 Ref

FINITE function, 496 Ref, 430 BuildFIR filter, 427 UsingFIRST keyword, 66 DataMFIX function, 498 Reffixed pixels, 314 Usingflags argument, 255 EDG, 357 EDGflags field, 175 EDG, 180 EDG, 207 EDG,246 EDGFLAGS system variable field, 2438 Refflashing color maps, 136 UsingFLEXlm floating licence policy, 354 EDGFLICK procedure, 500 RefFLOAT function, 501 RefFloating base property, 548 Buildfloating point conversions, 661 Build

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floating-pointarithmetic, 809 Refarrays, 495 Ref, 506 Refconverting type to, 501 Refdata type, 40 Builderrors, 427 Buildmantissa, 809 Refnative format, 133 Refprecision, 810 Refslider widgets, 321 Refunderflow errors, 427 BuildXDR format, 133 Ref

floating-point accuracy, 444 Usingfloating-point format, 657 BuildFLOOR function, 502 Refflow

control, 2349 Reffield, plotting, 504 Ref, 1488 Ref

FLOW3 procedure, 504 RefFLOYD keyword, 2325 RefFLTARR function, 506 RefFLUSH procedure, 507 RefFlushing Buffered Data, 260 EDGfocus events, 1523 Ref, 1562 Ref, 1606 Ref,1640 Ref, 1653 Ref, 638 Buildfolders, Macintosh, 2435 RefFONT keyword, 2405 Reffont object, 2007 Ref, 515 Using, 571 Using

modifiers, 2010 RefFONT property of text objects, 606 UsingFONT system variable field, 2441 RefFONT_INDEX keyword, 2326 RefFONT_SIZE keyword, 2326 Reffonts

character sets, 2491 Refdefault, 571 Using, 606 Usingdefault for widgets, 1554 Ref

device, 2472 RefDirect Graphics, 2473 Refdisplaying vector fonts, 1248 Refdisplaying X Windows fonts, 1710 Refediting, 428 Refexamples of TrueType fonts, 2498 Refexamples of vector fonts, 2501 Reffinding current X windows font, 2326 Reffinding names of, 2326 Reffinding number of, 2327 Refhardware, 2472 Ref, 266 UsingHershey, 2472 Ref, 572 UsingObject Graphics, 2473 Refoutline, 2472 Refpositioning commands, 2493 RefPostScript, 1046 Refselecting, 266 Usingspecifying

Macintosh platform, 176 Using, 180 UsingMotif platform, 132 UsingWindows platform, 95 Using

TrueType, 2342 Ref, 2472 Ref, 2484 Ref,571 Usingtype size, 606 Usingtype style, 606 Usingvector, 2472 Ref

FOR statement, 508 Refforeground color, 1743 Ref, 256 WNewForm_Load

VisualBasic, 49 EDGformal parameters, 45 Ref, 1785 Ref,296 Build, 43 DataMformat codes, 172 BuildFORMAT_AXIS_VALUES function, 509 Refformats

date, 37 DataMtime, 37 DataM

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timestamp, 37 DataMformats, for text files, 126 DataMformatted I/O, 153 Buildforms, creating, 313 RefFORRD, see obsolete routinesFORRD_KEY, see obsolete routinesFortran

binary data, unformatted, 247 EDGcalling

using Fortran interface routine, 145 EDGcalling convention, 424 EDGcarriage control, 249 EDGchild processes, 42 EDGcompiler, 363 EDGcomplex data types, 171 EDGdata type codes, 422 EDGexternal functions, calling, 138 EDGpassing parameters, 24 EDGVMS, segmented records, 248 EDG

Fortran file formats, 962 Refforward difference, 1449 RefFORWARD_FUNCTION statement, 510 Ref,294 BuildFORWRT procedure see WRITEUFORWRT, see obsolete routinesfour-dimensional displays, 1021 RefFourier transform, 473 Ref

discrete, 409 UsingFourier transform filtering, 55 GStartFourier transforms

fast, 409 Usingfptr field, 249 EDGFrame common property, 541 Buildfree format I/O, 153 Build, 162 Buildfree() function, 194 EDGfree_cb argument, 193 EDG

FREE_LUN procedure, 187 Ref, 511 Reffreeing pointers, 137 Buildfrequency domain filtering, 55 GStartfrequency plot leakage, 414 Usingfrequency plot smearing, 414 Usingfrequency response function, 435 UsingFRIEDMAN, see obsolete routinesfrom_callback argument, 279 EDGfs argument, 224 EDGFSTAT function, 513 Ref, 217 BuildFSTAT structure, 513 RefFULSTR function, 516 Reffunc argument, 270 EDG, 271 EDGFUNCT procedure, 518 Reffunct_addr field, 325 EDG, 411 EDGfunction calling sequence, 42 DataMfunction keys

defining, 365 Ref, 372 Reffor different keyboards, 1229 Refreturning definitions, 571 Ref, 573 Ref

function method calling sequence, 43 DataMfunction methods

calling sequence for, 1784 RefFUNCTION statement, 519 Reffunctions, 306 Build

calling sequence for, 45 Refcompiled, 1198 Refdata conversion, 38 DataMdisplaying compiled, 576 Refforward definition, 294 Buildhow IDL resolves, 308 Buildscalar, 37 DataM

FV_TEST function, 520 RefFX_ROOT function, 522 RefFZ_ROOTS example, 306 EDGFZ_ROOTS function, 524 Ref

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Ggamma correction, 527 RefGAMMA function, 526 Refgamma function

incomplete, 616 Reflogarithm of, 783 Ref

gamma random deviates, 1095 Ref, 1100 RefGAMMA_CT procedure, 527 Refgarbage collection, 569 RefGAUSS, see obsolete routinesGAUSS_CVF function, 528 RefGAUSS_PDF function, 529 RefGAUSS2DFIT function, 531 RefGAUSSFIT function, 534 RefGaussian

distribution, 528 Ref, 529 Refelimination method, 641 Refintegral, 537 Refiterated quadrature, 626 Ref, 629 Ref,468 Usingtwo-dimensional fit, 531 Ref

Gaussian, see wavelet functionsGAUSSINT function, 537 RefGauss-Krueger map projection, 847 Ref,367 UsingGauss-Seidel iteration, 554 RefGE operator, 29 BuildGE operators, 2453 Refgeneral perspective map projection, 846 Ref,362 Usinggeneral triangles, 2206 Refgeometry of widgets, 631 BuildGet method, 1791 RefGET_CURRENT_FONT keyword, 2326 RefGET_DATABASE keyword, 63 DataMGET_DECOMPOSED keyword, 2326 Ref

GET_DRIVE_LIST function, 538 RefGET_FONTNAMES keyword, 2326 RefGET_FONTNUM keyword, 2327 RefGET_GRAPHICS_FUNCTION keyword,2327 RefGET_KBRD function, 539 Ref, 221 BuildGET_LUN procedure, 187 Ref, 511 Ref,541 RefGET_PAGE_SIZE keyword, 2327 RefGET_SCREEN_SIZE function, 542 RefGET_SCREEN_SIZE keyword, 2327 RefGET_SYMBOL function, 543 RefGET_VISUAL_DEPTH keyword, 2328 RefGET_VISUAL_NAME keyword, 2328 RefGET_WINDOW_POSITION keyword,2328 RefGET_WRITE_MASK keyword, 2328 RefGetByName method, 2056 Ref, 2177 Ref,2229 Ref, 2240 RefGetContents method, 1869 RefGetDeviceInfo method

IDLgrBuffer, 1952 RefIDLgrClipboard, 1971 RefIDLgrVRML, 2267 RefIDLgrWiindow, 2282 Ref

GetEntity method, 1872 RefGETENV function, 544 Ref, 546 RefGetFontnames method, 1954 Ref, 1973 Ref,2141 Ref, 2269 Ref, 2284 RefGETHELP, see obsolete routinesGetPalette method, 1883 RefGetRGB method, 2080 RefGetTextDimensions method, 1956 Ref,1975 Ref, 2144 Ref, 2271 Ref, 2287 RefGetting Dynamic Memory, 194 EDG,194 EDGgetting file information, 245 EDG

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GIF support, 41 WNewGIN_CHARS keyword, 2328 Refglobe, drawing, 120 GStartgnomic map projection, 845 Ref, 358 Usinggnomonic map projection, 845 Ref, 358 UsingGOODFIT, see obsolete routinesGOTO statement, 547 Ref, 288 BuildGouraud shading, 1223 Ref, 339 Usinggrade, 319 Usinggraphics

atoms, 512 Using, 529 Usingclipboard support

Windows, 68 Usingcoordinate systems, 256 Using, 323 Usingcursor positioning, 265 Refdata picking, 658 Usingdevice independent graphics, 252 Using,505 Usingdevices, 2310 Ref, 251 Using

DEVICE procedure, 385 Referasing, 442 Refreturning information about current,572 Refsetting, 1221 Ref

devices for Direct Graphics, 504 Usingdriver information (Windows), 98 Usingfunctions

getting, 2327 Refsetting, 2343 Ref

IDLDE windowsbacking store for Windows, 91 Usingchanging Windows preferences, 90 Usinglayout in Windows platform, 90 UsingOS clipboard support

Windows, 68 Usingimage file formats

BMP, 1114 Ref, 1665 Ref

Interfile, 1119 RefJPEG, 1120 Ref, 1669 RefNRIF, 1672 RefPICT, 1124 Ref, 1674 RefSRF, 1132 Ref, 1680 RefTIFF, 1137 Ref, 1684 RefX11 bitmap, 1147 RefXWD, 1149 Ref

keywords (collected), 2401 Refmodes, 250 Using, 504 Usingobject-oriented, 252 Using, 505 Usingselecting, 658 Usingtwo-dimensional arrays, 304 Usingwindow resizing, 68 GStartwindows, dismissing, 64 GStart

graphics hierarchy, 524 Usinggraphics object tree, 524 UsingGraphics Type draw area property, 576 Buildgraphics windows

backing store for Macintosh, 178 Usingbacking store for Motif, 129 Usingchanging Macintosh preferences, 178 Usinglayout in Motif platform, 106 Usinglayout on Macintosh platform, 178 Usinglayout on Motif platform, 128 UsingOS clipboard support on Macintosh,162 Using

GRAPHICS_TIMES procedure, 1410 RefGraphicsLevel, 81 EDGgraphs, 607 Usinggraticule, 351 Usinggreat circle, 820 Ref, 22 WNew, 201 WNewgrid

across a plot (TICKLEN keyword), 2410 RefGrid Layout base property, 549 BuildGRID_TPS function, 548 RefGRID3 function, 551 Ref

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gridding, 1432 Refdata extrapolation, 463 UsingDelaunay triangulation, 463 Usingdrawing meridians, 350 Usinglatitude and longitude lines, 120 GStartquintic, 139 GStartroutines, 463 Usingspherical, 1300 Ref, 1429 Ref, 1432 Refuniformly-spaced planar data, 463 Using

gridding plots, 275 UsingGRIDSTYLE system variable field, 2446 Refgroup

moving files in a project, 333 Buildgrowth trends, 200 RefGS_ITER function, 554 RefGT operator, 2453 Ref, 29 Buildguard digits, 810 RefGUIBuilder, see IDL GUIBuilder

HH_EQ_CT procedure, 557 RefH_EQ_INT procedure, 558 RefHaar, see wavelet functionshalftoning, 2351 Refhalting program execution, 1326 RefHammer-Aitoff map projection, 845 Ref,845 Ref, 361 UsingHamming window, 418 UsingHandle Events common event, 543 BuildHANDLE_CREATE, see obsolete routinesHANDLE_FREE, see obsolete routinesHANDLE_INFO, see obsolete routinesHANDLE_MOVE, see obsolete routinesHANDLE_VALUE, see obsolete routinesHANNING function, 559 RefHanning window, 416 Using

hardware fonts, 2472 RefHDF

creating files, 94 SDFdata types, 96 SDFexamples, 95 SDFfiles, 16 SDFinterfaces, 92 SDFmodels, 92 SDFoverview, 15 SDFscientific dataset ID numbers, 96 SDFtag numbers, 98 SDF

HDF filesannotations, 138 SDF

adding, 133 SDFretrieving reference numbers, 142 SDF

closing, 121 SDFdescriptions

adding, 132 SDFdetermining if a file is an HDF, 203 SDFdetermining if library exists, 168 SDFimages

appending, 154 SDFnumber of, 161 SDFreading, 157 SDFreading 24-bit, 125 SDF, 131 SDFreading first in file, 165 SDFretrieving reference numbers, 160 SDFsetting reference number, 130 SDF,164 SDFwriting, 123 SDF, 162 SDF

importing using macros, 210 Usinglabels

writing, 144 SDFopening, 208 SDFpalettes

appending, 145 SDFdefault, 166 SDF

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number of, 148 SDFreading, 146 SDFreading first in file, 152 SDFretrieving reference numbers, 147 SDFsetting reference number, 151 SDF,153 SDFwriting, 149 SDF

referencescreating, 167 SDF, 206 SDF

tagsdeleting, 122 SDFnumber of, 207 SDFreading descriptions, 134 SDFreading labels, 139 SDFretrieving reference numbers and labels,140 SDFwriting descriptions, 143 SDF

VDatasattaching, 259 SDFchecking, 272 SDF, 292 SDFdetaching, 260 SDFfield specifications, 261 SDFfields, 263 SDFlone, 274 SDFmoving read pointer, 277 SDFreading, 275 SDFretrieving information, 265 SDF,268 SDF, 278 SDFretrieving reference numbers, 264 SDF,267 SDFwriting, 279 SDF

VGroupsadding data to, 271 SDF, 291 SDFadding tags, 281 SDFattaching, 282 SDFchecking, 273 SDF, 293 SDFclosing, 283 SDF

detaching, 283 SDFlone, 294 SDFnumber of objects, 295 SDFopening, 282 SDFretrieving IDs, 284 SDFretrieving information about, 285 SDFretrieving reference numbers, 270 SDF,287 SDFreturning tags, 288 SDF, 289 SDFtags, 290 SDF

HDF Library, determining version, 204 SDFHDF_AN_ANNLEN function, 101 SDFHDF_AN_ANNLIST function, 102 SDFHDF_AN_ATYPE2TAG function, 103 SDFHDF_AN_CREATE function, 104 SDFHDF_AN_CREATEF function, 105 SDFHDF_AN_END procedure, 106 SDFHDF_AN_ENDACCESS procedure, 107 SDFHDF_AN_FILEINFO function, 108 SDFHDF_AN_GET_TAGREF function, 109 SDFHDF_AN_ID2TAGREF function, 111 SDFHDF_AN_NUMANN function, 112 SDFHDF_AN_READANN function, 114 SDFHDF_AN_SELECT function, 115 SDFHDF_AN_START function, 116 SDFHDF_AN_TAG2ATYPE function, 117 SDFHDF_AN_TAGREF2ID function, 118 SDFHDF_AN_WRITEANN function, 119 SDFHDF_BROWSER function, 561 RefHDF_CLOSE procedure, 121 SDFHDF_DELDD procedure, 122 SDFHDF_DF24_ADDIMAGE procedure,123 SDFHDF_DF24_GETIMAGE procedure, 125 SDFHDF_DF24_GETINFO procedure, 126 SDFHDF_DF24_LASTREF function, 128 SDFHDF_DF24_NIMAGES function, 129 SDF

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HDF_DF24_READREF procedure, 130 SDFHDF_DF24_RESTART procedure, 131 SDFHDF_DFAN_ADDFDS procedure, 132 SDFHDF_DFAN_ADDFID procedure, 133 SDFHDF_DFAN_GETDESC procedure, 134 SDFHDF_DFAN_GETFDS procedure, 136 SDFHDF_DFAN_GETFID procedure, 138 SDFHDF_DFAN_GETLABEL procedure,139 SDFHDF_DFAN_LABLIST function, 140 SDFHDF_DFAN_LASTREF function, 142 SDFHDF_DFAN_PUTDESC procedure, 143 SDFHDF_DFAN_PUTLABEL procedure,144 SDFHDF_DFP_ADDPAL procedure, 145 SDFHDF_DFP_GETPAL procedure, 146 SDFHDF_DFP_LASTREF function, 147 SDFHDF_DFP_NPALS function, 148 SDFHDF_DFP_PUTPAL procedure, 149 SDFHDF_DFP_READREF procedure, 151 SDFHDF_DFP_RESTART procedure, 152 SDFHDF_DFP_WRITEREF procedure, 153 SDFHDF_DFR8_ADDIMAGE procedure,154 SDFHDF_DFR8_GETIMAGE procedure,157 SDFHDF_DFR8_GETINFO procedure, 158 SDFHDF_DFR8_LASTREF function, 160 SDFHDF_DFR8_NIMAGES function, 161 SDFHDF_DFR8_PUTIMAGE procedure,162 SDFHDF_DFR8_READREF procedure, 164 SDFHDF_DFR8_RESTART procedure, 165 SDFHDF_DFR8_SETPALETTE procedure,166 SDFHDF_DUPDD procedure, 167 SDFHDF_EXISTS function, 168 SDF

HDF_GR_ATTRINFO function, 169 SDFHDF_GR_CREATE function, 170 SDFHDF_GR_END procedure, 172 SDFHDF_GR_ENDACCESS procedure, 173 SDFHDF_GR_FILEINFO function, 174 SDFHDF_GR_FINDATTR function, 175 SDFHDF_GR_GETATTR function, 176 SDFHDF_GR_GETCHUNKINFO function,177 SDFHDF_GR_GETIMINFO function, 178 SDFHDF_GR_GETLUTID function, 180 SDFHDF_GR_GETLUTINFO function, 181 SDFHDF_GR_IDTOREF function, 182 SDFHDF_GR_LUTTOREF function, 183 SDFHDF_GR_NAMETOINDEX function,184 SDFHDF_GR_READIMAGE function, 185 SDFHDF_GR_READLUT function, 187 SDFHDF_GR_REFTOINDEX function, 188 SDFHDF_GR_SELECT function, 189 SDFHDF_GR_SETATTR function, 190 SDFHDF_GR_SETCHUNK function, 192 SDFHDF_GR_SETCHUNKCACHE function,193 SDFHDF_GR_SETCOMPRESS function,194 SDFHDF_GR_SETEXTERNALFILE function,195 SDFHDF_GR_START function, 196 SDFHDF_GR_WRITEIMAGE function, 197 SDFHDF_GR_WRITELUT function, 199 SDFHDF_HDF2IDLTYPE function, 201 SDFHDF_IDL2HDFTYPE function, 202 SDFHDF_ISHDF function, 203 SDFHDF_LIB_INFO procedure, 204 SDFHDF_NEWREF function, 206 SDFHDF_NUMBER function, 207 SDF

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HDF_OPEN function, 208 SDFHDF_PACKDATA function, 210 SDFHDF_READ function, 565 RefHDF_SD_ADDDATA procedure, 213 SDFHDF_SD_ATTRFIND function, 216 SDFHDF_SD_ATTRINFO procedure, 218 SDFHDF_SD_ATTRSET procedure, 220 SDFHDF_SD_CREATE function, 224 SDFHDF_SD_DIMGET procedure, 227 SDFHDF_SD_DIMGETID function, 229 SDFHDF_SD_DIMSET function, 230 SDFHDF_SD_END function, 233 SDFHDF_SD_ENDACCESS function, 234 SDFHDF_SD_FILEINFO procedure, 235 SDFHDF_SD_GETDATA procedure, 237 SDFHDF_SD_GETINFO procedure, 239 SDFHDF_SD_IDTOREF function, 242 SDFHDF_SD_ISCOORDVAR function, 244 SDFHDF_SD_NAMETOINDEX function,245 SDFHDF_SD_REFTOINDEX function, 246 SDFHDF_SD_SELECT function, 247 SDFHDF_SD_SETCOMPRESS procedure,248 SDFHDF_SD_SETEXTFILE procedure, 250 SDFHDF_SD_SETINFO procedure, 252 SDFHDF_SD_START function, 255 SDFHDF_UNPACKDATA procedure, 257 SDFHDF_VD_ATTACH function, 259 SDFHDF_VD_DETACH procedure, 260 SDFHDF_VD_FDEFINE procedure, 261 SDFHDF_VD_FEXIST function, 263 SDFHDF_VD_FIND function, 264 SDFHDF_VD_GET procedure, 265 SDFHDF_VD_GETID function, 267 SDFHDF_VD_GETINFO procedure, 268 SDFHDF_VD_GETNEXT function, 270 SDF

HDF_VD_INSERT procedure, 271 SDFHDF_VD_ISVD function, 272 SDFHDF_VD_ISVG function, 273 SDFHDF_VD_LONE function, 274 SDFHDF_VD_READ function, 275 SDFHDF_VD_SEEK procedure, 277 SDFHDF_VD_SETINFO procedure, 278 SDFHDF_VD_WRITE procedure, 279 SDFHDF_VG_ADDTR procedure, 281 SDFHDF_VG_ATTACH procedure, 282 SDFHDF_VG_DETACH procedure, 283 SDFHDF_VG_GETID function, 284 SDFHDF_VG_GETINFO procedure, 285 SDFHDF_VG_GETNEXT function, 287 SDFHDF_VG_GETTR procedure, 288 SDFHDF_VG_GETTRS procedure, 289 SDFHDF_VG_INQTR function, 290 SDFHDF_VG_INSERT procedure, 291 SDFHDF_VG_ISVD function, 292 SDFHDF_VG_ISVG function, 293 SDFHDF_VG_LONE function, 294 SDFHDF_VG_NUMBER function, 295 SDFHDF_VG_SETINFO procedure, 296 SDFHDF-EOS

overview, 16 SDFHDF-EOS files

importing using macros, 210 Usingheap variables, 121 Build, 471 Build,186 EDG

creating, 1051 Ref, 123 Builddestroying, 1050 Refgarbage collection, 569 Refleakage, 134 Build, 472 Buildobject, 121 Build, 465 Build, 471 Build,471 Buildpointer, 125 Buildsaving and restoring, 124 Build

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HEAP_GC procedure, 569 RefHeight listbox property, 572 BuildHeight text property, 561 BuildHello World Example, 302 EDGhelp

ONLINE_HELP procedure, 956 Refhelp files

alternatives to online help, 458 Buildcreating a help button, 455 Builddisplaying

text with XDISPLAYFILE, 460 Builddisplaying text files, 460 Build

help on IDL, 200 GStartHELP procedure, 571 RefHELP,/DLM, 340 EDG, 344 EDGHELP_VM, see obsolete routineshelper objects, 516 Using, 530 UsingHELVETICA keyword, 2329 RefHershey fonts, 2472 Ref, 572 UsingHershey, Dr. A. V., 2474 RefHessenberg array or matrix, 435 Ref, 600 RefHewlett-Packard Graphics Language, see HP-GLhexadecimal, 43 Buildhidden line removal, 631 Usinghidden object classes, 521 Usinghiding cursor, 1460 Refhiding window objects, 670 UsingHierarchical Data Format See HDFHierarchical Data Format see HDF fileshierarchy of objects, 524 Usinghighpass filters, 428 Usinghigh-resolution continent outlines, 376 UsingHILBERT function, 578 RefHilbert transform, 422 UsingHIST_2D function, 579 RefHIST_EQUAL function, 581 Ref


H_EQ_CT function, 557 Refinteractive (H_EQ_INT function), 558 Ref

plot, 406 Usingplotting mode, 2409 Ref, 269 Usingview of ROI, 1760 Ref, 271 WNew

HISTOGRAM function, 584 Refhistograms

number of bins, 24 WNewHLS color system, 193 Ref, 351 Ref,1461 Ref, 391 UsingHLS procedure, 590 Refhome directory

Macintosh platform, 182 UsingMotif platform, 133 UsingWindows platform, 93 Using

hom*ogeneous coordinates, 323 Usinghorizontal slider, see slider widgetsHough

backprojection, 592 Ref, 179 WNewtransform, 592 Ref, 179 WNew

HOUGH function, 592 Ref, 179 WNewhourglass cursor, 627 Build

for widgets, 1560 Refsaving, 1599 Ref

Householdermethod, 1442 Refreductions, 430 Ref

How Callable IDL is Implemented on DifferentPlatforms, 346 EDGHP-GL

driver, 2359 Reffiles, 2354 Ref

HQR function, 600 RefHSV color system, 193 Ref, 351 Ref,1461 Ref, 391 Using

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HSV procedure, 602 RefHSV_TO_R, see obsolete routinesHTML, 898 Ref, 452 Build

using for help files, 459 Buildhue, 391 UsinghWnd, 83 EDGhyperbolic

cosine, 250 Refsine, 1252 Reftangent, 1397 Ref

HyperHelp, 452 Buildhyperslab, retrieving (netCDF files), 498 SDFHyperText Markup Language, 898 Ref,452 Buildhypothesis testing

Chi-square model validation, 1762 Refcontingency test for independence, 263 RefF-variances test, 520 RefKruskal-Wallis H-test, 662 RefLomb frequency test, 784 RefMann-Whitney U-test, 1201 Refmedian delta test, 858 Refnormality test, 520 Ref, 1416 Refroutines, 467 Usingruns test for randomness, 1082 Refsign test, 1203 Refstatistics, 465 Usingt-means test, 1416 RefWilcoxon rank-sum test, 1201 Ref

Ii/o, 244 EDGI/O, see input/outputIBETA function, 604 RefIBETA machine-specific parameter, 809 RefIconify method, 2288 Ref

iconifyingwidgets, 1560 Refwindows, 1696 Ref

iconifying windows, 670 Usingicons, editing, 1701 RefID numbers

for scientific datasets, 96 SDFIDENTITY function, 606 RefIDL

applications, distributing, 14 BuildCode Profiler, 369 Build, 163 GStartDevelopment Environment

Macintosh platform, 155 UsingMotif platform, 102 Using

Direct Graphics, 250 Using, 504 Usingfor Macintosh, 2364 Reffor Windows, 2386 Refgetting help, 200 GStartObject Graphics, 250 Using, 504 Usingpointers, 126 Buildruntime licensing, 14 Build

IDL Apple Events, 96 EDGIDL Development Environment

Layout, 17 GStartIDL for VAX/VMS Version 1 Compatibility,422 EDGIDL GUIBuilder, 492 Build

# of Rows/Columns property, 546 BuildAlignment label property, 566 BuildAlignment property, 547 Build, 558 BuildAlignment table property, 581 BuildAllowing Closing property, 547 BuildAllowing Moving property, 548 Buildbase widget attributes, 546 Buildbase widget events, 555 Buildbase widget properties, 546 Buildbase widgets, using, 508 Build, 191 GStart

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Bitmap Editor, 517 BuildBitmap property, 558 Buildbutton attributes, 558 Buildbutton widgets, using, 508 Build, 191 GStartbuttons, adding bitmaps, 517 Buildbuttons, adding menus, 517 Buildcheckbox attributes, 558 Buildcheckbox widgets, using, 509 Build,191 GStartcheckboxes, creating, 557 BuildColor Model draw area property, 575 Buildcolor table example, 504 Build, 188 GStartColors draw area property, 575 BuildColumn Labels table property, 581 Buildcommon events, 543 Buildcompiling and running example, 505 Build,189 GStartComponent Sizing property, 540 Buildcopying or cutting widgets, 521 Buildcreating draw area, example, 499 Build,183 GStartcreating multiple checkboxes, 557 Buildcreating multiple radio buttons, 557 Builddefining menus, example, 496 Build,181 GStartdeleting widgets, 521 BuildDisplay Headers table property, 581 Builddraw area events, 578 Builddraw widget properties, 575 Builddraw widgets, using, 510 Build, 191 GStartdroplist attributes, 570 Builddroplist events, 570 Builddroplist properties, 570 Builddroplists, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartEditable table property, 582 BuildEditable text property, 561 Buildevent code, example, 534 Build

event code, handling example, 526 Buildevent code, integrating interfaces, 529 Buildevent code, understanding, 525 Buildexample application, 496 Buildfiles, generating multiple times, 524 Buildfiles, IDL code, 523 Buildfiles, portable resource, 523 BuildFloating property, 548 BuildFrame property, 541 Buildgenerating code, 502 Build, 523 Build,185 GStartgenerating files, 71 Usinggenerating resource files, 523 BuildGraphics Type draw area property, 576 BuildGrid layout property, 549 BuildHandle Events common event, 543 BuildHeight listbox property, 572 BuildHeight text property, 561 Buildhorizontal slider, using, 509 Build,191 GStartIDLDE

Windows platform, 67 UsingInitial Value droplist property, 570 BuildInitial Value listbox property, 572 BuildInitial Value text property, 562 Buildintegrating multiple interfaces, 529 BuildLabel property, 559 Buildlabel widget attributes, 566 Buildlabel widget properties, 566 Buildlabel widgets, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartLayout property, 549 Buildlistbox attributes, 572 Buildlistbox events, 573 Buildlistbox properties, 572 Buildlistbox widgets, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartMaximum Value slider property, 568 Buildmenus, editing, 514 Build

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Minimize/Maximize property, 550 BuildMinimum Value slider property, 568 BuildModal property, 550 Buildmodifying code, example, 502 Build,186 GStartmoving widgets, 521 BuildMultiple listbox property, 572 BuildName property, 540 BuildNo Release property, 559 BuildOnButton draw area event, 578 BuildOnButton Press event property, 560 BuildOnCellSelect table event, 585 BuildOnChangeValue slider event, 569 BuildOnColWidth table event, 585 BuildOnDelete table event, 586 BuildOnDelete text event, 563 BuildOnDestroy event property, 544 BuildOnExpose draw area event, 579 BuildOnFocus event property, 555 BuildOnFocus table event, 586 BuildOnFocus text event, 563 BuildOnInsertCh text event, 564 BuildOnInsertChar table event, 586 BuildOnInsertString table event, 587 BuildOnInsertString text event, 564 BuildOnInvalidData table event, 587 BuildOnKillRequest event property, 555 BuildOnMotion draw area event, 579 BuildOnRealize event property, 544 BuildOnSelectValue droplist event, 571 BuildOnSelectValue listbox event, 573 BuildOnSizeChange event property, 556 BuildOnTextSelect table event, 587 BuildOnTextSelect text event, 564 BuildOnTimer event property, 544 BuildOnTracking event property, 544 Build

OnViewportMoved draw area event,580 Buildoperating on widgets, 520 Buildparent base, changing for widget, 521 Buildpasting widgets, 521 BuildPosition slider property, 568 BuildPostCreation event property, 545 BuildProperties dialog, 511 Buildradio button attributes, 558 Buildradio button widgets, using, 509 Build,191 GStartradio buttons, creating, 557 Buildredoing operations, 522 BuildRenderer draw area property, 576 BuildResize Columns table property, 582 Buildresizing widgets, 521 BuildRetain draw area property, 577 BuildRow Labels table property, 583 BuildRow/Column Major table property,583 BuildScroll draw area property, 577 BuildScroll property, 551 BuildScroll table property, 583 BuildScroll text property, 562 Buildselecting widgets, 520 BuildSensitive property, 541 Buildsetting button events, 560 Buildsetting button properties, 557 Buildsetting text widget attributes, 561 Buildsetting text widget events, 563 Buildslider events, 569 Buildslider properties, 568 Buildsmooth example, 505 Build, 189 GStartSpace property, 551 Buildstarting, 494 Build, 496 Build, 181 GStartSuppress Value slider property, 569 BuildSystem Menu property, 552 Build

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table events, 584 Buildtable widget attributes, 581 Buildtable widget properties, 581 Buildtable widgets, using, 510 Build, 191 GStarttest mode, 501 Build, 185 GStartText label property, 566 Buildtext widgets properties, 561 Buildtext widgets, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartTitle Bar property, 552 BuildTitle droplist property, 570 BuildTitle property, 552 BuildTitle slider property, 569 Buildtoolbar, 508 Build, 180 GStarttools, 507 Build, 180 GStartType property, 560 Buildundoing operations, 522 Buildvertical slider, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartViewport Columns table property, 584 BuildViewport Rows table property, 584 BuildVisible property, 553 BuildWidget Browser, 534 BuildWidget Browser, using, 513 Buildwidgets, changing parent base of, 521 Buildwidgets, cutting, copying or pasting,521 Buildwidgets, deleting, 521 Buildwidgets, moving, 521 Buildwidgets, resizing, 521 Buildwidgets, selecting, 520 BuildWidth listbox property, 573 BuildWidth text property, 562 BuildWord Wrapping text property, 562 Buildwriting event-handling code, 502 Build,186 GStartX Offset property, 542 BuildX Pad property, 553 BuildX Scroll draw area property, 577 Build

X Scroll property, 554 BuildX Size property, 542 BuildY Offset property, 542 BuildY Pad property, 554 BuildY Scroll draw area property, 578 BuildY Scroll property, 554 BuildY Size property, 543 Build

IDL Insight, 42 WNewIDL object overview, 465 BuildIDL objects, 474 BuildIDL organization, 28 EDGIDL output, diverting, 357 EDGIDL Printing, 40 UsingIDL Projects enhancements, 46 WNewIDL RPC Client API Example, 107 EDGIDL RPC variable accessor macros, 134 EDGIDL signal API, 267 EDGIDL statements, executing, 359 EDGIDL timer module, 278 EDGIDL Version 2 and IDL Version 3 Compatibil-ity, 421 EDGIDL Wavelet Toolkit, 59 WNew

features, 9 Wvltfile organization, 11 Wvltmain window, 14 Wvltmenus, 16 Wvltstarting, 14 Wvltstatus bar, 14 Wvltstructure, 11 Wvlttoolbar, 14 Wvlt

IDL, organization of, 28 EDGIDL_A_FILE bit value, 180 EDGIDL_ABS() macro, 297 EDGIDL_ALLTYPES union, 175 EDG, 178 EDGIDL_ARR_INI_INDEX bit value, 189 EDGIDL_ARR_INI_NOP bit value, 189 EDGIDL_ARR_INI_ZERO bit value, 189 EDG

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IDL_ARRAY structure, 175 EDGIDL_ARRAY_MEMORY_SIZE, 32 UsingIDL_BailOut() function, 289 EDGIDL_BasicTypeConversion() function,241 EDGIDL_CHAR() macro, 297 EDGIDL_CHARA() macro, 297 EDGIDL_Cleanup() function, 352 EDG, 362 EDGIDL_Container

Add method, 1788 Refclass, 1787 RefCleanup method, 1789 RefCount method, 1790 RefGet method, 1791 RefInit method, 1792 Ref, 1884 RefIsContained method, 1793 RefMove method, 1794 RefRemove method, 1795 Ref

IDL_Container class, 510 UsingIDL_CvtByte function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtBytscl function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtComplex function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtDbl function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtDComplex function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtFix function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtFlt function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtLng function, 242 EDGIDL_CvtString function, 242 EDGIDL_Deltmp() function, 191 EDG, 195 EDGIDL_DEVICE environment variable, 30 UsingIDL_DIR environment variable, 30 UsingIDL_DLM_PATH, 338 EDG, 344 EDGIDL_DLM_PATH environment variable,30 UsingIDL_EFS_ASSOC bit value, 256 EDGIDL_EFS_CLOSED bit value, 255 EDGIDL_EFS_IDL_OPEN bit value, 255 EDG

IDL_EFS_NOGUI bit value, 256 EDGIDL_EFS_NOPIPE bit value, 256 EDGIDL_EFS_NOT_NOSTDIO bit value,256 EDGIDL_EFS_NOTTY bit value, 255 EDGIDL_EFS_NOXDR bit value, 256 EDGIDL_EFS_READ bit value, 255 EDGIDL_EFS_USER bit value, 255 EDGIDL_EFS_WRITE bit value, 255 EDGIDL_ENSURE_ARRAY macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_OBJREF macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_PTR macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_SCALAR macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_SIMPLE macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_STRING macro, 238 EDGIDL_ENSURE_STRUCTURE macro,238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_COMPLEX macro,238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_CONST macro, 237 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_EXPR macro, 237 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_FILE macro, 238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_SCALAR macro, 238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_STRING macro, 238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_STRUCT macro, 238 EDGIDL_EXCLUDE_UNDEF macro, 237 EDGIDL_Execute() function, 359 EDGIDL_ExecuteStr() function, 359 EDGIDL_ExitRegister() function, 288 EDGIDL_EZ_ACCESS_R bit value, 415 EDGIDL_EZ_ACCESS_RW bit value, 415 EDGIDL_EZ_ACCESS_W bit value, 415 EDGIDL_EZ_ARG struct, 414 EDGIDL_EZ_DIM_ANY bit value, 415 EDGIDL_EZ_DIM_ARRAY bit value, 415 EDGIDL_EZ_POST_TRANSPOSE bit value,416 EDG

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IDL_EZ_POST_WRITEBACK bit value,416 EDGIDL_EZ_PRE_SQMATRIX bit value,416 EDGIDL_EZ_PRE_TRANSPOSE bit value,416 EDGIDL_EzCall() function, 413 EDGIDL_EzCallCleanup() function, 417 EDGIDL_F_COMPRESS bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_DEL_ON_CLOSE bit value, 246 EDGIDL_F_DOS_BINARY bit value, 249 EDGIDL_F_ISAGUI bit value, 246 EDGIDL_F_ISATTY bit value, 246 EDGIDL_F_MORE bit value, 246 EDGIDL_F_NOCLOSE bit value, 246 EDGIDL_F_SR bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_STDIO value, 247 EDGIDL_F_SWAP_ENDIAN bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_UNIX_F77 bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_UNIX_NOSTDIO bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_UNIX_PIPE bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_UNIX_SPECIAL bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VAX_FLOAT bit value, 247 EDGIDL_F_VMS_CCFORTRAN bit value,249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_CCLIST bit value, 249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_CCNONE bit value, 249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_FIXED bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_INDEXED bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_PRINT bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_RMSBLK bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_RMSBLKUDF bit value,248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_SEGMENTED bit value,248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_SHARED bit value, 249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_STREAM bit value, 248 EDG

IDL_F_VMS_STREAM_STRICT bit value,248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_SUBMIT bit value, 248 EDGIDL_F_VMS_SUPERCEED bit value,249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_TRCLOSE bit value, 249 EDGIDL_F_VMS_VARIABLE bit value,248 EDGIDL_F_XDR bit value, 246 EDGIDL_FALSE preprocessor constant, 296 EDGIDL_FILE_CLOSE() macro, 254 EDGIDL_FILE_NOCLOSE() macro, 254 EDGIDL_FILE_STAT struct, 245 EDGIDL_FileClose() function, 253 EDGIDL_FileEnsureStatus() function, 255 EDGIDL_FileEOF() function, 259 EDGIDL_FileFlushUnit() function, 260 EDGIDL_FileFreeUnit() function, 257 EDGIDL_FileGetUnit() function, 257 EDGIDL_FileOpen() function, 250 EDGIDL_FileSetClose() function, 254 EDGIDL_FileStat() function, 245 EDGIDL_FileTerm global variable, 291 EDGIDL_FileTermColumns function, 291 EDGIDL_FileTermIsTty function, 291 EDGIDL_FileTermLines function, 291 EDGIDL_FileTermName function, 291 EDGIDL_FindNamedVariable() function, 202 EDGIDL_GetKbrd() function, 261 EDGIDL_GetScratch function, 194 EDGIDL_Gettmp() function, 188 EDGIDL_GetUserInfo() function, 295 EDGIDL_GetVarAddr() function, 201 EDGIDL_GetVarAddr1() function, 201 EDGIDL_HELP_PATH environment variable,31 Using

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IDL_ImportArray() function, 182 EDG,192 EDGIDL_ImportNamedArray() function,182 EDG, 192 EDGIDL_Init() function, 351 EDG, 353 EDGIDL_INIT_BACKGROUND, 354 EDGIDL_INIT_EMBEDDED bit value, 353 EDGIDL_INIT_GUI bit value, 353 EDGIDL_INIT_GUI_AUTO bit value, 353 EDGIDL_INIT_NOLICALIAS bit value, 354 EDGIDL_INIT_NOTTYEDIT bit value, 354 EDGIDL_KW_ARR_DESC structure, 209 EDGIDL_KW_ARRAY bit value, 207 EDGIDL_KW_CLEAN bit value, 213 EDGIDL_KW_FAST_SCAN macro, 212 EDGIDL_KW_MARK bit value, 213 EDGIDL_KW_OUT bit value, 207 EDGIDL_KW_PAR structure, 205 EDG, 206 EDGIDL_KW_VALUE bit value, 208 EDGIDL_KW_VIN bit value, 207 EDGIDL_KW_ZERO bit value, 207 EDGIDL_KWCleanup() function, 205 EDG,213 EDGIDL_KWGetParams() function, 205 EDG,211 EDGIDL_Load(), 324 EDG, 410 EDGIDL_Logit() function, 263 EDGIDL_LONG type definition, 170 EDGIDL_LONG64, 170 EDGIDL_M_GENERIC message string, 233 EDGIDL_M_NAMED_GENERIC message code,233 EDGIDL_Main() function, 363 EDGIDL_MakeStruct() function, 181 EDGIDL_MakeTempArray function, 188 EDGIDL_MakeTempStruct() function, 190 EDGIDL_MAX() macro, 297 EDG

IDL_MAX_ARRAY_DIM preprocessor con-stant, 296 EDGIDL_MAX_TYPE constant, 168 EDGIDL_MAXIDLEN preprocessor constant,296 EDGIDL_MAXPATH preprocessor constant,296 EDGIDL_MBLK_CORE, 228 EDGIDL_MemAlloc() function, 286 EDGIDL_MemAllocPerm() function, 287 EDGIDL_MemFree() function, 287 EDGIDL_Message() function, 230 EDG, 270 EDGIDL_MessageDefineBlock(), 228 EDG,341 EDGIDL_MessageErrno() function, 234 EDGIDL_MessageNameToCode(), 236 EDGIDL_MessageVMS() function, 235 EDGIDL_MIN() macro, 297 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_BELL bit value, 231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_MORE bit value, 231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_NOPREFIX bit value,231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_NOPRINT bit value,231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_NOTRACE bit value,231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_QUIET bit value,231 EDGIDL_MSG_ATTR_SYS bit value, 232 EDGIDL_MSG_DEF, 228 EDGIDL_MSG_EXIT bit value, 230 EDGIDL_MSG_INFO bit value, 230 EDGIDL_MSG_IO_LONGJMP bit value,231 EDGIDL_MSG_LONGJMP bit value, 231 EDGIDL_MSG_RET bit value, 230 EDGIDL_NUM_TYPES constant, 168 EDG

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IDL_OPEN_APND bit value, 246 EDG,251 EDGIDL_OPEN_R bit value, 246 EDG, 250 EDGIDL_OPEN_TRUNC bit value, 246 EDG,251 EDGIDL_OPEN_W bit value, 246 EDG, 250 EDGIDL_OutputFormat global variable, 293 EDGIDL_OutputFormatFunc function, 293 EDGIDL_OutputFormatLen global variable,293 EDGIDL_OutputFormatLenFunc function,293 EDGIDL_PATH environment variable, 31 UsingIDL_Print() function, 262 EDGIDL_PrintF() function, 262 EDGIDL_REGISTER preprocessor constant,296 EDGIDL_ROUND_UP() macro, 297 EDGIDL_RPCCleanup, 112 EDGIDL_RPCDeltmp, 113 EDGIDL_RPCExecuteStr, 114 EDGIDL_RPCGetArrayData, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetArrayNumDims, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetArrrayDimensions, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetMainVariable, 115 EDGIDL_RPCGettmp, 116 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarByte, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarComplex, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarComplexl, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarComplexR, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarDComplex, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarDComplexI, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarDComplexR, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarDouble, 134 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarFloat, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVariable, 117 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarInt, 135 EDG

IDL_RPCGetVarLong, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarLong64, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarString, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarType, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarUInt, 135 EDGIDL_RPCGetVarULong64, 135 EDGIDL_RPCImportArray, 118 EDGIDL_RPCInit, 119 EDGIDL_RPCMakeArray, 120 EDGIDL_RPCOutputCapture, 122 EDGIDL_RPCOutputGetStr, 123 EDGIDL_RPCSetMainVariable, 124 EDGIDL_RPCSetVariable, 125 EDGIDL_RPCStoreScalar, 126 EDGIDL_RPCStrDelete, 127 EDGIDL_RPCStrDup, 128 EDGIDL_RPCStrEnsureLength, 129 EDGIDL_RPCStrStore, 130 EDGIDL_RPCTimeout, 131 EDGIDL_RPCVarCopy, 132 EDGIDL_RPCVarGetData, 133 EDGIDL_RPCVarIsArray, 135 EDGIDL_RuntimeExec() function, 361 EDGIDL_SignalBlock() function, 275 EDGIDL_SignalMaskBlock() function, 274 EDGIDL_SignalMaskGet() function, 273 EDGIDL_SignalMaskSet() function, 274 EDGIDL_SignalRegister() function, 270 EDGIDL_SignalSetAdd() function, 272 EDGIDL_SignalSetDel() function, 273 EDGIDL_SignalSetInit() function, 272 EDGIDL_SignalSetIsMember() function, 273 EDGIDL_SignalSuspend() function, 275 EDGIDL_SignalUnregister() function, 271 EDGIDL_SREF structure, 175 EDG, 181 EDGIDL_STARTUP environment variable,31 Using, 58 Using

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IDL_STDERR_UNIT file unit, 252 EDGIDL_STDIN_UNIT file unit, 252 EDGIDL_STDOUT_UNIT file unit, 252 EDGIDL_StoreScalar() function, 198 EDG,237 EDGIDL_StoreScalarZero(), 198 EDGIDL_StrDelete() function, 223 EDGIDL_StrDup() function, 222 EDGIDL_StrEnsureLength() function, 225 EDGIDL_STRING struct, 171 EDGIDL_STRING structure, 220 EDGIDL_STRING_STR macro, 221 EDGIDL_StrStore() function, 224 EDGIDL_StrToSTRING() function, 224 EDGIDL_STRUCT_TAG_DEF type definition,182 EDGIDL_StructNumTags(), 184 EDGIDL_StructTagInfoByIndex() function,183 EDGIDL_StructTagInfoByName() function,183 EDGIDL_StructTagNameByIndex function,184 EDGIDL_SYSFUN_DEF, 324 EDG, 411 EDGIDL_SYSFUN_DEF struct, 411 EDGIDL_SYSFUN_DEF_KEYWORDS,205 EDGIDL_SYSFUN_DEF2 struct, 205 EDG,324 EDGIDL_SysRtnAdd function, 205 EDG,324 EDGIDL_SysvDir variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvDirFunc function, 290 EDGIDL_SysvErrCode variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvErrCodeValue function, 420 EDGIDL_SysvErrorCode variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvErrorCodeValue function, 290 EDG

IDL_SysvErrStringFunc function, 290 EDGIDL_SysVersionArch function, 290 EDGIDL_SysVersionOS function, 290 EDGIDL_SysVersionOSFamily function, 290 EDGIDL_SysVersionRelease function, 290 EDGIDL_SysvOrder variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvOrderValue function, 290 EDGIDL_SysvSyserrStringFunc function,290 EDGIDL_SysvVersion.arch variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvVersion.os variable, 420 EDGIDL_SysvVersion.os_family variable,420 EDGIDL_SysvVersion.release variable, 420 EDGIDL_TERMINFO struct, 291 EDGIDL_TIMER_CONTEXT variable, 279 EDGIDL_TimerBlock() function, 282 EDGIDL_TimerCancel() function, 281 EDGIDL_TimerSet() function, 279 EDGIDL_TMPDIR environment variable, 31 UsingIDL_TOUT_F_NLPOST bit value, 357 EDGIDL_TOUT_F_STDERR bit value, 357 EDGIDL_ToutPop() function, 358 EDGIDL_ToutPush() function, 357 EDGIDL_TREE example routine, 143 BuildIDL_TRUE preprocessor constant, 296 EDGIDL_TTYReset function, 292 EDGIDL_TYP_B_ALL constant, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_BYTE type code, 168 EDGIDL_TYP_COMPLEX type code, 168 EDG,170 EDGIDL_TYP_DCOMPLEX type code, 168 EDG,170 EDGIDL_TYP_DOUBLE type code, 168 EDGIDL_TYP_FLOAT type code, 168 EDGIDL_TYP_INT type code, 168 EDGIDL_TYP_LONG type code, 168 EDG

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IDL_TYP_LONG64 type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_MASK preprocessor macro,169 EDGIDL_TYP_OBJREF type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_PTR type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_STRING type code, 168 EDG,171 EDGIDL_TYP_STRUCT type code, 168 EDG,181 EDGIDL_TYP_UINT type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_ULONG type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_ULONG64 type code, 169 EDGIDL_TYP_UNDEF, 168 EDGIDL_TYP_UNDEF type code, 168 EDGIDL_TypeName global variable, 293 EDGIDL_TypeNameFunc function, 294 EDGIDL_TypeSize global variable, 293 EDGIDL_TypeSizeFunc function, 294 EDGIDL_ULONG, 170 EDGIDL_ULONG64, 170 EDGIDL_USER_INFO struct, 295 EDGIDL_V_ARR bit value, 176 EDGIDL_V_CONST bit value, 176 EDGIDL_V_DYNAMIC bit value, 177 EDGIDL_V_FILE bit value, 177 EDGIDL_V_STRUCT bit value, 177 EDG,181 EDGIDL_V_TEMP bit value, 176 EDGIDL_VarCopy() function, 197 EDGIDL_VarGetData() function, 196 EDGIDL_VARIABLE structure, 175 EDGIDL_VarName() function, 200 EDGIDL_VPTR, 29 EDG, 175 EDGIDL_WidgetGetStubIds() function, 401 EDG,401 EDGIDL_WidgetIssueStubEvent() function,401 EDG

IDL_WidgetSetStubIds() function, 401 EDG,401 EDGIDL_WidgetStubLock() function, 400 EDGIDL_WidgetStubLookup() function, 400 EDGIDL_WidgetStubSetSizeFunc() function,402 EDG, 402 EDGIDL_Win32Init() function, 351 EDG,355 EDGIDLanROI

AppendData method, 1798 RefCleanup method, 1800 RefComputeGeometry method, 1801 RefComputeMask method, 1803 RefContainsPoints method, 1806 RefGetProperty method, 1808 RefInit method, 1810 RefRemoveData method, 1813 RefReplaceData method, 1814 RefRotate method, 1817 RefScale method, 1818 RefSetProperty method, 1819 RefTranslate method, 1820 Ref

IDLanROI object class, 1796 RefIDLanROI vertices, 23 WNewIDLanROIGroup

Add method, 1823 RefCleanup method, 1824 RefComputeMask method, 1825 RefComputeMesh method, 1828 RefContainsPoints method, 1830 RefGetProperty method, 1832 RefInit method, 1834 RefRotate method, 1835 RefScale method, 1836 RefTranslate method, 1837 Ref

IDLanROIGroup object class, 1821 Ref

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IDLdbDatabaseConnect method, 48 DataMExecuteSQL method, 49 DataMGetDatasources method, 50 DataMGetProperty method, 51 DataMGetTables method, 53 DataMSetProperty method, 54 DataM

IDLdbDatabase object, 47 DataMIDLDbRecordset

AddRecord method, 58 DataMCurrentRow method, 59 DataMDeleteRecord method, 60 DataMGetField method, 61 DataMGetProperty method, 62 DataMIsReadOnly method, 66 DataMMoveCursor method, 66 DataMnFields method, 67 DataM

IDLdbRecordsetGetRecord Method, 65 DataM

IDLDbRecordset object, 56 DataMIDLDE

Windows platformIDL GUIBuilder, 67 Using

IDLDE Graphics windowMacintosh, 178 Using

IDLDE windowsEditor

Motif platform, 106 UsingWindows platform, 67 Using

GraphicsMotif platform, 106 Usingpreferences in Windows, 90 Using

IDLDrawWidgetauto event properties, 85 EDGcompiling IDL code, 53 EDGcreating, 50 EDG

creating an interface and handling events,46 EDGdo methods (runtime only), 77 EDGevents, 87 EDGinitializing IDL, 49 EDG, 53 EDGintegrating object graphics, 62 EDGmethods, 69 EDGmodifying IDL library code, 60 EDGproperties, 79 EDGread only properties, 83 EDGregister for events, 74 EDGsharing grid control array, 63 EDGspecifying IDL path, 48 EDG

IDLffDICOMCleanup method, 1844 RefDumpElements method, 1845 RefGetChildren method, 1846 RefGetDescription method, 1847 RefGetElement method, 1849 RefGetGroup method, 1851 RefGetLength method, 1853 RefGetParent method, 1854 RefGetPreamble method, 1855 RefGetReference method, 1856 RefGetValue method, 1858 RefGetVR method, 1861 RefInit method, 1863 RefRead method, 1864 RefReset method, 1865 Ref

IDLffDICOM object, 1838 RefIDLffDXF

Cleanup method, 1868 RefGetContents method, 1869 RefGetEntity method, 1872 RefGetPalette method, 1883 RefInit method, 1884 RefPutEntity method, 1885 Ref

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Read method, 1886 RefRemoveEntity method, 1887 RefReset method, 1888 RefSetPalette method, 1889 RefWrite method, 1890 Ref

IDLffDXF class, 1866 RefIDLffLanguageCat

class, 1891 RefIsValid method, 1892 RefQuery method, 1893 RefSetCatalog method, 1894 Ref

IDLffShapeAddAttribute method, 1906 Ref, 291 WNewclass, 1895 Ref, 280 WNewCleanup method, 1908 Ref, 293 WNewClose method, 1909 Ref, 294 WNewDestroyEntity method, 1910 Ref,295 WNewGetAttributes method, 1911 Ref, 296 WNewGetEntity method, 1913 Ref, 298 WNewGetProperty method, 1915 Ref, 300 WNewInit method, 1919 Ref, 304 WNewOpen method, 1921 Ref, 306 WNewPutEntity method, 1922 Ref, 307 WNewSetAttributes method, 1924 Ref, 309 WNew

IDLgrAxisclass, 1927 RefCleanup method, 1928 RefGetCTM method, 1929 RefGetProperty method, 1931 RefInit method, 1933 RefSetProperty method, 1945 Ref

IDLgrAxis class, 512 UsingIDLgrBuffer

Cleanup method, 1948 RefDraw method, 1949 RefErase method, 1950 Ref

GetDeviceInfo method, 1952 RefGetFontnames method, 1954 Ref, 1973 Ref,2141 Ref, 2269 RefGetProperty method, 1955 RefGetTextDimensions method, 1956 RefInit method, 1957 RefPickdata method, 1960 RefRead method, 1962 RefSelect method, 1963 RefSetProperty method, 1965 Ref

IDLgrBuffer class, 1946 Ref, 517 UsingIDLgrClipboard

Cleanup method, 1967 RefDraw method, 1968 RefGetContiguousPixels method, 1970 RefGetDeviceInfo method, 1971 RefGetProperty method, 1974 RefGetTextDimensions method, 1975 RefInit method, 1976 Ref

IDLgrClipboard class, 517 UsingIDLgrClipboard object, 1966 RefIDLgrColorbar

class, 1980 RefCleanup method, 1981 RefComputeDimensions method, 1982 RefGetProperty method, 1983 RefInit method, 1985 RefSetProperty method, 1991 Ref

IDLgrColorbar class, 514 UsingIDLgrColorbar object, 1980 RefIDLgrContour

Cleanup method, 1993 RefGetCTM method, 1994 RefGetProperty method, 1996 RefInit method, 1998 RefSetProperty method, 2006 Ref

IDLgrContour class, 512 Using

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IDLgrContour object, 1992 RefIDLgrFont

class, 2007 RefCleanup method, 2008 RefGetProperty method, 2009 RefInit method, 2010 RefSetProperty method, 2012 Ref

IDLgrFont class, 515 UsingIDLgrImage

class, 2013 RefCleanup method, 2015 RefGetCTM method, 2016 RefGetProperty method, 2018 RefInit method, 2020 RefSetProperty method, 2027 Ref

IDLgrImage class, 512 UsingIDLgrLegend

Cleanup method, 2030 RefComputeDimensions method, 2031 RefGetProperty method, 2032 RefInit method, 2034 RefSetProperty method, 2040 Ref

IDLgrLegend class, 514 UsingIDLgrLight

class, 2041 RefCleanup method, 2042 RefGetCTM method, 2043 RefGetProperty method, 2045 RefInit method, 2046 RefSetProperty method, 2050 Ref

IDLgrLight class, 512 UsingIDLgrModel

Add method, 2053 Refclass, 2051 RefCleanup method, 2054 RefDraw method, 2055 RefGetByName method, 2056 Ref

GetCTM method, 2057 RefGetProperty method, 2059 RefInit method, 2060 RefReset method, 2062 RefRotate method, 2063 RefScale method, 2064 RefSetProperty method, 2065 RefTranslate method, 2066 Ref

IDLgrModel class, 511 UsingIDLgrMPEG

Cleanup method, 2068 RefGetProperty method, 2069 RefInit method, 2070 RefPut method, 2075 RefSave method, 2076 RefSetProperty method, 2077 Ref

IDLgrMPEG class, 518 UsingIDLgrMPEG object, 2067 RefIDLgrPalette

class, 2078 RefCleanup method, 2079 RefGetProperty method, 2081 RefGetRGB method, 2080 RefInit method, 2082 RefLoadCT method, 2085 RefNearestColor method, 2086 RefSetProperty method, 2088 RefSetRGB method, 2087 Ref

IDLgrPalette class, 515 UsingIDLgrPattern

class, 2089 RefCleanup method, 2090 RefGetProperty method, 2091 RefInit method, 2092 RefSetProperty method, 2094 Ref

IDLgrPattern class, 515 Using

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IDLgrPlotclass, 2095 RefCleanup method, 2096 RefGetCTM method, 2097 RefGetProperty method, 2099 RefInit method, 2101 RefSetProperty method, 2107 Ref

IDLgrPlot class, 512 UsingIDLgrPolygon

class, 2108 RefCleanup method, 2109 RefGetCTM method, 2110 RefGetProperty method, 2112 RefInit method, 2114 RefSetProperty method, 2123 Ref

IDLgrPolygon class, 513 UsingIDLgrPolyline

class, 2124 RefCleanup method, 2125 RefGetCTM method, 2126 RefGetProperty method, 2128 RefInit method, 2130 RefSetProperty method, 2136 Ref

IDLgrPolyline class, 513 UsingIDLgrPrinter

class, 2137 RefCleanup method, 2138 RefDraw method, 2139 RefGetContiguousPixels method, 2140 RefGetProperty method, 2142 RefGetTextDimensions method, 2144 RefInit method, 2145 RefNewDocument method, 2149 RefNewPage method, 2150 RefSetProperty method, 2151 Ref

IDLgrPrinter class, 517 Using

IDLgrROICleanup method, 2154 RefGetProperty method, 2155 RefInit method, 2157 RefPickVertex method, 2162 RefSetProperty method, 2163 Ref

IDLgrROI object class, 2152 RefIDLgrROIGroup

Add method, 2166 RefCleanup method, 2167 RefGetProperty method, 2168 RefInit method, 2170 RefPickRegion method, 2172 RefSetProperty method, 2173 Ref

IDLgrROIGroup object class, 2164 RefIDLgrScene

Add method, 2175 Refclass, 2174 RefCleanup method, 2176 RefGetByName method, 2177 RefGetProperty method, 2178 RefInit method, 2179 RefSetProperty method, 2181 Ref

IDLgrScene class, 511 UsingIDLgrSurface

class, 2182 RefCleanup method, 2183 RefGetCTM method, 2184 RefGetProperty method, 2186 RefInit method, 2188 RefSetProperty method, 2198 Ref

IDLgrSurface class, 513 UsingIDLgrSymbol

class, 2199 RefCleanup method, 2200 RefGetProperty method, 2201 RefInit method, 2202 Ref

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SetProperty method, 2205 RefIDLgrSymbol class, 515 UsingIDLgrTessellator

AddPolygon method, 2207 Refclass, 2206 RefCleanup method, 2209 RefInit method, 2210 RefReset method, 2211 RefTessellate method, 2212 Ref

IDLgrTessellator class, 516 UsingIDLgrText

class, 2213 RefCleanup method, 2214 RefGetCTM method, 2215 RefGetProperty method, 2217 RefInit method, 2219 RefSetProperty method, 2225 Ref

IDLgrText class, 513 UsingIDLgrView

Add method, 2227 Ref, 2228 Refclass, 2226 RefGetByName method, 2229 RefGetProperty method, 2230 RefInit method, 2231 RefSetProperty method, 2235 Ref

IDLgrView class, 511 UsingIDLgrViewgroup

Add method, 2238 RefCleanup method, 2239 RefGetByName method, 2240 RefGetProperty method, 2241 RefInit method, 2242 RefSetProperty method, 2244 Ref

IDLgrViewgroup class, 511 UsingIDLgrViewgroup object, 2236 RefIDLgrVolume

class, 2245 Ref

Cleanup method, 2246 RefComputeBounds method, 2247 RefGetCTM method, 2248 RefGetProperty method, 2250 RefInit method, 2252 RefPickVoxel method, 2260 RefSetProperty method, 2261 Ref

IDLgrVolume class, 513 UsingIDLgrVRML

Draw method, 2266 RefGetDeviceInfo method, 2267 RefGetProperty method, 2270 RefGetTextDimensions method, 2271 RefInit method, 2272 RefSetProperty method, 2275 Ref

IDLgrVRML class, 517 UsingIDLgrVRML object, 2262 RefIDLgrWindow

class, 2276 RefCleanup method, 2278 RefDraw method, 2279 RefErase method, 2280 RefGetContiguousPixels method, 1951 Ref,2281 RefGetDeviceInfo method, 2282 RefGetFontnames method, 2284 RefGetProperty method, 2285 RefGetTextDimensions method, 2287 RefIconify method, 2288 RefInit method, 2289 Refmaximum size, 2276 RefPickdata method, 2294 RefRead method, 2296 RefSelect method, 2297 RefSetCurrentCursor method, 2299 RefSetProperty method, 2301 RefShow method, 2302 Ref

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IDLgrWindow class, 517 UsingIdlPath, 81 EDGIdlPath property, 49 EDGIDLRPCGetVarULong, 135 EDGIEEE floating point, 657 BuildIEEE standard, 428 Build, 430 Buildienter argument, 201 EDG, 202 EDGIEXP machine-specific parameter, 810 RefIF statement

avoiding, 356 BuildIF...THEN...ELSE statement, 615 RefIGAMMA function, 616 RefIIR, 427 UsingIIR filter, 434 Usingimage compression, see denoisingimage files, importing, 28 Wvltimage interleaving, 640 Usingimage object, 2013 Ref, 512 Usingimage objects

alpha blending, 641 Usingchannels, 640 Usingcreating, 640 Usinginterleave property, 643 Usingpalette, 643 Usingpixel interleaving, 640 Usingsaving as MPEG file, 646 Usingsaving to a file, 646 Usingusing, 641 Using

image processingarray indexing format, 446 Using

IMAGE_CONT procedure, 619 RefIMAGE_STATISTICS procedure, 620 Refimages, 2013 Ref

annotating, 77 Refbi-level, 1407 Refcolor channel, 2022 Refcombining with 3D graphics, 337 Using

contrast enhancement, 69 GStartcopying areas, 2319 Refdefining region of interest, 374 Refdetermining file type, 223 Usingdialog for reading, 219 Usingdialog for saving, 221 Usingdisplaying, 355 Ref, 1277 Ref, 1459 Ref,1461 Ref, 1464 Ref, 383 Using, 64 GStart,64 GStartdisplaying (FLICK), 500 Refdisplaying (TV), 1455 Refdisplaying on Macintosh, 179 Usingdisplaying with intensity scaling, 1467 Refdissolve effect, 415 Reffile selection

compound widget, 228 Usingusing a dialog, 226 Using

image manipulation compound widgets,595 BuildJPEG, 1120 Refmacros for importing, 193 Usingmagnified, 1779 Ref, 1781 Refmonochrome, 2353 RefMPEG files, 923 Ref, 924 Ref, 928 Ref,930 Refnumber of, 161 SDFopening, 63 GStartorientation, 383 Usingoverlaying with contour plots, 312 Usingoverview, 381 Usingposition in display, 384 Usingprocessing, 380 Using, 382 Usingprofiling, 1037 Ref, 1041 Refquery file type, 223 Using, 224 Usingquerying, 223 Usingraster, 381 Usingread routines, 224 Using

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reading, 63 GStart, 63 GStartreading from display, 1464 Ref, 387 Using,398 Usingregion labeling, 670 RefRoberts edge enhancement, 1189 Refrotating, 1194 Ref, 80 GStartroutines, 382 Usingscaling, 385 Usingsearching for objects, 1215 Refsharing data, 2025 Refsharpening, 75 GStartsize of display, 384 Usingsmoothing, 1281 Ref, 75 GStartSobel edge enhancement, 1283 Refthinning, 1407 Reftransfer direction, 2440 RefTrueColor, 1465 Refwarping, 1006 Refwarping to maps, 833 Ref, 837 Refwith surface and contour plots, 1246 Refwriting routines, 225 Usingzooming, 355 Ref

IMAGINARY function, 623 Refimaginary part of complex numbers, 623 Refimplicit self argument, 482 Buildimport macro

ASCII files, 197 Usingbinary files, 203 Usingimage files, 193 Usingscientific data formats, 210 Using

importing data fromASCII files, 27 Wvltbinary files, 28 Wvltcommand line, 28 Wvlt, 94 Wvltimage files, 28 WvltWAV files, 28 Wvlt

importing preferences, 48 WNew

importing wavelet functions, 32 Wvlt, 96 WvltINCHES keyword, 2329 Refinclude files, 52 Usingincomplete

beta function, 604 Refgamma function, 616 Ref

incrementing array elements, 587 RefINDEX_COLOR keyword, 2329 Refindexed color model, 559 Using, 560 Usingindexing

arrayscolumn-major format, 446 Usingrow-major format, 446 Using

arrays in IDL, 446 UsingINDGEN function, 624 Refinfinite impulse response filters, 427 UsingInfinity norm, 944 Refinfinity, undefined result, 428 Buildinformation about objects, 479 Buildinformation on open files

IDL_FILE_STAT struct, 245 EDGINFORMIX driver

connections supported, 92 DataMdata source

configuring, 81 DataMconnecting via connection string,86 DataMconnecting via logon dialog box, 85 DataM

data types, 89 DataMINFORMIXDIR, 80 DataMisolation levels, 92 DataMISQLT07C.DLL, 79 DataM, 80 DataMlocking levels, 92 DataMODBC conformance, 92 DataMstatements supported, 92 DataMsystem requirements, 79 DataM

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inheritance, 469 Buildobject, 466 Build

init argument, 189 EDGinit_options argument, 363 EDGInitial Value droplist property, 570 BuildInitial Value listbox property, 572 BuildInitial Value text property, 562 Buildinitialization of objects, 519 UsingINP, see obsolete routinesinput and output, 24 GStartinput/output, 244 EDG

associated, 209 Buildassociated variables, 87 Refbitmap files, 1114 RefBMP files, 1665 Refclosing files, 187 Refemptying buffers, 436 Ref, 507 Refend of file mark, 1509 Referror handling, 420 Builderrors, 955 Refexplicit format, 153 Build, 167 Buildformat codes, 172 Buildformat reversion, 171 Buildformatted, 1032 Ref, 153 Buildfree format, 153 Build, 162 BuildHDF, 16 SDFInterfile files, 1119 RefJPEG files, 1120 Ref, 1669 Refmagnetic tape, 234 BuildnetCDF, 16 SDFNRIF files, 1672 Refopening files, 959 RefPGM files, 1129 Ref, 1678 RefPICT files, 1124 Ref, 1674 Refportable, 204 BuildPPM files, 1129 Ref, 1678 Ref

readingASCII files, 1109 Refformatted data, 1106 Refformatted data from a string, 1150 Reffrom a prompt, 1107 Reffrom tape unit, 1398 Refunformatted binary data, 1152 Ref

SRF files, 1132 Ref, 1680 RefTIFF files, 1137 Ref, 1684 Refunformatted, 152 Build, 197 Build

portable, 204 Buildstring variables, 197 Build

UNIX FORTRAN unformatted data files,213 Buildupdating records (REWRITE keyword),1694 Refwave files, 1145 Ref, 1691 Refwriting

to tape unit, 1399 Refunformatted binary data, 1693 Ref

X11 Bitmaps, 1147 RefXDR, 204 BuildXWD files, 1149 Ref

instanceobject, 465 Build

instancingback-face culling, 693 Usinginteractive graphics, 672 Usinglighting, 694 Usingredraw performance, 692 Usingwindow objects, 672 Using

INT_2D function, 626 RefINT_3D function, 629 RefINT_TABULATED function, 632 RefINTARR function, 634 Refinteger, 498 Ref

arrays, 624 Ref, 634 Ref

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constants, 44 Buildconversions, errors in, 430 Builddata type, 40 Builddata type, converting to, 498 Ref

integrationbivariate functions, 469 Usingdiscussion, 468 UsingINT_2D, 626 RefINT_3D, 629 RefINT_TABULATED, 632 Refnumerical, 468 UsingQROMB, 1056 RefQROMO, 1058 RefQSIMP, 1061 RefRK4, 1187 Refroutines, 472 Usingtabulated functions, 632 Reftrivariate functions, 470 Usingunivariate functions, 1056 Ref, 1058 Ref,1061 Ref

Interactive Data Language (IDL), 10 DataMinteractive graphics

instancing, 672 UsingInterfile files

reading, 1119 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Build

inter-language calling conventions, 23 EDGInter-language Communication TechniquesSupported by IDL, 13 EDGinterleaving

image, 640 Usingimage objects, 640 Usingline, 640 Usingpixel, 640 Usingplanar, 640 Usingscanline, 640 Using

Internal Callback Functions (widget stub),403 EDGInternal Functions for Use with Stub Widgets,400 EDGinternal interfaces, obsolete, 421 EDGInternet socket support, 1285 Ref, 223 WNewINTERPOL function, 635 RefINTERPOLATE function, 637 Refinterpolation, 637 Ref

bilinear, 110 Ref, 1155 Refcubic convolution, 638 Ref, 1007 Refcubic spline, 1306 Ref, 1310 Ref, 1312 Refirregularly-gridded data, 1432 Refirregularly-sampled data over earth,1429 RefKRIG2D, 657 Reflinear, 139 GStartMIN_CURVE_SURF, 893 Refof irregularly-gridded data, 657 Ref, 893 RefPOLAR_SURFACE, 1003 Refquintic, 1434 Ref, 139 GStartroutines, 463 Usingspherical, 1300 RefSPL_INIT, 1306 RefSPL_INTERP, 1308 Reftabulated data points, 463 Usingthin-plate-spline, 548 Ref, 893 Ref

interpolation of voxel values, 654 Usinginterpreted languages, 28 EDGinterpreter stack, 29 EDGinterpreter symbols, DCL

defining, 1225 Refdeleting, 378 Refreturning values, 543 Ref

interrupt flag, internal, 289 EDGinterrupting

program execution, 53 Using

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variable context, 54 UsingIntersolv

drivers, 12 DataMinvalid widget ID’s, 1598 Refinvariant expressions, 361 Buildinverse

cosine, 68 Refof a complex array or matrix, 799 Refsine, 86 Refsubspace iteration, 433 Reftangent, 90 Ref

INVERT function, 641 RefIOCTL function, 643 RefIRND machine-specific parameter, 810 Refirregularly-gridded data, 1429 Ref, 1432 Ref,134 GStartIS_CONNECTED keyword, 51 DataMis_function argument, 324 EDG, 411 EDGIS_NULL keyword, 61 DataMIS_READONLY keyword, 52 DataM,63 DataMIS_ZVAR structure tag, 85 SDFIsContained method, 1793 RefISHFT function, 646 RefISO Latin 1 encoding, 2475 RefISOCONTOUR procedure, 647 RefISOLATIN1 keyword, 2329 Refisolation levels

INFORMIX, 92 DataMOracle, 106 DataMSybase, 124 DataM

isolation levels and data consistencycompared, 152 DataMdirty reads, 150 DataMnon-repeatable reads, 151 DataMphantom reads, 151 DataM

isolation levels, general, 150 DataM

isolation levels, specificread committed, 151 DataMread uncommitted, 151 DataMrepeatable read, 152 DataMserializable, 152 DataM

ISOSURFACE procedure, 650 Refiso-surfaces, 10 GStartisosurfaces, displaying, 1241 Refisosurfaces, overview, 342 UsingIT machine-specific parameter, 809 RefITALIC keyword, 2330 Refiterative

biconjugate gradient, 681 RefGaussian quadrature, 626 Ref, 629 Refimprovement of a solution, 803 Ref

JJFIF, see JPEGJOIN, see obsolete routinesjoining strings, 74 Buildjoins. See syntaxjournal file, adding to, 263 EDGJOURNAL procedure, 652 Refjournaling, 61 UsingJPEG files

reading, 1120 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildwriting, 1669 Ref

JULDAY function, 653 RefJulian date

converting to calendar, 141 RefJulian date definition, 1411 Ref, 232 WNewJulian dates and times, 285 Using, 591 UsingJulian dates/time

CALDAT conversion, 138 WNew

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calendar conversion, 285 Using, 591 Using,136 WNewdisplaying using LABEL_DATE,140 WNewgenerating, 1411 Ref, 232 WNewIDL use, 136 WNewprecision using MACHAR, 137 WNew

just_cleanup argument, 362 EDG

KKaiser filter, 428 UsingKendall’s tau rank correlation, 1080 Refkernel, convolving an array with, 241 Refkeyboard

defining keys, 365 Reffocus events, 1523 Ref, 1562 Ref, 1606 Ref,1640 Ref, 1653 Ref, 638 Buildnumeric keypads, 1231 Refreturning characters from, 539 Ref

keyboard interrupt, 53 Usingkeyboard shortcuts

IDLDEWindows platform, 84 Using

Motif platform, 121 Usingkeys, defining for different keyboards,1229 Refkeyword field, 206 EDGKEYWORD_DEMO procedure, 214 EDGKEYWORD_SET function, 656 Refkeywords

abbreviating, 120 GStartarguments, checking existence of, 79 Refarray, 207 EDG, 210 EDGBoolean, 207 EDGcreating, 205 EDGdescribed, 45 Ref, 1785 Ref

determining if set, 377 Builddetermining if set (KEYWROD_SET),656 Refexamples, 214 EDGgraphics, 2401 Refinheritance, 301 Buildinput, 207 EDGinput/output, 210 EDGmeaning of slash character, 1785 Refoutput, 207 EDGoverview, 204 EDGparameters, 296 Build

passing, 299 Buildprocessing, 211 EDGprocessing options, 210 EDGread-only, 209 EDGscalar, 210 EDGsearching, 956 Refsetting, 1785 Ref, 296 Build, 44 DataMslash character use, 44 DataMspeeding processing of, 212 EDG

keywords, new and updated, 67 WNewkilling widgets, 626 BuildKMEANS, see obsolete routinesKRIG2D function, 657 Refkriging, 657 RefKRUSKAL_WALLIS, see obsolete routinesKruskal-Wallis H-Test, 662 Refkurtosis, 661 Ref, 903 RefKURTOSIS function, 661 Refkw_list argument, 211 EDGKW_TEST function, 662 Ref

LL64INDGEN function, 665 RefLabel button property, 559 Build

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label widgets, 1614 Refattributes, setting, 566 Builddefined, 593 Buildsetting properties, 566 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

LABEL_DATE function, 666 RefLABEL_REGION function, 670 Reflabeling regions, 670 RefLADFIT function, 672 Reflagged

autocorrelation, 66 Refcross correlation, 140 Ref

LAGUERRE function, 674 Ref, 187 WNewLaguerre polynomials, 674 Ref, 21 WNew,187 WNewLaguerre’s method, 524 RefLambert’s conformal conic map projection,845 Ref, 369 UsingLambert’s equal area map projection,360 UsingLambert’s equal-area map projection, 845 RefLANDSCAPE keyword, 2330 Reflandscape orientation, 2374 Ref

for IDL plots (LANDSCAPE keyword),2330 Ref

languagedata manipulation language, 13 DataMIDL, 10 DataMInteractive Data Language, 10 DataMSQL, 10 DataMSQL syntax, 37 DataM

large file supportWindows platform, 31 WNew

laser printers, 2371 RefLAST keyword, 66 DataMlatitude lines, 120 GStartLATLON, see obsolete routines

Layout base property, 549 BuildLE operator, 2453 Ref, 29 Buildleakage, 414 Usingleast absolute deviation, 672 Refleast squares filtering, 21 WNewleast squares fit, 268 Ref, 534 Ref, 1011 Ref,1375 RefLEEFILT function, 676 Reflegend object, 514 Using, 620 UsingLEGENDRE function, 678 Ref, 189 WNewLegendre polynomials, 678 Ref, 21 WNew,189 WNewLEGO, see obsolete routineslego-style surface, 38 Wvltlength argument, 279 EDGlength of strings, 1343 RefLevel 1 API conformance, 12 DataMLevel 2 API conformance, 12 DataMlevels, contour, 95 GStartlibraries

naming, 315 Buildlibrary updates, 43 WNewlicense management utilities, 54 WNewlicensing, 354 EDGLicensing Issues, 350 EDGlicensing wizard, 54 WNewlifecycle

methods, 474 Buildroutines, 474 Build

life-cycle methods, 509 UsingLIGHT keyword, 2330 Reflight object, 2041 Ref, 512 Usinglight objects

creating, 633 Usingoverview, 633 Usingtypes of lights, 633 Usingusing, 634 Using

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light source, 2041 Refchanging parameters, 340 Usingshading, 1223 Ref, 339 Using

lighting, 653 Using, 694 Usinglightness, 391 UsingLIKE predicate, 38 DataMLINBCG function, 681 RefLINDGEN function, 684 Refline

drawingmethod for contours, 225 RefPLOTS procedure, 994 Ref

editingenabling and disabling, 2429 Ref

interval, 2437 Refstyles, 2406 Ref

line editing, 34 Usingline interleaving, 640 Usinglinear

algebra, 450 Usingcorrelation, 450 Usinginterpolation, 637 Reflinear-log plots, 985 Refregression, 1167 Refsystems

condition number, 473 Usingoverdetermined, 474 Usingsolving simultaneous equations, 473 Usingunderdetermined, 476 Using

linear algebraCHOLDC, 181 RefCHOLSOL, 182 RefCOND, 212 RefCRAMER, 251 RefDETERM, 383 RefEIGENVEC, 433 RefELMHES, 435 Ref

GS_ITER, 554 RefHQR, 600 RefINVERT, 641 RefLINBCG, 681 Ref, 681 RefLU_COMPLEX, 799 RefLUDC, 801 RefLUMPROVE, 803 RefLUSOL, 805 RefNORM, 944 RefSVDC, 1372 RefSVSOL, 1380 RefTRIQL, 1440 RefTRIRED, 1442 RefTRISOL, 1443 Ref

linear equations, simultaneous, 479 Usinglinear systems

routines, 479 Usinglines

drawing latitude and longitude, 120 GStarthorizon, 120 GStart

LINESTYLE keyword, 2405 RefLINESTYLE system variable field, 2442 Reflinestyles, table of, 2406 RefLINFIT enhancements, 24 WNewLINFIT function, 685 Reflinked lists, 138 Build

using pointers to create, 138 BuildLINKIMAGE

VMS issues, 660 BuildLINKIMAGE procedure, 145 Ref, 688 Ref

overview, 17 EDGlinking

C code with IDL, 814 Ref, 192 WNewC programs with Callable IDL, 363 EDGdynamically, 814 Ref, 192 WNewexternal code into IDL, 31 EDG

linking details, 31 EDG

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Linking to the Client Library, 107 EDGlist widgets, 1620 Ref

defined, 593 Builddetermining

currently selected elementLIST_SELECT keyword, 1607 Ref

topmost elementLIST_TOP keyword, 1607 Ref

double-clicks, 1626 Refevents returned by, 1626 Refnumber, 1607 Ref, 1607 Refselecting multiple items, 1606 Ref, 1622 Refsetting, 1567 Ref

listbox widgetsattributes, 572 Buildevents, 573 Buildinitial value, 572 Buildmultiple selections, allowing, 572 Buildselection events, 573 Buildsetting height, 572 Buildsetting properties, 572 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStartwidth, 573 Build

LISTREP, see obsolete routinesLISTWISE, see obsolete routineslittle endian byte order, 1287 Ref, 225 WNewlittle endian byte ordering, 1382 RefLIVE_CONTOUR procedure, 695 RefLIVE_CONTROL procedure, 703 RefLIVE_DESTROY procedure, 706 RefLIVE_EXPORT procedure, 708 RefLIVE_EXPORT routine, 42 WNewLIVE_IMAGE procedure, 711 RefLIVE_INFO procedure, 718 RefLIVE_LINE procedure, 729 RefLIVE_LOAD procedure, 733 RefLIVE_OPLOT procedure, 734 Ref

LIVE_PLOTusing, 46 GStart

LIVE_PLOT procedure, 739 Ref, 46 GStartLIVE_PRINT procedure, 747 RefLIVE_RECT procedure, 749 RefLIVE_STYLE function, 753 RefLIVE_SURFACE procedure, 760 RefLIVE_TEXT procedure, 768 RefLJ device

color tables for, 772 RefLJ driver, 2361 RefLJLCT procedure, 772 RefLL_ARC_DISTANCE function, 773 RefLM_LICENSE_FILE variable, 32 UsingLMFIT enhancements, 24 WNewLMFIT function, 775 RefLMGR function, 780 RefLN03, see obsolete routinesLNGAMMA function, 783 RefLNP_TEST function, 784 RefLoadCT method, 2085 RefLOADCT procedure, 787 Refloading color tables, 1461 RefLOCALE_GET function, 789 Reflocalization of wavelet functions, 50 Wvltlocation

object graphics to view area, 536 Usinglocation of text, 603 Usinglocation of widgets, 632 Buildlocking levels

INFORMIX, 92 DataMOracle, 106 DataMSybase, 124 DataM

locking modes and levels, 153 DataMlogarithm

base 10, 72 Refnatural, 71 Ref

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of the gamma function, 783 Reflogarithmic

axes, [XYZ]LOG keywords, 92 Ref,235 Ref, 235 Ref, 985 Ref, 1237 Ref,1237 Ref, 1370 Ref, 1370 Ref, 1370 Refplots, 587 Usingscaling, 278 Using

logging an IDL session, 652 Reflogical names (VMS)

defining, 1227 Refdeleting, 379 Refsearching tables, 1445 Ref

logical names, See environment variables.logical unit number

Macintosh platform, 188 UsingSOCKET procedure, 1286 Ref, 224 WNew

logical unit numbers, 157 Build, 180 EDG!D system variable field, 2439 Refallocating, 541 Reffreeing, 511 RefFSTAT function, 513 Ref, 513 Refgetting, 962 Refjournal file, 2430 Refobtaining status information, 513 Ref,513 Refreturning information about, 572 Refsetting file position pointer, 999 Ref

LOGIN.COM file, 24 Usinglog-linear plots, 92 Ref, 235 Ref, 235 Ref,985 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1370 Ref,1370 Ref, 1370 RefLomb Normalized Periodogram, 784 RefLON64ARR function, 790 RefLONARR function, 791 RefLONG

IDLDrawWidget parameters, 74 EDGLONG function, 792 Ref

long integer data type, 40 Build, 170 EDGLONG64 function, 793 Reflongitude lines, 120 GStartlongjmp() function, 231 EDGlongjmp, C language, 164 Reflongjmp_safe argument, 251 EDGlongword

arrays, 684 Ref, 791 Ref, 1474 Refdata type, converting to, 792 Refunsigned arrays, 1473 Ref

loopsCONTINUE, 287 Buildexiting (BREAK), 286 BuildFOR, 279 BuildREPEAT...UNTIL, 283 Buildstatements, 279 BuildWHILE...DO, 284 Build

lossy compression, 1120 Ref, 1669 Reflower margin, setting, 2446 Reflowercase strings, 67 Buildlowercase, converting strings to, 1344 Reflowpass filters, 428 UsingLSODE function, 794 RefLT operator, 2453 Ref, 30 BuildLU decomposition, 799 Ref, 801 Ref, 805 RefLU_COMPLEX function, 799 RefLUBKSB, see obsolete routinesLUDC procedure, 801 RefLUDCMP, see obsolete routinesluminance, 261 RefLUMPROVE function, 803 RefLUN

freeing, 511 RefMacintosh-specific differences, 188 UsingTCP/IP socket, 1285 Ref, 223 WNew

LUNs (logical unit numbers), 157 BuildLUNs see logical unit numbers

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LUSOL function, 805 RefLZW support, 41 WNew

MM_CORRELATE function, 807 RefMA filter, 427 UsingMACHAR function, 809 RefMACHEP machine-specific parameter,810 Refmachine-specific parameters, 809 RefMacintosh

backing store, 178 Usingbatch files, 182 Usingcalling convention and parameter passing,165 EDGchanging working directory, 187 Usingcolor palette, 178 Usingcompiling functions and procedures,187 Usingdisplay device (MAC), 2310 Ref, 2364 Refdisplaying images, 179 Usingeditor windows, 159 Usingerror handling, 188 Usingfile search path, 183 UsingIDLDE, 155 UsingLUN differences, 188 Usingmouse differences, 186 Usingoptimizing performance with memory,184 Usingpath specification, 2435 Refpixel depth, 179 Usingpositioning file pointers, 188 Usingreading files, 188 Usingsaving files, 188 Usingwriting files, 188 Using

Macintosh mouse differences, 39 Wvlt

Macintosh platformAltivec support, 38 WNewbreakpoints, 441 Build, 441 Buildchanging file permissions, 477 Ref,164 WNewError Window, 49 WNew


ASCII files, 197 Usingbinary data, 203 UsingHDF files, 210 UsingHDF-EOS files, 210 Usingimage files, 193 UsingNETCDF files, 210 Using

Macros, 297 EDGmacros

importing from previous releases, 48 WNewmagnetic tape, 234 Buildmagnifying arrays, 1155 Refmagnitude

of a complex number, 67 Refsignal spectra, 413 Using

magnitude-based ranks, 1103 Refmain IDL directory

Macintosh platform, 182 UsingMotif platform, 133 UsingWindows platform, 93 Using

main menu barbreakpoint enhancements, 438 Build

main program variables, 201 EDGlooking up, 201 EDG

main programs, 52 Usingmain window

IDLDE preferencesWindows platform, 88 Using

main window preferencesMacintosh platform, 175 Using, 53 WNew

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Motif platform, 124 Using, 126 UsingMAKE_ARRAY function, 811 RefMAKE_DLL procedure, 814 Ref, 192 WNewMakefile file, 31 EDGMaker Interchange Format, 452 BuildMAKETREE, see obsolete routinesMaking A Timer Request, 279 EDGMallat, see pyramidal algorithmmalloc() function, 194 EDGmanaging the state of a widget application,640 BuildMANN_WHITNEY, see obsolete routinesMann-Whitney U-Test, 1201 Refmap projections, 843 Ref

Aitoff, 844 Ref, 360 UsingAlber’s equal area conic, 845 RefAlbers equal-area conic, 370 Usingazimuthal, 356 Usingazimuthal equidistant, 845 Ref, 359 Usingboundaries

specifying, 350 Usingcentral gnomic, 358 Usingcylindrical, 366 Usingcylindrical equidistant, 845 Ref, 368 Usingdrawing boundaries over, 824 Refdrawing continent boundaries, 847 Ref,350 Usingdrawing parallels and meridians, 828 Refgeneral perspective, 362 Usinggnomonic, 358 Usinggnomonic (central, gnomic), 845 RefHammer-Aitoff, 845 Ref, 361 Usinghigh-resolution outlines, 376 UsingLambert’s conformal conic, 845 Ref,369 UsingLambert’s equal area, 845 Ref, 360 UsingMercator, 845 Ref, 366 Using

Miller, 846 RefMiller cylindrical, 369 UsingMollweide, 846 Ref, 372 Usingorthographic, 846 Ref, 356 Usingoverview, 348 Usingpseudocylindrical, 371 UsingRobinson, 371 Usingsatellite, 846 Ref, 362 Usingsinusoidal, 846 Ref, 371 Usingstereographic, 846 Ref, 357 UsingTransverse Mercator, 367 UsingTransverse Mercator (UTM), 847 Refwarping images to maps, 833 Ref, 837 Ref,374 Using

MAP_2POINTS function, 820 Ref,201 WNewMAP_CONTINENTS procedure, 824 RefMAP_GRID procedure, 828 RefMAP_IMAGE function, 833 RefMAP_PATCH function, 837 RefMAP_PROJ_INFO procedure, 841 RefMAP_SET procedure, 843 Refmapping, 116 GStart

annotations, 122 GStartgrid of latitude and longitude lines,120 GStarthorizon line, 120 GStartlimiting region mapped, 121 GStartpoints on a sphere, 22 WNewprojection

azimuthal equidistant, 121 GStartorthographic, 120 GStart

mapping of basic types, 170 EDGmapping widgets, 1524 RefMARGIN system variable field, 2446 Refmargins, setting, 2446 Ref, 2446 Refmarquee selector, 122 Ref

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Marr, see WV_FN_GAUSSIANmask argument, 212 EDGmask field, 206 EDGmath errors, 427 Buildmathematical expressions, see datasetsmathematical operators, 2453 Ref, 22 Buildmathematics

error assessment routines, 445 Usingroutines, 442 Using

matricesMATRIX_MULTIPLY, 854 Ref,205 WNewmultiplying (# operator), 24 Build

matrices, multiplying, 2453 Refmatrix operators

CHOLDC, 181 RefCHOLSOL, 182 RefCOND, 212 RefCRAMER, 251 RefDETERM, 383 RefEIGENVEC, 433 RefELMHES, 435 RefGS_ITER, 554 RefHQR, 600 RefINVERT, 641 RefLU_COMPLEX, 799 RefLUDC, 801 RefLUMPROVE, 803 RefLUSOL, 805 RefNORM, 944 RefSVDC, 1372 RefSVSOL, 1380 RefTRIQL, 1440 RefTRIRED, 1442 RefTRISOL, 1443 RefSee also sparse arrays

MATRIX_MULTIPLY function, 854 Ref,205 WNewMAX function, 856 RefMAX_CONNECTIONS keyword, 52 DataMMAX_RECORDSETS keyword, 52 DataMMAXEXP machine-specific parameter,810 Refmaximum, 297 EDGmaximum intensity projection, 654 Usingmaximum operator, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildmaximum size

drawable window, 668 Usingmaximum size of drawable, 2276 Refmaximum value

for slider widgets, 1630 Refof an array, 856 Ref

Maximum Value slider property, 568 Buildmaximum values in plots, 617 UsingMD_TEST function, 858 Refmean

absolute deviation, 861 RefMOMENT function, 903 Refof distribution, 662 Ref

MEAN function, 860 RefMEANABSDEV function, 861 Refmedian

Median Delta Test, 858 RefMOMENT function, 903 Refsmoothing, 863 Ref

MEDIAN function, 863 RefMEDIUM keyword, 2330 Refmemory

allocating, 286 EDGallocating permanent, 287 EDGallocation under VMS, 32 Usingconserving by using temporary variables,1401 Ref

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dynamic memory in use, 574 Reffreeing, 287 EDGgraphics system use, 505 Usingobject graphics system, 252 Usingoptimizing performance

Macintosh platform, 184 UsingMotif platform, 124 UsingWindows platform, 87 Using

MEMORY function, 865 Ref, 207 WNewmenu bars, 1519 Ref, 1524 RefMenu Editor

opening, 74 UsingMenu Editor, using, 514 Buildmenus, 621 Build

editing in IDL GUIBuilder, 514 BuildIDL Wavelet Toolkit, 16 WvltIDLDE menu items

Windows platform, 69 UsingMacintosh platform, 163 Usingmenu bars, 1519 Ref, 1524 RefMotif platform, 107 Usingpulldown, 1543 Ref, 623 Buildsystem, using, 552 BuildWV_PLOT_MULTIRES function, 41 WvltWV_PLOT3D_WPS function, 35 WvltWV_TOOL_DENOISE function, 44 Wvlt

MENUS, see obsolete routinesMercator map projection, 845 Ref, 366 Usingmeridians, 350 Using

graticules, 351 Usinggridding, 351 Using

meridians, drawing, 828 Ref, 848 Refmesh plots, 1366 RefMESH_CLIP function, 868 RefMESH_DECIMATE function, 870 RefMESH_ISSOLID function, 872 RefMESH_MERGE function, 873 Ref

MESH_NUMTRIANGLES function, 875 RefMESH_OBJ procedure, 876 RefMESH_SMOOTH function, 882 RefMESH_SURFACEAREA function, 884 RefMESH_VALIDATE function, 886 RefMESH_VOLUME function, 888 Refmessage block, 228 EDGmessage dialogs, 392 Refmessage format string, 232 EDGMESSAGE procedure, 889 Refmessage widgets

defined, 596 BuildMessage-of-the-Day file

Macintosh platform, 184 UsingWindows platform, 97 Using

messages, suppressing informational, 2435 Refmeta characters, 79 BuildMetafile, 2310 Refmethod overriding, 485 Buildmethods, 481 Build

defining routines, 481 BuildWindows 3.11, 484 Build

invocation, 478 Buildobject, 465 Build

Microsoft Windowsmouse differences, 98 Using

Microsoft Windows display device (WIN),2310 Ref, 2386 RefMIF, 452 BuildMiller cylindrical map projection, 369 UsingMiller map projection, 846 RefMIN function, 891 RefMIN_CURVE_SURF function, 225 Ref,893 RefMINEXP machine-specific parameter, 810 Refminimization, 389 Ref, 1028 Ref, 482 Using

See also optimization

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Minimize/Maximize base property, 550 Buildminimum, 297 EDGminimum curvature surface, 893 Refminimum curvature surface interpolation,23 WNewminimum operator, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildminimum value

for slider widgets (MINIMUM keyword),1630 Refof an array, 891 Ref

Minimum Value slider property, 568 Buildminimum values in plots, 617 UsingMINOR system variable field, 2446 RefMIPSEB_DBLFIXUP, see obsolete routinesmissing data, 284 Using

in CONTOUR plots, 231 Ref, 231 Refin irregular grids, 1426 Ref, 1434 Refin map projections, 835 Ref, 835 Refin plots, 971 Ref, 972 Ref, 984 Ref, 984 Ref,1236 Ref, 1236 Ref, 1368 Ref, 1368 Refin reconstructed images, 1161 Refin rotated images, 1192 Refin velocity fields, 1491 Refin warped images, 1008 Ref

MK_HTML_HELP procedure, 898 Ref,460 BuildModal base property, 550 Buildmodal dialogs, creating, 550 Buildmodel class

methods, 546 Usingmodel object, 2051 Ref, 511 Using, 528 Usingmodel objects

selecting models, 660 UsingMODIFYCT procedure, 901 Refmodules

compiled, 576 Refdynamically loaded, 572 Ref

modulo operator, 2453 Ref, 23 BuildMollweide map projection, 846 Ref, 372 UsingMOMENT function, 903 Refmore command, 231 EDGMorlet, see wavelet functionsMORPH_CLOSE function, 905 RefMORPH_DISTANCE function, 908 RefMORPH_GRADIENT function, 911 RefMORPH_HITORMISS function, 913 RefMORPH_OPEN function, 916 RefMORPH_THIN function, 919 RefMORPH_TOPHAT function, 921 Refmorphology

dilation operator, 409 Referosion operator, 444 Ref

Mosaic, 898 RefMOTD, See Message-of-the-Day.Motif widgets, 145 Usingmouse

determining position, 300 Usingdouble-clicks, 1626 Refemulating three-button, 98 Using, 186 UsingMacintosh differences, 186 Usingreading position of, 1105 Refreading position with the CURSOR proce-dure, 265 Refreturning events from draw widgets,1582 Ref

mouse cursor, 671 UsingMove method, 1794 RefMOVIE, see obsolete routinesmovies

MPEG, 923 Ref, 924 Ref, 928 Ref, 930 Refmoving

files in a project, 333 Buildmoving average filter, 427 Usingmoving averages, 1281 Ref, 1453 Ref

M Master Index

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Moving data to and from IDL, 93 EDGMPEG movie enhancements, 44 WNewMPEG object, 2067 Ref, 518 UsingMPEG objects

overview, 646 UsingMPEG_CLOSE procedure, 923 RefMPEG_OPEN function, 924 RefMPEG_PUT procedure, 928 RefMPEG_SAVE procedure, 930 RefMPROVE, see obsolete routinesMRI (magnetic-resonance image) example,55 Wvltmsg_action argument, 270 EDG, 271 EDGMSG_CAT_CLOSE procedure, 931 RefMSG_CAT_COMPILE procedure, 932 RefMSG_CAT_OPEN function, 934 RefMüller’s method, 522 RefMULTI procedure, 936 RefMULTI system variable field, 2442 RefMULTICOMPARE, see obsolete routinesmultiple channels in WAV files, 28 Wvltmultiple correlation coefficient, 807 Ref,451 UsingMultiple Document Panel

IDLDEWindows platform, 65 Using

Multiple Document WindowMotif platform, 104 Using

Multiple listbox property, 572 Buildmultiple plot displays, 58 GStartmultiple plots on a page, 2442 Ref, 280 Usingmultiplication

#, ## (matrix multiplication), 24 Build* operator, 22 Build

multiplication of matrices, 854 Ref,205 WNewmultiplication operator, 2453 Ref

multiplying arrays, 447 Usingmultiresolution analysis

cascade plot, 41 Wvltexample, 57 Wvltsee also WV_PLOT_MULTIRES function

multivariate analysiscontingency table, 263 RefKruskal-Wallis H-test, 662 Refmultiple correlation, 807 Refpartial correlation, 975 Refroutines, 495 Using

multivariate functionsCTI_TEST, 263 RefKW_TEST, 662 RefM_CORRELATE, 807 RefP_CORRELATE, 975 Ref

Nn argument, 196 EDG, 222 EDG, 223 EDG,225 EDG, 286 EDG, 357 EDGn field, 209 EDGN_BUFFERS keyword, 56 DataMN_COLORS system variable field, 2439 Refn_dim argument, 188 EDG, 190 EDG,192 EDGn_dim field, 180 EDGN_ELEMENTS function, 937 Ref, 297 Build,378 Buildn_elts argument, 195 EDGn_elts field, 179 EDGN_PARAMS function, 938 Ref, 297 BuildN_TAGS function, 939 Refname argument, 181 EDG, 192 EDG,201 EDG, 201 EDG, 202 EDGName common property, 540 Build

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name field, 182 EDG, 245 EDG, 325 EDG,411 EDGNAME structure tag, 85 SDFNAME system variable field, 2439 Refnamed

structures, 98 Buildvariables, 45 Ref, 45 Ref

named variables, 1785 Ref, 43 DataMnames

of structure tags, 1394 Refof variables, 53 Build

names of variables, 200 EDGNaN (not-a-number), 428 BuildNaN values, 657 BuildNARROW keyword, 2330 Refnative format (floating-point values), 133 Refnatural exponential function, 454 Refnatural logarithm, 71 RefNCAR binary encoding, 2331 Ref, 2331 RefNCAR keyword, 2331 RefNCAR Raster Interchange Format files, writ-ing, 1672 RefNCDF_ATTCOPY function, 474 SDFNCDF_ATTDEL procedure, 476 SDFNCDF_ATTGET procedure, 477 SDFNCDF_ATTINQ function, 478 SDFNCDF_ATTNAME function, 480 SDFNCDF_ATTPUT procedure, 481 SDFNCDF_ATTRENAME procedure, 483 SDFNCDF_CLOSE procedure, 484 SDFNCDF_CONTROL procedure, 485 SDFNCDF_CREATE function, 488 SDFNCDF_DIMDEF function, 489 SDFNCDF_DIMID function, 490 SDFNCDF_DIMINQ procedure, 491 SDFNCDF_DIMRENAME procedure, 492 SDFNCDF_EXISTS function, 493 SDF

NCDF_INQUIRE function, 494 SDFNCDF_OPEN function, 495 SDFNCDF_VARDEF function, 496 SDFNCDF_VARGET procedure, 498 SDFNCDF_VARGET1 procedure, 500 SDFNCDF_VARID function, 502 SDFNCDF_VARINQ function, 503 SDFNCDF_VARPUT procedure, 505 SDFNCDF_VARRENAME procedure, 508 SDFNE operator, 2453 Ref, 29 Build

object references, 478 Buildpointers, 132 Build

near and far clipping planes, 543 UsingNearestColor method, 2086 Refnegation operator, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildNEGEP machine-specific parameter, 810 Refnesting

IF statements, 273 Buildnesting of procedures and functions, 571 Ref,576 RefnetCDF, 15 SDF

attributes, 20 SDF, 467 SDFcreating files, 468 SDFdata modes, 466 SDFdimensions, 467 SDFoverview, 16 SDFreading, 23 SDF, 468 SDFspecifying attributes/variables, 471 SDFtype conversion, 471 SDFvariables, 20 SDF, 467 SDF

NETCDF filesimporting using macros, 210 Using

netCDF filesattributes

creating, 481 SDFcreating global, 474 SDFdeleting, 476 SDF

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obtaining names, 480 SDFreading, 477 SDFreading global, 474 SDFrenaming, 483 SDF

closing, 484 SDFcreating, 488 SDFdetermining if library exists, 493 SDFdimensions

defining, 489 SDFobtaining ID, 490 SDFobtaining name, 491 SDFobtaining size, 491 SDFrenaming, 492 SDF

getting information about, 494 SDFmiscellaneous operations, 485 SDFopening, 495 SDFupdating, 486 SDFvariables

adding, 496 SDFgetting ID, 502 SDFgetting information, 503 SDFrenaming, 508 SDFretrieving data from, 498 SDFretrieving one element, 500 SDFwriting values to, 505 SDF

Netscape, 898 RefNetwork Common Data Format See netCDFnew page, 442 Ref, 677 UsingNewDocument method, 2149 Refnewline character, 1654 RefNewPage method, 2150 RefNEWTON function, 941 RefNewton’s method, 632 Ref, 941 Ref,480 UsingNEXT keyword, 66 DataMNGRD machine-specific parameter, 810 Refnmax field, 209 EDG

nmin field, 209 EDGNo Release button property, 559 BuildNOCLIP keyword, 2406 RefNOCLIP system variable field, 2443 RefNODATA keyword, 2406 RefNOERASE keyword, 2407 RefNOERASE system variable field, 2443 Refnoise removal, see denoisingnoise, filtering, 863 Refnon-interactive mode, 56 Using, 59 Usingnonlinear equations

BROYDEN, 128 RefCONSTRAINED_MIN, 217 Refdiscussion, 480 UsingFX_ROOT, 522 RefFZ_ROOTS, 524 RefNEWTON, 941 Refroutines, 481 Using

nonorthogonal wavelet functions, 31 Wvltnonparametric hypothesis tests, 465 Usingnonparametric tests

LNP_TEST, 784 RefMD_TEST, 858 RefR_TEST, 1082 RefRS_TEST, 1201 RefS_TEST, 1203 RefXSQ_TEST, 1762 Ref

non-printable characters, 48 BuildNORM function, 944 RefNORM_COORD function, 551 Usingnormal

coordinates, 256 Usingconverting to other types, 239 Ref

distribution (Gaussian), 528 Ref, 529 Refrandom deviates, 1100 Ref

normal computations, 614 Using, 690 UsingNORMAL keyword, 2407 Ref

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normally-distributed random numbers,1093 RefNOT operator, 26 Buildnotch filter, 434 UsingNR_BETA, see obsolete routinesNR_BROYDN, see obsolete routinesNR_CHOLDC, see obsolete routinesNR_CHOLSL, see obsolete routinesNR_DFPMIN, see obsolete routinesNR_ELMHES, see obsolete routinesNR_EXPINT, see obsolete routinesNR_FULSTR, see obsolete routinesNR_HQR, see obsolete routinesNR_INVERT, see obsolete routinesNR_LINBCG, see obsolete routinesNR_LUBKSB, see obsolete routinesNR_LUDCMP, see obsolete routinesNR_MACHAR, see obsolete routinesNR_MPROVE, see obsolete routinesNR_NEWT, see obsolete routinesNR_POWELL, see obsolete routinesNR_QROMB, see obsolete routinesNR_QROMO, see obsolete routinesNR_QSIMP, see obsolete routinesNR_RK4, see obsolete routinesNR_SPLINE, see obsolete routinesNR_SPLINT, see obsolete routinesNR_SPRSAB, see obsolete routinesNR_SPRSAX, see obsolete routinesNR_SPRSIN, see obsolete routinesNR_SVBKSB, see obsolete routinesNR_SVD, see obsolete routinesNR_TQLI, see obsolete routinesNR_TRED2, see obsolete routinesNR_TRIDAG, see obsolete routinesNR_WTN, see obsolete routinesNR_ZROOTS, see obsolete routines

NRIFfiles, writing, 1672 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Build

NSUM system variable field, 2443 RefNull display device (NULL), 2367 RefNULL_VALUE keyword, 61 DataMnumber of array elements, 937 Refnumbers, random, 1093 Ref, 1098 RefNUMELEM structure tag, 86 SDFnumeric functions, 162 DataMnumeric keypads, 1231 Refnumerical integration, 1061 Ref, 468 UsingNumerical Recipes in C, 443 UsingNyquist frequency, 420 Using

OOBJ_CLASS function, 946 Ref, 479 BuildOBJ_DESTROY function, 476 BuildOBJ_DESTROY procedure, 947 RefOBJ_ISA function, 948 Ref, 479 BuildOBJ_NEW function, 949 Ref, 474 BuildOBJ_VALID function, 951 Ref, 480 BuildOBJARR function, 953 Ref, 475 Buildobject

class, 465 Buildclass structures, 467 Buildencapsulation, 465 Buildheap variables, 465 Buildinheritance, 466 Build, 469 Buildinstances, 465 Buildlifecycle, 474 Buildmethod routines, 481 Buildpersistence, 466 Buildpolymorphism, 465 Build

object classIDLanROI, 1796 Ref

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IDLanROIGroup, 1821 RefIDLgrROI, 2152 RefIDLgrROIGroup, 2164 Ref

object class enhancements, 66 WNewobject classes

attribute objects, 530 Usingattributes, 515 Using, 571 Usingaxis, 512 Using, 585 Usingbuffer, 517 Using, 674 Usingclipboard, 517 Usingcolorbar, 514 Usingcommon methods

Cleanup, 508 UsingGetProperty, 509 UsingInit, 508 UsingSetProperty, 509 Using

composite objects, 514 Usingcontainer, 510 Usingcontour, 512 Using, 608 Usingdestination objects, 517 Usingfile format objects, 518 Usingfont, 515 Using, 571 Usinghelper objects, 516 Using, 530 Usingimage, 512 Usinglegend, 514 Using, 620 Usinglight, 512 Using, 633 Usingmodel, 511 Using, 528 Using

Rotate method, 547 UsingScale method, 548 UsingTranslate method, 546 Using

MPEG, 518 Usingnaming conventions, 508 Usingpalette, 515 Using, 574 Usingpattern, 515 Using, 575 Usingplot, 512 Using, 616 Usingpolygon, 513 Using, 610 Using, 687 Using

polyline, 513 Using, 615 Usingprinter, 517 Using, 676 Usingscene, 511 Using, 525 Usingstructure, 511 Usingsurface, 513 Using, 628 Usingsymbol, 515 Using, 577 Usingtessellator, 516 Using, 581 Usingtext, 513 Using, 603 UsingTrackBall, 516 Usingundocumented, 521 Usingview, 511 Using, 527 Usingviewgroup, 511 Using, 526 Usingvolume, 513 UsingVRML, 517 Using, 679 Usingwindow, 517 Using

Object Graphics, 504 Usingclasses, 501 Usingclipboard support

Macintosh platform, 162 UsingWindows platform, 68 Using

composite classes, 682 Usingdevice independent, 505 Usinghierarchy, 511 Usinginstancing, 692 Usingtypographical conventions used, 508 Using

object graphicsexpose events, 691 Usingindexed color model, 559 Usingperformance tuning, 687 Usingprinting, 51 Usingsetting properties, 519 Using

object heap variables, 471 Buildobject method enhancements, 66 WNewobject oriented programming, 464 Buildobject tree, 511 Using, 524 Usingobject-oriented graphics, 505 Using

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objectsclipboard support

Macintosh, 162 Usingcreating, 949 Ref

arrays, 953 Refdestroying, 947 Ref, 476 Builddetermining

class names, 946 Refsubclasses, 948 Ref

heap variables, 121 Build, 471 BuildObject Graphics, 250 Using

clipboard supportWindows platform, 68 Using

font use, 2473 Refobject-oriented

graphics, 252 Usingreferences for heap variables, 121 Buildtesting existence, 951 Ref

OBLIQUE keyword, 2331 Refobsolete internal interfaces, 421 EDGobsolete routines, 128 WNewobsolete routines and system variables,2512 Refobsolete SDF routines, 511 SDFobsoleted features, 128 WNewobtaining names of variables, 200 EDGObtaining Traceback Information, 424 Buildoctal, 43 BuildODBC

API functions, 12 DataM, 156 DataMarchitecture, 10 DataMconformance standards, 12 DataMdata source, 11 DataMdatabase application, 11 DataMdriver manager, 11 DataMdrivers, 11 DataMerror messages, 21 DataM

Open Database Connectivity, 10 DataMouter join syntax, 38 DataMscalar functions, 159 DataM

ODBC Administratorusing, 70 DataM

ODBC conformanceINFORMIX, 92 DataMOracle, 106 DataMSybase, 124 DataMText, 146 DataM

ODBC Options, 72 DataMODBC.INI file

Data Source Specification section, 71 DataMDefault Data Source Specification section,72 DataMdefinition of, 69 DataMfile format, 71 DataMmodifying (UNIX), 70 DataMODBC Data Sources section, 71 DataMODBC Options section, 72 DataM

ODBC_LEVEL keyword, 52 DataMOetli, Thomas, 376 UsingOMARGIN system variable field, 2446 Refomask argument, 274 EDGON_ERROR procedure, 889 Ref, 954 Ref,419 BuildON_IOERROR procedure, 955 RefOnButton draw area event, 578 BuildOnButton Press event property, 560 BuildOnButtonPress, 85 EDGOnButtonRelease, 85 EDGOnCellSelect table event, 585 BuildOnChangeValue slider event, 569 BuildOnColWidth table event, 585 BuildOnDblClick, 85 EDGOnDelete table event, 586 BuildOnDelete text event, 563 Build

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OnDestroy property, 544 Buildone-tailed hypothesis tests, 465 UsingOnExpose, 86 EDGOnExpose draw area event, 579 BuildOnFocus event property, 555 BuildOnFocus table event, 586 BuildOnFocus text event, 563 BuildOnInit, 86 EDGOnInsertCh text event, 564 BuildOnInsertChar table event, 586 BuildOnInsertString table event, 587 BuildOnInsertString text event, 564 BuildOnInvalidData table event, 587 BuildOnKillRequest event property, 555 Buildonline help, 421 Ref, 898 Ref

accessing help files, 454 Buildalternatives to, 458 Buildcalling from programs, 956 Refcontext sensitive, 454 Buildextending, 450 Buildpaths, 457 Buildviewers, 451 Build

ONLINE_HELP enhancements, 58 WNewONLINE_HELP procedure, 956 Ref,454 BuildONLY_8BIT, see obsolete routinesOnMotion, 86 EDGOnMotion draw area event, 579 BuildOnRealize event property, 544 BuildOnSelectValue droplist event, 571 BuildOnSelectValue listbox event, 573 BuildOnSizeChange event property, 556 BuildOnTextSelect table event, 587 BuildOnTextSelect text event, 564 Buildon-the-glass text, 604 UsingOnTimer event property, 544 BuildOnTracking event property, 544 Build

OnViewportMoved draw area event, 580 BuildOnViewScrolled, 87 EDGopacities, 1498 Refopacity table, 652 UsingOpen Database Connectivity, 10 DataMOPEN procedures, 959 Refopening

image files, 63 GStartprojects, 328 BuildShapefiles, 1921 Ref, 306 WNew

opening filesgetting information on open files, 571 RefIDL_FileOpen(), 250 EDGOPEN procedures, 959 RefSee also CDF files, HDF files, netCDF files

opening operation, in image processing,411 RefOpenVMS, 161 EDG

access to global data, 298 EDGExample Using WIDGET_STUB, 405 EDGstatus code, 235 EDG

OpenVMS see VMSoperating system

current version in use, 2436 Refissuing commands, 55 Using

operations on objects, 477 Buildoperations on pointers, 129 Buildoperators

addition, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildAND, 2453 Ref, 26 Buildarray concatenation, 2453 Ref, 25 Buildassignment, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildBoolean, 2453 Ref, 26 Builddivision, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildEQ, 2453 Ref, 29 Buildexponentiation, 2453 Ref, 23 BuildGE, 2453 Ref, 29 Build

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GT, 2453 Ref, 29 BuildLE, 2453 Ref, 29 BuildLT, 2453 Ref, 30 Buildmathematical, 2453 Ref, 22 Buildmatrix multiplication, 2453 Ref, 24 Buildmaximum, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildminimum, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildmodulo, 2453 Ref, 23 Buildmultiplication, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildNE, 2453 Ref, 29 BuildNOT, 26 BuildOR, 2453 Ref, 26 Buildparentheses, 21 Buildprecedence, 32 Buildrelational, 2453 Ref, 28 Buildsquare brackets, 21 Buildsubtraction and negation, 2453 Ref, 22 BuildXOR, 2453 Ref, 27 Build

OPLOT procedure, 971 RefOPLOTERR procedure, 974 Refoptimization

AMOEBA function, 73 RefCONSTRAINED_MIN, 217 RefDFPMIN, 389 Refdiscussion, 482 UsingPOWELL, 1028 Refroutines, 483 Using

OPTIMIZE keyword, 2331 Refoptional parameters in user-written functions,938 Refoptions

setting for project, 341 Buildoptions argument, 353 EDGOR operator, 2453 Ref, 26 BuildOracle driver

connections supported, 107 DataMCORE35.DLL, 93 DataM

CORE350.DLL, 93 DataMdata source

conecting via connection string,100 DataMconfiguring, 95 DataMconnecting via logon dialog box,100 DataM

data types, 105 DataMisolation levels, 106 DataMlocking levels, 106 DataMNLSRTL32.DLL, 93 DataMOCIW32.DLL, 93 DataMODBC conformance, 106 DataMORA73.DLL, 93 DataMORACLE_HOME, 94 DataM, 95 DataMstatements supported, 107 DataMsystem requirements, 93 DataM

ORDERED keyword, 2332 Refordinary differential equations

LSODE function, 794 Refordinary differential equations, RK4, 1187 Reforganization, 28 EDGORIENTATION keyword, 2407 Reforientation of text objects, 605 Usingorientation, 3-dimensional, 595 BuildORIGIN system variable field, 2439 Reforthogonal wavelet functions, 31 Wvltorthographic map projection, 846 Ref,356 Using, 120 GStartoset argument, 274 EDGouter margins, setting, 2446 Refouter product, 449 Usingoutline fonts, 2472 Refoutlines of continents, 824 Refoutlying data regression, 672 RefOUTP, see obsolete routines

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outputBMP files, 1665 RefJPEG files, 1669 RefNRIF files, 1672 RefPGM files, 1678 RefPICT files, 1674 RefPPM files, 1678 RefSRF files, 1680 RefTIFF files, 1684 Refwave files, 1691 Ref

OUTPUT keyword, 2332 RefOutput Log

IDLDEWindows platform, 65 Using

IDLDE for Motif, 19 GStartMacintosh platform, 156 UsingMotif platform, 104 Using

Output of IDL Variables, 262 EDGoverflow, integer, 810 Ref, 431 Buildoverlaying images, 312 Usingoverplotting, 971 Ref, 96 GStartOverview, 11 EDG

Pp argument, 191 EDG, 194 EDGP_CORRELATE function, 975 Refpage break, 442 RefPALATINO keyword, 2332 Refpalette

indexed color data, 643 Usingpalette object, 2078 Ref, 515 Using, 574 Usingpalette objects, 563 UsingPALETTE, see obsolete routinespalettes See HDF filespan offset, 2439 Refparallel projection, 539 Using

parallels, 350 Usingparallels, drawing, 828 Ref, 848 Refparameter passing in user tools, 47 Wvltparameters

actual, 296 Buildcopying, 297 Buildfinding number of, 938 Refformal, 45 Ref, 1785 Ref, 296 Build,43 DataMpassing mechanism, 296 Build, 309 Build,140 EDG

parametric hypothesis tests, 465 Usingparentheses, 21 Buildparents, of widgets, 1608 Refpartial correlation coefficient, 975 Ref,451 Usingpartial wavelet transform,

see wavelet transformPARTIAL_COR, see obsolete routinesPARTIAL2_COR, see obsolete routinesPARTICLE_TRACE procedure, 977 Refpassing parameters, 309 BuildPASSWORD keyword, 48 DataMpath

definition string, 456 Refexpansion using environment variables,33 UsingIDLDE

Windows platform, 95 UsingMacintosh platform, 186 UsingMotif platform, 133 Usingon a Macintosh, 2435 Refspecifying on Macintosh, 183 Using

PATH environment variable, 24 Usingpattern filling of polygon objects, 611 Usingpattern object, 2089 Ref, 515 Using, 575 UsingPaul, see wavelet functions

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PCLdriver, 2368 Reffiles, 2354 Ref

PCM format for WAV audio files, 28 WvltPCOMP function, 979 Refpd argument, 196 EDGPDF files, 198 GStartPearson correlation coefficient, 247 Refpercent difference, denoised, 46 Wvltperformance

analyzing, 369 Build, 163 GStartoptimizing memory

Macintosh platform, 184 UsingMotif platform, 124 UsingWindows platform, 87 Using

performance tuning, 687 Usingperiod (character), 2465 Refpermutation, 471 Refpersistence, 466 Buildperspective, 1391 Refperspective projection, 540 UsingPGM files, 1129 Ref, 1678 Refphase, 90 Ref

signal spectra, 413 UsingPHASER, see obsolete routinesPickdata method, 1960 Ref, 2294 RefPICKFILE, see obsolete routinesPickRegion method

IDLgrROIGroup, 2172 RefPickVertex method

IDLgrROI, 2162 RefPickVoxel method, 2260 RefPICT files

reading, 1124 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildwriting, 1674 Ref

pixelbrightness profile, 81 GStart

pixel interleaving, 640 Usingpixels

depth, 2322 Reffixed, 314 Usingreading value of, 1105 Refscalable, 312 Usingscaling, 385 Using, 72 GStarttwo-dimensional image arrays, 381 Using

PIXELS keyword, 2332 Refpixmap objects

using, 670 Usingplain_args argument, 211 EDGplanar interleaving, 640 Usingplane of vector-drawn text, 1777 Refplatform differences

Windows platform, 98 Usingplatforms supported, 134 WNewplot

maximum data values, 617 Usingminimum data values, 617 Using

plot object, 2095 Ref, 512 Using, 616 Usingplot objects

averaging points, 618 Usingminimum and maximum values, 617 Usingplotting symbols, 618 Using

PLOT procedure, 983 RefPLOT_3DBOX procedure, 987 RefPLOT_FIELD procedure, 991 RefPLOT_IO, see YLOG keyword to PLOTPLOT_OI, see XLOG keyword to PLOTPLOT_OO, see (XY)LOG keywords to PLOTPLOT_TO keyword, 2333 RefPLOTERR procedure, 993 Refplots, 607 Using

contour, 305 Using

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filled contour, 318 Usingfrequency smearing, 414 Usinglogarithmic, 278 Using, 587 Usingmargins, 2446 Refouter margins, 2446 Refoverplotting, 263 Usingshaded surface, 339 Usingstep, 406 Usingviewing in 3D, 1744 Ref, 257 WNewX versus Y, 258 Using

PLOTS procedure, 994 RefPLOTTER_ON_OFF keyword, 2333 Refplotting, 983 Ref

2D fields, 991 Ref3D fields, 504 Ref3D transformations, 245 Ref, 287 Ref,334 Ref, 1212 Ref, 1214 Ref, 1371 Ref,1391 Ref, 1492 Ref, 2409 Refannotating maps, 122 GStartannotation, 265 Usingaxes, 296 Using

thickness, 2412 Reftitles, 2418 Ref

bar plots, 95 Refclosing files (CLOSE_FILE keyword),2318 Refcolor, 1743 Ref, 256 WNewcombining images with graphics, 337 Usingcontour levels, 13 WNewcontour plots, 225 Ref, 619 Refcontours, 94 GStartdate/time data, 285 Usingdisplaying date/time data, 140 WNewdisplaying multiple plots, 58 GStartdrawing axes (AXIS procedure), 91 Referror bars, 450 Ref, 974 Ref, 993 Ref

filename for output (FILENAME keyword),2325 Refflow field, 504 Reffont selection, 266 Usingfunctions of 2 variables, 987 Refheight of output, 2350 Refhistogram, 2409 Refhistogram style, 269 Usingirregularly-gridded data, 134 GStartJulian date/time, 285 Using, 591 UsingJulian dates/time, 136 WNewkeyword parameters, 255 Usinglandscape orientation, 2330 Ref, 2330 Refline thickness, 2410 Ref, 2444 Reflines, 994 Reflinestyles, 2405 Ref, 2442 Reflocation on page, 282 Usinglogarithmic axes

linear-log, 985 Reflog-linear, 92 Ref, 235 Ref, 235 Ref,985 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1370 Ref,1370 Ref, 1370 Ref

missing data, 971 Ref, 984 Ref, 284 Usingmulti-dimensional arrays, 304 Usingmultiple plots on a page, 2377 Ref, 2442 Ref,280 Usingmultiple-level date/time axes, 142 WNewmultiresolution analysis, 41 Wvlt, 100 Wvltobject graphics example, 623 Usingother capabilities, 45 GStartoutput, positioning, 2356 Refoverplotting, 619 Ref, 971 Ref, 263 Using,96 GStartoverview, 254 Usingpoints, 994 Refpolar, 972 Ref, 985 Refpolar coordinates, 298 Using

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portrait orientation, 2334 Refposition of window, 2407 Ref, 2443 Refregion, 2444 Refreverse axis, 15 WNewreverse axis, Object Graphics, 601 Usingscaling axes, 259 Usingselecting a plotting device, 1221 Refshaded surfaces, 1234 Refsimple, 41 GStartsubtitles, 2409 Ref, 2444 Refsurfaces, 320 Using, 86 GStart, 88 GStart,156 GStartsymbol size, 2409 Refsymbols, 2408 Ref, 2443 Ref, 267 Using,268 Using, 136 GStarttext, 1776 Reftext size, 90 GStartthree-dimensional lines, 995 Reftitles, 2410 Ref, 2444 Ref, 260 Using,54 GStart, 90 GStarttwo-dimensional arrays, 304 Usinguser-defined symbols, 1480 Refvelocity field, 504 Refvelocity fields, 1490 Refwavelet power spectrum, 34 Wvlt, 97 Wvltweather fronts, 1510 Refwidth of output, 2349 Refwire-mesh surfaces, 1366 Refwithout data, 2406 Refwithout erasing, 2407 Ref, 2443 RefXY plots, 983 RefZ-coordinate for, 2419 Ref, 2419 Ref

plotting with data sets, 44 GStartPM, see obsolete routinesPMF, see obsolete routinesPNG file order, 44 WNew

PNG filesstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Build

PNG library, supported version, 1126 Ref,1675 RefPNT_LINE function, 997 Refpoint values in patterns, 16 WNewPOINT_LUN procedure, 999 Refpointer heap variables, 471 Buildpointers, 121 Build, 471 Build

creating, 1051 Refcreating arrays, 1054 Refdestroying, 1050 Refexamples, 138 Buildexamples of using, 138 Buildfile positioning

Macintosh platform, 188 UsingWindows platform, 99 Using

freeing, 137 Buildheap variables, 121 Build, 125 Buildtesting existence, 1052 Refvalidity, 136 Build, 136 Build

Poisson random deviates, 1095 Ref, 1100 Refpolar plots, 985 Ref, 298 Using

contours, 1001 Refcoordinates, 272 Ref, 1003 Ref

POLAR_CONTOUR procedure, 1001 RefPOLAR_SURFACE function, 1003 Refpolishing of roots, 524 Refpolitical boundaries, 824 RefPOLY function, 1005 RefPOLY_2D function, 1006 RefPOLY_AREA function, 1010 RefPOLY_FIT enhancements, 26 WNewPOLY_FIT function, 1011 RefPOLYCONTOUR, see obsolete routinesPOLYFILL keyword, 2333 RefPOLYFILL procedure, 1015 Ref

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POLYFILLV function, 1019 RefPOLYFITW, see obsolete routinespolygon filling, 1015 Ref, 1019 Ref,271 Using

with HP plotters, 2333 Refpolygon mesh optimization, 687 Usingpolygon object, 2108 Ref, 513 Using,610 Using, 687 Usingpolygon objects

back-face culling, 693 Usingnormal computations, 690 Usingoptimization methods, 687 Using,688 Using, 689 Usingquad strip mesh, 687 Usingtriangle fan mesh, 688 Usingtriangle strip mesh, 689 Using

polygons, 581 Usingpolyline object, 2124 Ref, 513 Using,615 Usingpolymorphism

objects, 465 Buildpolynomial warping, 1006 Refpolynomials

digital smoothing, 1208 Ref, 21 WNew,219 WNewLaguerre, 674 Ref, 21 WNew, 187 WNewleast-squares fit, 1208 Ref, 219 WNewLegendre, 678 Ref, 21 WNew, 189 WNew

POLYSHADE function, 1021 RefPOLYWARP procedure, 1025 RefPOPD procedure, 166 Ref, 1027 Refportable unformatted I/O, 204 BuildPORTRAIT keyword, 2334 Refportrait orientation, 2374 Ref

for IDL output (PORTRAIT keyword),2334 Ref

POSITION keyword, 2407 Ref

position of graphics, 536 UsingPosition slider property, 568 BuildPOSITION system variable field, 2443 Refpositional parameters, 45 Ref, 1785 Ref,296 Build, 43 DataM

returning number of, 938 Refpositioning

child widgets within a base, 1536 Refcommands, 2493 Refcursor, 1459 Refgraphics cursor, 265 RefPostScript output, 2374 Reftop level base widgets, 1572 Refwidget bases, 1536 Refwindows (XPOS and YPOS keywords),1663 Ref

positioning objects, 536 Usingpositioning text objects, 603 Usingpost field, 416 EDGPostCreation event property, 545 BuildPostScript

color, 2372 Refdevice, 2371 Refencapsulated, 2324 Ref, 2376 RefEPSI (Encapsulated PostScript Interchange)files, 2335 Reffiles, 2354 Reffiles with preview headers, 2335 Reffont index, 2326 Reffonts, 1046 Ref, 2372 Refimporting graphics into other programs,2378 Refimporting into another document, 2324 Refmultiple plots on a single page, 2377 Refpixel bit depth, 2317 Refpositioning output, 2374 Refpreview, 13 WNew

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scaling entire plot (SCALE_FACTOR key-word), 2337 RefTrueColor images, 2373 Refwriting 24-bit images, 1457 Ref, 2374 Ref

Powell minimization (POWELL procedure),1028 Refpower spectrum, 415 UsingPPM files, 1129 Ref, 1678 Ref

standard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildprc file

testing in project, 336 Buildpre field, 416 EDGpreferences

compress save files, 20 Wvltconfirm exit, 20 Wvltdefault directory, 20 Wvltdefaults, 21 Wvltremember current directory, 20 Wvltstride factor, 20 Wvlt

preferences in IDLMacintosh platform, 175 UsingMotif platform, 123 UsingWindows platform, 86 Using

preprocessor constants, 296 EDGPreventing File Closing, 254 EDGPREVIEW keyword, 2335 Refpreviewing PostScript files, 13 WNewPRIMES function, 1031 Refprincipal components analysis, 979 Ref,491 Usingprint manager, 51 UsingPRINT procedure, 1032 RefPRINT_FILE keyword, 2335 RefPRINTD procedure, 166 Ref, 1035 Refprinter

support on UNIX, 14 WNewPrinter Control Language, see PCL

PRINTER device, 2370 Refprinter object, 2137 Ref, 517 Using, 676 Usingprinter objects

color model, 676 Usingcreating, 676 Usingdialogs, 676 Usingdrawing, 677 Usingstarting a new page, 677 Usingsubmitting print jobs, 678 Using

printf format support, 39 WNewPRINTF procedure, 1032 Refprintf() function, 230 EDGprintf-style format code, 187 BuildPrinting

IDL for Windows, 40 UsingIDL Macintosh, 40 UsingIDL UNIX, 40 Using

printing, 2370 Refclosing files (CLOSE_FILE keyword),2318 Refdialog, 400 Ref, 596 Buildfilename for output (FILENAME keyword),2325 Refgraphics, 51 Usinggraphics output files, 2354 RefIDLDE

Windows platform, 71 Usinglandscape orientation, 2330 RefMacintosh platform, 164 UsingMotif platform, 108 Usingprinter set up, 2355 Refproperties, 398 Ref, 596 Buildsetup dialog, 398 Ref, 596 Buildto file units, 1032 Refto standard output, 1032 Ref

printing a plot, 43 GStartprinting dialogs, 596 Build

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printing IDL variables, 262 EDGPrinting in IDL, 40 Usingprinting, VisualBasic, 59 EDGPRINTNAMES example routine, 140 BuildPRIOR keyword, 66 DataMprj files, 326 Buildpro files

double-clicking, 153 Usingdragging and dropping on IDLDE, 153 Using

PRO statement, 1036 Refprobability

bivariate distributions, 581 Refdensity distribution, 584 RefGaussian distribution, 537 RefHistogram function, 584 Ref

probability functionsbinomial distribution, 116 RefChi-square distribution, 178 Ref, 179 Refenhancements, 23 WNewF distribution, 468 Ref, 469 RefGaussian distribution, 528 Ref, 529 Refstudent’s T distribution, 1388 Ref, 1389 Ref

proc argument, 288 EDGprocedure calling sequence, 42 DataMprocedure calls, remote, 104 EDGprocedure method calling sequence, 42 DataMprocedure methods

calling sequence for, 1784 Refprocedures

call stack, returning, 572 Refcalling

mechanism, 311 Buildsequence for, 44 Ref

compiled, 1198 RefDEVICE, 2310 Refdisplaying compiled, 576 Ref

how IDL resolves, 308 BuildSET_PLOT, 2310 Ref

PROFILE function, 1037 RefPROFILER procedure, 1039 RefPROFILES procedure, 1041 Refprofiling, 369 Build, 163 GStartprogram

listings, 59 Refprogram control statements, 36 WNewprogram files

executing, 53 Usinginterrupting execution, 53 Using

Program Size Considerations, 348 EDGprogramming

displaying traceback information, 576 Refformat of program files, 52 Usingidentifying keywords as set, 656 Refmain programs, 52 Usingstopping programs, 1326 Refsuspending execution of programs, 1503 Reftraceback information, 572 Ref

programscreating .sav files, 60 Usingrestoring, 60 Using

projectadding files, 332 Buildclosing, 328 Buildcompiling a file, 335 Buildcreating, 326 Buildediting source files, 335 Buildmoving files, 333 Buildopening, 328 Buildremoving files, 334 Buildsaving, 328 Buildstoring source files, 324 Buildtesting a .prc file, 336 Build

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Project Windowoverview, 65 Using, 104 Using, 157 Using,163 Using

PROJECT_VOL function, 1043 Refprojection

overview, 539 Usingparallel, 539 Usingperspective, 540 Using

projection matrix, 474 Usingprojections

2D from 3D datasets, 1043 Ref3D plots on walls, 1749 Ref, 262 WNewAitoff, 844 Ref, 360 UsingAlbers, 845 RefAlbers equal-area conic, 370 Usingazimuthal, 356 Usingazimuthal equidistant, 845 Ref, 359 Usingcentral gnomic, 358 Usingcylindrical, 366 Usingcylindrical equidistant, 845 Ref, 368 Usinggeneral perspective, 362 Usinggnomonic, 358 Usinggnomonic (central, gnomic), 845 RefHammer-Aitoff, 845 Ref, 361 Usinghigh-resolution continent outlines, 376 UsingLambert’s conformal conic, 845 Ref,369 UsingLambert’s equal area, 845 Ref, 360 UsingMercator, 845 Ref, 366 UsingMiller, 846 RefMiller cylindrical, 369 UsingMollweide, 846 Ref, 372 Usingorthographic, 846 Ref, 356 Usingpseudocylindrical, 371 UsingRobinson, 371 Usingsatellite, 846 Ref, 362 Usingsinusoidal, 846 Ref, 371 Using

stereographic, 846 Ref, 357 UsingTransverse Mercator, 367 UsingTransverse Mercator (UTM), 847 Ref

projections, mapazimuthal equidistant, 121 GStartorthographic, 120 GStart

projectsbuilding, 347 Buildcompiling all files, 346 Buildcompiling modified files, 346 Buildcreating a .sav file, 347 Buildexporting, 350 Buildoverview, 320 Build, 320 Build, 18 GStart,164 GStartrunning an application, 349 Buildsetting build order, 344 Buildsetting file properties, 336 Buildsetting options, 341 Build

promptchanging default, 2435 Refreading from, 1107 Ref

PROMPT, see obsolete routinesproperties

draw area widget, 575 Buildentering multiple strings, 513 Buildlabel widget, 566 Buildretrieving, 520 Usingsetting, 519 Usingtable widget, 581 Buildtext widget, 561 Build

Properties dialog, 511 Build# of Rows/Columns base property, 546 BuildAlignment base property, 547 BuildAlignment button property, 558 BuildAlignment label property, 566 BuildAlignment table property, 581 BuildAllow Moving base property, 548 Build

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Allowing Closing base property, 547 BuildBitmap button property, 558 BuildColor Model draw area property, 575 BuildColors draw area property, 575 BuildColumn Labels table property, 581 BuildComponent Sizing common property,540 BuildDisplay Headers table property, 581 Builddraw area events, 578 Builddraw area widget properties, 575 Builddroplist events, 570 Builddroplist widgets, 570 BuildEditable table property, 582 BuildEditable text property, 561 Buildentering multiple strings, 513 BuildFloating base property, 548 BuildFrame common property, 541 BuildGraphics Type draw area property, 576 BuildGrid Layout base property, 549 BuildHandle Events common event, 543 BuildHeight listbox property, 572 BuildHeight text property, 561 BuildInitial Value droplist property, 570 BuildInitial Value listbox property, 572 BuildInitial Value text property, 562 BuildLabel button property, 559 BuildLayout base property, 549 Buildlistbox events, 573 Buildlistbox properties, 572 BuildMaximum Value slider property, 568 BuildMinimize/Maximize base property,550 BuildMinimum Value slider property, 568 BuildModal base property, 550 BuildMultiple listbox property, 572 BuildName common property, 540 BuildNo Release button property, 559 Build

OnButton draw area event, 578 BuildOnButtonPress button event, 560 BuildOnCellSelect table event, 585 BuildOnChangeValue slider event, 569 BuildOnColWidth table event, 585 BuildOnDelete table event, 586 BuildOnDelete text event, 563 BuildOnDestroy common event, 544 BuildOnExpose draw area event, 579 BuildOnFocus base event, 555 BuildOnFocus table event, 586 BuildOnFocus text event, 563 BuildOnInsertCh text event, 564 BuildOnInsertChar table event, 586 BuildOnInsertString table event, 587 BuildOnInsertString text event, 564 BuildOnInvalidData table event, 587 BuildOnKillRequest base event, 555 BuildOnMotion draw area event, 579 BuildOnRealize common event, 544 BuildOnSelectValue droplist event, 571 BuildOnSelectValue listbox event, 573 BuildOnSizeChange base event, 556 BuildOnTextSelect table event, 587 BuildOnTextSelect text event, 564 BuildOnTimer common event, 544 BuildOnTracking common event, 544 BuildOnViewportMoved draw area event,580 Buildopening, 511 Build, 73 UsingPosition slider property, 568 BuildPostCreation common event, 545 BuildRenderer draw area property, 576 BuildResize Columns table property, 582 BuildRetain draw area property, 577 BuildRow Labels table property, 583 Build

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Row/Column Major table property,583 BuildScroll base property, 551 BuildScroll draw area property, 577 BuildScroll table property, 583 BuildScroll text property, 562 BuildSensitive common property, 541 Buildsetting label widget properties, 566 BuildSpace base property, 551 BuildSuppress Value slider property, 569 BuildSystem Menu base property, 552 Buildtable events, 584 Buildtable widget properties, 581 BuildText label property, 566 BuildTitle Bar base property, 552 BuildTitle base property, 552 BuildTitle droplist property, 570 BuildTitle slider property, 569 BuildType button property, 560 BuildViewport Columns table property, 584 BuildViewport Rows table property, 584 BuildVisible base property, 553 BuildWidth listbox property, 573 BuildWidth text property, 562 BuildWord Wrapping text property, 562 BuildX Offset common property, 542 BuildX Pad base property, 553 BuildX Scroll base property, 554 BuildX Scroll draw area property, 577 BuildX Size common property, 542 BuildY Offset common property, 542 BuildY Pad base property, 554 BuildY Scroll base property, 554 BuildY Scroll draw area property, 578 BuildY Size common property, 543 Build

properties of objects, 519 UsingPS_SHOW_FONTS procedure, 1046 Ref

PSAFM procedure, 1047 RefPSEUDO procedure, 1048 RefPSEUDO_COLOR keyword, 2336 Refpseudo-color images, converting from True-Color, 195 Refpseudo-color PostScript images, 2373 Refpseudocylindrical map projections, 371 UsingPSYM keyword, 2408 RefPSYM system variable field, 2443 RefPTR_FREE procedure, 1050 RefPTR_NEW function, 1051 RefPTR_VALID function, 1052 RefPTRARR function, 1054 Refpulldown menu, 344 Ref, 1543 RefPUSHD procedure, 166 Ref, 1055 RefPut method, 2075 RefPutEntity method, 1885 RefPWIDGET, see obsolete routinespyramidal algorithm, 75 Wvlt, 102 Wvlt

QQL algorithm, 1440 RefQL method (computing eigenvalues), 430 RefQROMB function, 1056 RefQROMO function, 1058 RefQSIMP function, 1061 Refquad strip optimization, 687 Usingquadrature function, 422 Usingquantizing colors, 195 Refquery

image file type, 224 UsingQUERY_* routines, 1063 RefQUERY_BMP routine, 1065 RefQUERY_DICOM function, 1066 RefQUERY_GIF routine, 41 WNewQUERY_IMAGE function, 1068 Ref

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QUERY_IMAGE routine, 41 WNewQUERY_JPEG routine, 1071 RefQUERY_PICT routine, 1072 RefQUERY_PNG routine, 1073 RefQUERY_PPM routine, 1075 RefQUERY_SRF routine, 1076 RefQUERY_TIFF routine, 1077 RefQUERY_WAV function, 1079 Refquerying

images, 223 Usingquestion mark

starting online help, 2467 RefQUEUE startup switch, 55 WNewQuickHelp, 452 Buildquintic interpolation, 1434 Ref, 139 GStartquitting IDL, 453 Ref, 29 Using, 20 GStartquotas, 366 Buildquotation marks, 2465 Ref, 47 Buildquoted string format code, 39 WNew

printf style, 187 Build

RR_CORRELATE function, 1080 RefR_TEST function, 1082 Refradio button widgets

creating, 557 Buildcreating multiple, 557 Buildlaying out, 558 Buildsetting attributes, 558 Buildsetting properties, 557 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

radix, 809 RefRadon backprojection, 1084 Ref, 210 WNewRADON function, 1084 Ref, 210 WNewRadon transform, 1084 Ref, 210 WNew

random deviatesbinomial, 1094 Ref, 1099 Refexponential, 1095 Ref, 1100 Refgamma, 1095 Ref, 1100 Refnormal, 1100 RefPoisson, 1095 Ref, 1100 Refrandom, 1101 Ref

random numbersnormally-distributed, 1093 Refuniformly-distributed, 1098 Ref

RANDOMN function, 1093 RefRANDOMU function, 1098 RefRANGE system variable field, 2447 Refranges

subscript, 90 Buildrank correlation coefficient, 1080 RefRANKS function, 1103 Refrank-sum test, 1201 Refraster images, 381 UsingRDPIX procedure, 1105 RefRead method, 1886 Ref, 1962 Ref, 2296 RefREAD procedure, 1106 Ref, 152 BuildREAD_ASCII function, 1109 RefREAD_BINARY function, 1112 RefREAD_BMP function, 1114 RefREAD_DICOM function, 1116 RefREAD_GIF procedure, 41 WNewREAD_IMAGE function, 1117 RefREAD_IMAGE routine, 41 WNewREAD_INTERFILE procedure, 1119 RefREAD_JPEG procedure, 1120 RefREAD_KEY procedure, 1107 RefREAD_PICT procedure, 1124 RefREAD_PNG routine, 1126 Ref, 41 WNewREAD_PPM procedure, 1129 RefREAD_SPR function, 1131 RefREAD_SRF procedure, 1132 Ref

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READ_SYLK function, 1134 RefREAD_TIFF function, 1137 RefREAD_TIFF routine, 41 WNewREAD_WAV function, 1144 RefREAD_WAVE procedure, 1145 RefREAD_X11_BITMAP procedure, 1147 RefREAD_XWD function, 1149 RefREADF procedure, 1106 Refreading

ASCII data, 197 Using, 233 UsingASCII files, 1109 Refbinary data, 203 Using, 241 UsingBMP files, 1114 Refcurrent color table, 1462 Refcursor position, 1105 Refdata from a string, 1150 Refdata using macros, 193 Using, 197 Using,203 Usingformatted data, 1106 Reffrom a prompt, 1107 Reffrom tapes, 1398 RefGIF files, 41 WNewHDF files, 210 UsingHDF-EOS files, 210 Usingimage file types, 224 Usingimage files, 193 Using, 219 Usingimages, 63 GStartimages from the display, 1464 Ref,387 UsingInterfile files, 1119 RefJPEG files, 1120 Refmouse position, 265 RefNETCDF files, 210 UsingPGM files, 1129 RefPICT files, 1124 Refpixel values, 1105 Ref

PPM files, 1129 Refscientific format data, 210 UsingSee also CDF filesSee also HDF filesSee also netCDF filesSRF files, 1132 RefTIFF files, 1137 Refunformatted binary data, 1152 Refwave files, 1145 RefX11 bitmaps, 1147 RefXWD files, 1149 Ref

Reading a Character, 261 EDGreading binary data, 31 GStartreading files

Macintosh platform, 188 Usingreading images, 36 GStartREADNAMES example routine, 138 Buildread-only system variables, 376 RefREADS procedure, 1150 Ref, 223 BuildREADU procedure, 1152 Refreal part of complex numbers, 501 Refrealizing widgets, 1564 Ref, 626 Buildreal-world test data, 52 GStartREBIN function, 1155 Refrecall buffer

changing, 36 Usingcommand, 1158 RefIDLDE

Windows platform, 87 UsingMotif platform, 124 Using

RECALL_COMMANDS function, 1158 Refrecent files

IDLDEWindows platform, 71 Using

Macintosh platform, 163 UsingMotif platform, 109 Using

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recent projectsIDLDE

Windows platform, 71 UsingMotif platform, 109 Using

recommendationsstoring files in a project, 324 Build

recommended reading, 26 EDG, 26 EDGRECON3 function, 1159 Refreconstructions

3D from 2D images, 1159 Refrecording an interactive IDL session, 652 Refrecord-oriented files, 229 Buildrecords

length of, 515 Refupdating, 1694 Ref

Recordsetmoving within, 33 DataMusing the cursor, 33 DataM

RECORDSET_SOURCE keyword, 64 DataMrectangular

coordinates, 272 Ref, 1003 Reffilter, 432 Using

recursion, 311 BuildRECVAR structure tag, 86 SDFreduce operator, 445 RefREDUCE_COLORS procedure, 1164 RefREF_EXTRA keyword (keyword inheritance),301 Buildreference numbers (HDF)

adding to a VGroup, 281 SDFcreating new, 167 SDFdeleting, 122 SDFreturning from a VGroup, 288 SDF,289 SDFreturning number of, 207 SDFwriting descriptions, 143 SDF

reference, parameters passed by, 309 Build

REFORM function, 1165 Refreformatting arrays, 1165 Refregion

labeling, 670 Refof interest, 301 Ref, 374 Ref

region of interestIDLanROI, 1796 RefXROI, 1753 Ref, 264 WNew

REGION system variable field, 2444 Ref,2447 RefRegis device, 2383 Refregistering exit handlers, 288 EDGregistering routines using IDL_SysRtnAdd(),315 EDGREGRESS enhancements, 27 WNewREGRESS function, 1167 RefREGRESS1, see obsolete routinesregression analysis, 1167 RefREGRESSION, see obsolete routinesregularity of wavelet functions, 32 Wvltrelational operators, 2453 Ref, 28 BuildRELATIVE keyword, 66 DataMrelaxed structure assignment, 1180 Ref,1361 Ref, 116 Buildrelease, current version in use, 2436 Refremember current directory, see preferencesRemote Procedure Calls, 15 EDG, 104 EDG

example code, 136 EDGRemove method, 1795 RefRemoveData method

IDLanROI, 1813 RefRemoveEntity method, 1887 Refremoving

files in a project, 334 BuildRemoving A Signal Handler, 271 EDGremoving breakpoints, 126 RefRenderer draw area property, 576 Build

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rendering3D objects, 876 Ref3D volumes as 2D images, 1043 Refhardware versus software, 668 Usingpolygon objects, 610 Usingpolyline objects, 615 Usingspeed of volumes, 655 Usingsurface objects, 629 Usingvoxel, 1498 Ref

rendering processrendering objects, 531 Using

rendering stylepolygon objects, 610 Using

REPEAT...UNTIL statement, 1171 RefReplaceData method

IDLanROI, 1814 Refreplacing text

IDLDEWindows platform, 74 Using

Macintosh platform, 166 UsingMotif platform, 112 Using

REPLICATE function, 1172 RefREPLICATE_INPLACE procedure, 1173 Refreserved words, 2469 Refreserving colors, 136 UsingReset method, 1888 Ref, 2062 Ref, 2211 Ref,2306 RefRESET_STRING keyword, 2336 Refresetting widgets, 1565 RefResize Columns table property, 582 Buildresizing

graphics windows, 68 GStartresizing arrays, 213 Ref, 455 Ref, 1155 RefRESOLUTION keyword, 2336 Ref, 2337 Refresolution of map databases, 376 UsingRESOLVE_ALL procedure, 1175 Ref

RESOLVE_ROUTINE enhancements,36 WNewRESOLVE_ROUTINE procedure, 1177 Refresource files, 135 Usingresource names for IDL widgets, 1527 Ref,1544 Ref, 1583 Ref, 1594 Ref, 1617 Ref,1623 Ref, 1631 Ref, 1655 Refresources for an X Window, 135 Usingrestore

filesMacintosh platform, 188 UsingWindows platform, 99 Using

RESTORE procedure, 1179 Refrestoring .sav files, 60 Usingrestoring IDL save files, 1179 Refrestoring structures, 117 Buildrestoring windows, 671 UsingRetain, 82 EDGRetain draw area property, 577 BuildRETAIN keyword, 2337 Refretained graphics, 691 UsingRETALL command, 1181 Refretrieving

attributes of a Shapefile, 1911 Ref,296 WNew

retrieving object properties, 520 UsingRETURN command, 1182 Refreturning

subscripts of non-zero array elements,1513 Refwidget information, 1602 Ref

returning address in current execution scopefrom name, 202 EDGrevealing window objects, 670 Usingreverse axis plotting, 15 WNewreverse axis, Object Graphics, 601 UsingREVERSE function, 1184 Ref

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reverse index list (for histograms), 584 Refreversing array indices, 1184 RefREWIND procedure, 1186 RefRGB color model, 559 Using, 561 UsingRGB color system, 193 Ref, 351 Ref,1461 Ref, 389 UsingRGB_TO_HSV, see obsolete routinesrhumb line, 820 Ref, 22 WNew, 201 WNewRich Text Format, 451 BuildRIEMANN, see obsolete routinesright-handed coordinate system, 323 Usingringing bell with error messages, 231 EDGrivers, 824 RefRK4 function, 1187 RefRM, see obsolete routinesRMF, see obsolete routinesRMS, 244 EDGRMS block mode, 966 Refrms difference, denoised, 46 Wvltrms.mrs field, 249 EDGRoberts edge enhancement, 1189 RefROBERTS function, 1189 RefRobinson map projection, 371 UsingROI

deleting, 1760 Ref, 271 WNewgeometric and statistical data, 1753 Ref,264 WNewhistogram view, 1760 Ref, 271 WNew

Romberg integration, 1056 Ref, 1058 Refroots, 522 Ref, 524 RefROT function, 1191 Ref, 1194 RefROT_INT, see obsolete routinesROTATE function, 1194 RefRotate method, 2063 Ref, 547 Using

IDLanROI, 1817 RefIDLanROIGroup, 1835 Ref

rotatingarrays, 1194 Ref, 325 Usingimages, 287 Ref, 325 Using, 80 GStart

by arbitrary amounts, 1191 Refthe viewing matrix, 1391 Refviews, 331 Using

rotation, 546 Using, 547 Usingrough (high-pass) multiresolution plots,41 WvltROUND function, 1196 Refrounding, 810 Ref

ceiling function, 170 Reffloor function, 502 Refto nearest integer, 1196 Ref

rounding values, 297 EDGroutine enhancements, 88 WNewROUTINE_INFO function, 1198 Refroutines

cluster analysis, 495 Usingcorrelation, 453 Usingcurve and surface fitting, 455 Usingcustomizing, 99 GStartdifferentiation/integration, 472 Usingeigenvalues/eigenvectors, 462 Usinggridding/interpolation, 463 Usinghow IDL resolves, 308 Buildhypothesis testing, 467 Usinglinear systems, 479 Usingmathematical error assessment, 445 Usingmultivariate analysis, 495 Usingnonlinear equations, 481 Usingobsolete, 2512 Refoptimization, 483 Usingsaving as binary files, 1205 Refsignal processing, 438 Usingsparse arrays, 486 Usingtime-series analysis, 489 Using

Master Index R

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routines obsoleted, 128 WNewrow bases, 1529 RefRow Labels table property, 583 BuildRow/Column Major table property, 583 Buildrow-indexed sparse storage method, 484 Usingrow-major indexing, 446 UsingRPC Examples, 136 EDGRPC server, using IDL as, 105 EDGRPCs see Remote Procedure CallsRS_TEST function, 1201 RefRSI

electronic mail address, 20 Usingpostal address, 20 Usingtelephone and fax numbers, 20 Using

RSI_GAMMAI, see obsolete routinesRSTRPOS, see obsolete routinesRTF, 451 BuildRunge-Kutta method, 1187 Refrun-length encoding, 1020 Refrunning

applications from a project, 349 Buildrunning IDL, 24 UsingRunning IDL in Server Mode, 105 EDGruns test for randomness, 1082 RefRUNS_TEST, see obsolete routinesruntime IDL, 14 BuildRuntime IDL and Embedded IDL, 361 EDG

Ss argument, 193 EDG, 224 EDG, 224 EDG,225 EDG, 263 EDGs field, 171 EDGS system variable field, 2447 RefS_TEST function, 1203 Refsampled data analysis, 420 Usingsampled images, 381 Using

samplingaliasing data, 420 Using

satellite map projection, 846 Ref, 362 Usingsaturation, 391 Usingsav files, 60 Usingsave

filesMacintosh platform, 188 UsingWindows platform, 99 Using

Save method, 2076 RefSAVE procedure, 1205 Refsave/restore

binary files, 1206 Reffiles, 1179 Refheap variables, 124 BuildVMS issues, 660 Build

saved commands, displaying, 575 RefSAVGOL function, 1208 Ref, 219 WNewsaving

IDL routines as binary files, 1205 RefIDL variables, 1205 Refimage files, 221 Usingprojects, 328 Buildsystem variables, 1206 Refvariables, 1206 Ref

saving a template, 35 GStartsaving and restoring heap variables, 124 Buildsaving files

IDLDEWindows platform, 70 Using

Macintosh platform, 164 UsingMotif platform, 108 Using

saving windows, 671 UsingSavitzky-Golay smoothing filter, 1208 Ref,21 WNew, 219 WNewscalable pixels, 2358 Ref, 312 Usingscalar functions, 37 DataM

S Master Index

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scalar functions, ODBC, 159 DataMscalar values

storing, 198 EDGscalar variables, 178 EDGScale method, 2064 Ref, 548 Using

IDLanROI, 1818 RefIDLanROIGroup, 1836 Ref

SCALE_FACTOR keyword, 2337 RefSCALE3 procedure, 1212 RefSCALE3D procedure, 1214 Refscaling, 1391 Ref, 548 Using, 548 Using

axes, 259 Usingcoordinate systems, 536 Usingfactors, 2447 Refgraphics atoms, 546 Usingimages, 385 Usingmaps, 350 Usingmatrices, 324 Usingpixels, 385 Usingvalues into range of bytes, 137 Ref

scaling functions, 30 Wvltscaling pixels, 72 GStartscanline interleaving, 640 Usingscene object, 2174 Ref, 511 Usingscene objects, 525 UsingSCHOOLBOOK keyword, 2338 Refscientific data format

importing using macros, 210 Usingscientific data formats, 25 GStart, 15 SDFscientific data sets see CDF files, HDF files,netCDF filesscope, variable, 376 Buildscreen size, finding, 635 Buildscripts, AppleScript, 419 RefScroll, 83 EDGscroll bars

for draw widgets, 1584 Ref

for text widgets, 1651 Ref, 1655 RefScroll base property, 551 BuildScroll draw area property, 577 Buildscroll offset, 2439 RefScroll table property, 583 BuildScroll text property, 562 Buildsdef argument, 190 EDGsdef field, 181 EDGsearch path

Macintosh platform, 183 UsingMotif platform, 133 UsingWindows platform, 95 Using

SEARCH2D function, 1215 RefSEARCH3D function, 1218 Refsearching, within strings, 1351 Refseasonal effect, 487 Usingsegmentation, 670 RefSelect method, 1963 Ref, 2297 RefSelect statement

Text, 145 DataMselecting

graphic atoms, 659 Usingviews in a window object, 659 Using

selectionmodel objects, 660 Usingwindow objects, 659 Using

self argument (objects), 482 Buildsemicolon, 2465 Ref, 255 Buildsemicolon character, 2465 Refsemi-logarithmic plots, 92 Ref, 235 Ref,235 Ref, 985 Ref, 1237 Ref, 1237 Ref,1370 Ref, 1370 Ref, 1370 RefSensitive common property, 541 Buildsensitizing widgets, 1566 Ref, 627 Buildserver ID number, 105 EDGserver process, 104 EDG

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set argument, 272 EDG, 272 EDG, 273 EDG,273 EDG, 273 EDG, 274 EDG, 274 EDG,275 EDGSET_CHARACTER_SIZE keyword, 2338 RefSET_COLORMAP keyword, 2339 RefSET_FONT keyword, 2340 RefSET_GRAPHICS_FUNCTION keyword,2343 RefSET_NATIVE_PLOT, see obsolete routinesSET_PLOT procedure, 1221 Ref, 1221 Ref,1221 Ref, 2310 RefSET_RESOLUTION keyword, 2344 RefSET_SCREEN, see obsolete routinesSET_SHADING procedure, 1021 Ref,1223 RefSET_STRING keyword, 2344 RefSET_SYMBOL procedure, 1225 RefSET_TRANSLATION keyword, 2344 RefSET_VIEWPORT, see obsolete routinesSET_WRITE_MASK keyword, 2345 RefSET_XY, see obsolete routinesSetCurrentCursor method, 2299 RefSETENV procedure, 546 Ref, 1226 Refsetjmp, C language, 164 RefSETLOG procedure, 1227 RefSetNamedArray, 74 EDGSetNamedData, 75 EDGSetOutputWnd, 76 EDGSetOutputWnd method, 50 EDGSetPalette method, 1889 RefSetRGB method, 2087 Refsetting

breakpoints, 127 Refkeywords, 656 Ref, 1785 Ref, 296 Build,44 DataMnamed variables, 43 DataMoptions for a project, 341 Build

properties of a file in a project, 336 Buildthe current window, 1695 Refwidget values, 1569 Refwindow object cursor, 671 Using

setting breakpoints, 437 Buildsetting properties

existing objects, 519 Usinginitialization, 519 Usingobjects, 519 Using

SETUP_KEYS procedure, 366 Ref, 1229 RefSFIT function, 1232 RefSGML, 452 BuildSHADE_SURF procedure, 1234 RefSHADE_SURF_IRR procedure, 1239 RefSHADE_VOLUME procedure, 1023 Ref,1241 Refshaded surfaces, 1234 Ref, 339 Using

changing position of light source, 1223 Reffrom polygons, 1021 Refplotting, 339 Using

shading, 1223 Refchanging position of light source, 1223 RefGouraud interpolation, 339 Usinglight source, 339 Usingparameters, 340 Usingpolylines, 615 Usingvolumes, 1021 Ref

shading polygon objects, 611 UsingShapefile

adding attributes, 1906 Ref, 291 WNewattribute structure, 1900 Ref, 285 WNewattributes, 1900 Ref, 285 WNewclosing, 1909 Ref, 294 WNewentity, 1896 Ref, 281 WNewentity structure, 1897 Ref, 282 WNewincluded files, 1896 Ref, 281 WNewinserting entities, 1922 Ref, 307 WNew

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naming conventions, 1896 Ref, 281 WNewobject properties, 1915 Ref, 300 WNewopening, 1921 Ref, 306 WNewretrieving attributes, 1911 Ref, 296 WNewretrieving entities, 1913 Ref, 298 WNewsetting attributes, 1924 Ref, 309 WNew

Shapefile object, 43 WNewsharable library

building, 814 Ref, 192 WNewshared color maps (Motif), 136 Usingshared colormap, 2344 Ref, 2347 Refsharpening images, 75 GStartsheet feeder, 2323 Refshell

avoiding under Unix, 39 EDGshells, spawning, 1291 RefSHIFT function, 1244 Refshifting

array elements, 1244 Refbit, 646 Ref

short word swap, 134 Refshortcuts

keyboardMotif platform, 121 UsingWindows platform, 84 Using

should_wait argument, 261 EDGShow method, 2302 RefSHOW3 procedure, 1246 RefSHOWFONT procedure, 1248 Refshowing

images, 1455 Refwindows, 1696 Ref

shrink operator, 445 Refshrinking

arrays, 1155 Refwindows, 1696 Ref

shutting down IDL, 288 EDG

SIG_DFL, 266 EDG, 268 EDGSIG_IGN, 268 EDGSIGALRM, 267 EDG, 282 EDGSIGFPE, 266 EDG, 267 EDG, 267 EDGSIGINT, 289 EDGSIGMA, see obsolete routinessign test, 1203 RefSIGN_TEST, see obsolete routinessignal

analysis transforms, 408 Usingfiltering, 120 Refprocessing, 405 Using

CONVOL function, 241 Refsignal handlers

establishing, 270 EDGremoving, 271 EDG

signal masksIDL_SignalBlock(), 275 EDGIDL_SignalMaskBlock(), 274 EDGIDL_SignalMaskGet(), 273 EDGIDL_SignalMaskSet(), 274 EDGIDL_SignalSetAdd(), 272 EDGIDL_SignalSetDel(), 273 EDGIDL_SignalSetInit(), 272 EDGIDL_SignalSetIsMember(), 273 EDGIDL_SignalSuspend(), 275 EDGoverview, 272 EDG

signal processingand IDL, 50 GStart

signal processing routines, 438 Usingsignals, 266 EDG

IDL API, 267 EDGIDL limitations, 267 EDGproblems, 266 EDG

significance testing, 50 Wvltsignificant bits, 2322 Ref

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signo argument, 270 EDG, 271 EDG,272 EDG, 272 EDG, 273 EDG, 273 EDG,275 EDGSIGTRAP, 266 EDG, 267 EDG, 267 EDGsimple polygons, 2206 Ref, 581 UsingSimplified Routine Invocation, 413 EDGSIMPSON, see obsolete routinesSimpson’s rule, 1061 Refsimultaneous linear equations, 473 UsingSIN function, 1250 Ref, 51 GStartSINDGEN function, 1251 Refsine, 1250 Ref

hyperbolic, 1252 Refinverse, 86 Ref

sinewave function, 51 GStartsingle-precision

arrays, 495 Ref, 506 Refconverting values to, 501 Ref

singular value decomposition, 1372 Ref,1381 Ref, 473 UsingSINH function, 1252 RefSINKSORT example routine, 141 Buildsinusoidal map projection, 846 Ref, 371 Usingsize

of widgets, 632 BuildSIZE executive command, 2517 RefSIZE function, 1253 Refsizing graphics windows

Macintosh platform, 178 UsingMotif platform, 128 UsingWindows platform, 90 Using

sizing widgets, 631 Buildskeletons of bi-level images, 1407 Refskewness, 903 Ref, 1257 RefSKEWNESS function, 1257 RefSkills Required to Add Code to IDL, 23 EDGSKIPF procedure, 1258 Ref

skirts, 631 Usingslash character, 1785 Refslash character , 44 DataMslen field, 171 EDGSLICER, see obsolete routinesSLICER3 procedure, 551 Ref, 1259 Refslices

making, 110 GStartslicing volumes, 344 UsingSLIDE_IMAGE procedure, 1277 Refslider widgets, 1628 Ref, 569 Build

changing maximum value, 1567 Refchanging minimum value, 1568 Refdefined, 593 Builddisplayed values, 569 Builddrag events, 1635 Refdraggable, 1628 Refevents returned by, 1634 Reffloating-point, 321 Refinitial position, 568 Buildmaximum value, 1630 Ref, 568 Buildminimum value, 1630 Ref, 568 Buildproperties, 568 Buildreturning minimum and maximum values,1608 Refsetting attributes, 568 Buildsetting events, 569 Buildtitle, 569 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

smearing frequency plots, 414 Usingsmooth (low-pass) multiresolution plots,41 WvltSMOOTH function, 1281 Ref, 432 Usingsmoothing, 1281 Ref

CONVOL function, 241 Refexample, 505 Build, 189 GStartmedian, 863 Ref

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MIN_CURVE_SURF function, 225 Refsmoothing contours, 317 Usingsmoothing images, 75 GStartSOBEL function, 1283 RefSOCKET procedure, 1285 Ref, 223 WNewSORT function, 1289 Refsorting

arrays, 1289 RefSINKSORT example, 141 Build

Space base property, 551 Buildspaces, removing from a string, 68 Buildsparse arrays, 484 Using

FULSTR, 516 RefLINBCG, 681 RefREAD_SPR, 1131 Refroutines, 486 UsingSPRSAB, 1314 RefSPRSAX, 1316 RefWRITE_SPR, 1679 Ref

SPAWNdisplaying help files, 459 Build

Spawnnoninteractive use of, 39 EDG

spawncommunicating with a Unix child process,40 EDGinteractive use of SPAWN, 35 EDGnoninteractive use of SPAWN, 37 EDGshell process, 1291 Ref

SPAWN enhancements, 37 WNewSPAWN procedure, 1291 RefSPEARMAN, see obsolete routinesSpearman’s rho rank correlation, 1080 Refspecial characters

displaying in plots, 2475 RefSpecial File Units, 252 EDG

special functionsBETA, 109 RefIBETA, 604 Ref

specified field, 208 EDGSPH_4PNT procedure, 1298 RefSPH_SCAT function, 1300 RefSPHER_HARM function, 1303 Ref,227 WNewspherical coordinates, 272 Refspherical gridding, 1300 Ref, 1429 Ref,1432 Refspherical harmonic

relation to Legendre polynomial, 1303 Ref,227 WNewSee also Legendre polynomials

spherical interpolation, 1300 Refspherical triangulation, 1429 RefSPL_INIT function, 1306 RefSPL_INTERP function, 1308 Refspline

cubic interpolation, 1306 Ref, 1310 Ref,1312 Refthin-plate surface, 893 Ref

SPLINE function, 1310 RefSPLINE_P procedure, 1312 Refsplitting strings, 74 Buildspreadsheet data files, 1134 Ref, 1682 RefSPRSAB function, 1314 RefSPRSAX function, 1316 RefSPRSIN function, 1318 RefSPRSTP function, 1321 RefSQL

core conformance level, 12 DataMcore grammar, 13 DataMData Sources dialog, 27 DataMextended conformance level, 12 DataMextended grammar, 13 DataM

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LIKE predicate, 38 DataMminimum conformance level, 12 DataMminimum grammar, 12 DataMsyntax, 37 DataMusing procedure calls instead, 39 DataM

SQL keyword, 56 DataMsql.log file, 73 DataMSQL_LEVEL keyword, 52 DataMSQL_SERVER_NAME keyword, 52 DataMSQRT function, 1322 Refsquare brackets, 21 Build

See arrays, concatenationsquare root, 1322 RefSRF files

reading, 1132 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildwriting, 1680 Ref

stack, interpreter, 29 EDGstacked histogram plots (LEGO keyword),1368 Refstandard

deviation, 903 Refimage file formats, 240 Build, 25 GStartinput, 539 Ref

standard deviation, 1325 Refstandard error, 252 EDGStandard Generalized Markup Language,SGML, 452 Buildstandard input, 252 EDGstandard output, 252 EDGSTANDARDIZE function, 1323 Refstandardized variables, 1323 Ref, 492 Usingstarting IDL, 24 Usingstartup

filediscussion, 58 Using

file in IDLDEWindows platform, 93 Using

IDLDE preferencesWindows platform, 93 Using

switches, 26 Usingstartup file

Macintosh platform, 182 UsingMotif platform, 131 Using

startup preferencesMacintosh platform, 182 UsingMotif platform, 131 Using

startup switch option, 55 WNewstat_blk argument, 245 EDGstatement labels, 286 Buildstatements

block of statements, 269 BuildBREAK, 286 BuildCASE versus SWITCH, 276 Buildcompound, 269 Buildconditional, 272 BuildCONTINUE, 287 BuildFOR, 279 BuildREPEAT...UNTIL, 283 BuildWHILE...DO, 284 Build

statements supportedINFORMIX, 92 DataMOracle, 107 DataMSybase, 125 DataMText, 146 DataM

STATIC_COLOR keyword, 2345 RefSTATIC_GRAY keyword, 2345 Refstationary series, 487 Usingstatistics

approximating models, 200 Reffitting data

growth trends, 200 Ref

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least absolute deviation regression,672 Refmoving averages, 1281 Refmultiple linear regression, 1167 Refnonlinear least-squares regression, 268 Refoutlying data regression, 672 Ref

hypothesis testing, 465 Usingkurtosis, 661 Refroutines, 442 Usingtools

absolute deviation, 903 Refchi-square error, minimizing, 685 Refcombinations, 471 Refcontingency table, 263 Refcumulative sum, 1418 Reffactorial, 471 Reffrequency tables, 584 Refhistogram, 584 Refkurtosis, 661 Ref, 903 RefLomb normalized periodogram, 784 Refmagnitude-based ranking, 1103 Refmaximum, 856 Refmean, 860 Ref, 903 Refmean absolute deviation, 861 Refmedian, 903 Refminimum, 891 Refnumber generators, 1031 Ref, 1093 Ref,1098 Refpermutations, 471 Refskewness, 903 Ref, 1257 Refsort, 1289 Refstandard deviation, 903 Ref, 1325 RefT-statistic, Student’s, 1416 Refvariance, 903 Ref, 1484 Ref

Status BarIDLDE

Windows platform, 66 Using

IDLDE for Motif, 19 GStartMotif platform, 105 Using

STDDEV function, 1325 RefSTDEV, see obsolete routinesstdio buffering, 247 EDGstep plot, 406 Usingstepping

into a program, 436 Buildover routines, 437 Build

STEPWISE, see obsolete routinesstereographic map projection, 846 Ref,357 Usingstop argument, 283 EDG, 289 EDGSTOP procedure, 1326 Refstopping program execution, 125 Ref,1326 Ref, 53 Usingstoring

file in a project, 324 Buildstoring scalar values, 198 EDGstr argument, 222 EDG, 223 EDGSTR_SEP, see obsolete routinesSTRARR function, 1327 RefSTRCMP function, 1328 RefSTRCOMPRESS function, 1330 Refstream files, 244 EDGSTREAMLINE procedure, 1331 Refstreamlines, 1488 RefSTREGEX function, 1333 RefSTRETCH procedure, 1337 Refstride factor default, see preferencesstring data type, 41 Build, 171 EDGSTRING function, 1339 Ref, 222 Buildstring functions, 159 DataMstrings, 46 Build, 225 EDG

accessing, 221 EDGbyte values, 65 Build

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callingIDL functions from, 159 RefIDL methods from, 160 RefIDL procedures from, 161 Ref

case folding, 67 Buildcase-insensitive comparisons, 75 Buildcomparing, 75 Buildcomparing using wildcards, 76 Buildcomplex comparisons, 77 Buildconcatenation, 63 Buildconverting to lowercase, 1344 Refconverting to uppercase, 1365 Refcopying, 222 EDGcreating arrays, 1251 Refcreating string arrays, 1327 Refdata type, converting to, 1339 Refdeleting, 223 EDGexecuting contents of, 452 Refextracting substrings, 73 Buildextracting substrings from, 1349 Reffinding first occurrence of substring,71 Buildfinding last occurrence of substring, 72 Buildfinding substrings within, 1351 Refformatting data, 64 Buildin netCDF files, 472 SDFinserting strings into, 1353 Refleading and trailing blanks, 68 Buildlength of, 1343 Reflength, finding, 70 Buildlowercase, 67 Buildmeta characters, 79 Buildnonstring arguments to routines, 62 Buildoperations, 61 Buildprocessing, 220 EDGputting one into another, 72 Buildreading data from, 1150 Ref

regular expressions (example), 77 Buildregular expressions (using), 79 Buildremoving whitespace from, 1330 Ref,1359 Refsetting value of, 224 EDGsplitting and joining, 74 Buildsubstrings, 71 Builduppercase, 67 Buildwhitespace, 68 Build

STRJOIN function, 1342 RefSTRLEN function, 1343 RefSTRLOWCASE function, 1344 RefSTRMATCH function, 1345 RefSTRMESSAGE function, 1348 RefSTRMID function, 1349 RefSTRPOS function, 1351 RefSTRPUT procedure, 1353 RefSTRSPLIT function, 1355 RefSTRTRIM function, 1359 RefSTRUCT_ASSIGN procedure, 1361 Ref,116 BuildSTRUCT_HIDE procedure, 1363 RefStructure

creating temporary, 190 EDGstructure objects, 511 Usingstructure of subarrays, 91 Buildstructure tags for WV_IMPORT_DATA,94 Wvltstructure variables, 181 EDGStructured Query Language, 10 DataMstructures, 181 EDG

advanced, 112 Buildanonymous, 98 Build, 181 EDG, 182 EDGarrays of, 108 Buildarrays stored in structure form, 484 Usingautomatic definition, 114 Build, 468 Buildconcatenating, 253 Ref

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concatenation and assignment, 38 WNewcreating, 181 EDGcreating and defining, 253 Ref, 99 Build,114 Buildcreating arrays of, 1172 Refdefinition, 1361 Ref, 116 Builddisplaying information on currently-defined,576 RefFSTAT, 513 Refinheritance, 100 Buildinput/output, 110 Buildintroduction to, 98 Buildnamed, 98 Buildnumber of fields in, 112 Buildparameter passing, 105 Buildreferences, 102 Buildrelaxed definition, 1180 Ref, 1361 Ref,116 Buildrestoring, 117 Buildreturned by widgets, 1600 Refreturning length of, 939 Refreturning number of tags, 939 Reftag names, 253 Ref, 1394 Refusing help with, 104 Buildzeroed, 99 Build, 467 Build

structuring element, 411 RefSTRUPCASE function, 1365 Refstub widgets

internal functions, 400 EDGoverview, 396 EDGWIDGET_STUB function, 397 EDG

STUDENT_T, see obsolete routinesStudent’s t distribution, 1388 Ref, 1389 RefStudent’s T-statistic, 1416 RefSTUDENT1_T, see obsolete routinesSTUDRANGE, see obsolete routinesSTYLE system variable field, 2448 Ref

stype field, 171 EDGsubmitting a print job, 678 Usingsubscripts, 85 Build

array valued, 92 Buildexamples, 87 Buildof scalars, 88 Buildranges, 90 Build, 90 Buildranges, combined with arrays, 94 Buildsubscript arrays, 261 Build, 262 Build

substringsextracting, 73 Buildfinding first occurrence, 71 Buildfinding last occurence, 72 Build

SUBTITLE keyword, 2409 RefSUBTITLE system variable field, 2444 Refsubtraction operator, 2453 Ref, 22 Buildsummation, array elements, 1418 RefSun raster files

reading, 1132 Refwriting, 1680 Ref

support at RSI, 20 Usingsupported platforms, 134 WNewSuppress Value slider property, 569 Buildsuppressing information messages, 2435 (example file), 2308 Refsurface fitting

discussion, 454 Usingroutines, 455 UsingSFIT, 1232 Ref

surface object, 2182 Ref, 513 Usingoverview, 628 Using

surface objectscreating, 628 Usinghidden line removal, 631 Usinginteractive example, 636 Usingrendering style, 629 Usingshading, 630 Using

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skirts, 631 Usingtexture mapping, 632 Usingusing, 629 Using

surface plots, 1764 Refwith images and contours, 1246 Ref

SURFACE procedure, 1366 Refduplicating transformations, 1371 Ref

surface style, wavelet power spectrum, 38 WvltSURFACE_FIT, see obsolete routinessurfaces

constant-density, 10 GStartdisplaying, 112 GStartiso-surfaces, 10 GStartplotting, 320 Using, 86 GStart, 88 GStart,156 GStartwire mesh animation, 147 GStart

surfaces, shaded, 876 Ref, 1234 Ref, 1239 RefSURFR procedure, 1371 Refsuspending execution, 437 BuildSVBKSB, see obsolete routinesSVD, see obsolete routinesSVDC procedure, 1372 RefSVDFIT enhancements, 29 WNewSVDFIT function, 1375 RefSVSOL function, 1380 RefSWAP_ENDIAN function, 1382 Refswapping the order of bytes, 133 RefSWITCH statement, 1383 Ref, 230 WNewswitches

command line, 26 UsingSybase driver

connections supported, 125 DataMdata source

configuring, 109 DataMconnecting via connection string,118 DataM

connecting via logon dialog box,117 DataM

data types, 123 DataMisolation levels, 124 DataMlocking levels, 124 DataMODBC conformance, 124 DataMSQLEdit, 108 DataMstatements supported, 125 DataMSYBASE, 108 DataMSYBPING, 108 DataMsystem requirements, 108 DataM

SYLK files, 1134 Ref, 1682 RefSYMBOL keyword, 2345 Refsymbol object, 2199 Ref, 515 Using,577 Usingsymbol table, 201 EDGsymbol use for polylines, 615 Usingsymbolic link files, 1134 Ref, 1682 Refsymbols

plots, 267 Using, 268 Usingsymbols, plotting, 1480 Ref, 2408 Ref,2443 Refsymlet, see wavelet functionssymmetric

array or matrix, 1440 Ref, 1442 Refsymmetric arrays, 447 Usingsymmetry of wavelet functions, 31 WvltSYMSIZE keyword, 2409 Refsyntax

arguments, 43 DataMfunction methods, 43 DataMfunctions, 42 DataMouter join, 38 DataMpositional parameters, 43 DataMprocedure calls, 39 DataMprocedure methods, 42 DataMprocedures, 42 DataM

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systemclock, 1385 Reffiles, 366 Build

system functions, 167 DataMSystem Menu base property, 552 Buildsystem requirements

INFORMIX, 79 DataMOracle driver, 93 DataMSybase, 108 DataMText, 126 DataM

system routinesadding, 324 EDGexamples, 302 EDG, 303 EDG, 417 EDGinterface, 301 EDGinvocation, 413 EDGoverview, 300 EDG

system time conversion, 34 WNewsystem variable enhancements, 126 WNewsystem variable fields

BACKGROUND, 2441 RefBLOCK, 2425 RefCHANNEL, 2441 RefCHARSIZE, 2441 Ref, 2445 RefCHARTHICK, 2441 RefCLIP, 2441 RefCODE, 2425 RefCOLOR, 2441 RefCRANGE, 2445 RefFILL_DIST, 2437 RefFLAGS, 2438 RefFONT, 2441 RefGRIDSTYLE, 2446 RefLINESTYLE, 2442 RefMARGIN, 2446 RefMINOR, 2446 RefMSG, 2425 RefMSG_PREFIX, 2426 Ref

MULTI, 2442 RefN_COLORS, 2439 RefNAME, 2425 Ref, 2439 RefNOCLIP, 2443 RefNOERASE, 2443 RefNSUM, 2443 RefOMARGIN, 2446 RefORIGIN, 2439 RefPOSITION, 2443 RefPSYM, 2443 RefRANGE, 2447 RefREGION, 2444 Ref, 2447 RefS, 2447 RefSTYLE, 2448 RefSUBTITLE, 2444 RefSYS_CODE, 2425 RefSYS_MSG, 2425 RefT, 2444 RefT3D, 2444 RefTABLE_SIZE, 2439 RefTHICK, 2444 Ref, 2448 RefTICKFORMAT, 2449 RefTICKINTERVAL, 2449 RefTICKLAYOUT, 2449 RefTICKLEN, 2444 Ref, 2449 RefTICKNAME, 2449 RefTICKS, 2450 RefTICKUNITS, 2450 RefTICKV, 2450 RefTITLE, 2444 Ref, 2451 RefTYPE, 2451 RefUNIT, 2439 RefWINDOW, 2439 Ref, 2451 RefX_CH_SIZE, 2439 RefX_PX_CM, 2440 RefX_SIZE, 2440 RefX_VSIZE, 2440 Ref

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Y_CH_SIZE, 2439 RefY_PX_CM, 2440 RefY_SIZE, 2440 RefY_VSIZE, 2440 RefZOOM, 2440 Ref

system variables, 2422 Ref, 55 Build!C, 2437 Ref!D, 2437 Ref!D.TABLE_SIZE, 1467 Ref!D.WINDOW, 1508 Ref, 1661 Ref,1695 Ref!EDIT_INPUT, 36 Using!ERR, 1514 Ref!ERROR_STATE, 889 Ref, 890 Ref,1348 Ref, 425 Build!JOURNAL, 652 Ref!MAP, 349 Using!MAP1, 843 Ref!MOUSE, 265 Ref!ORDER, 1457 Ref, 1465 Ref, 2440 Ref,384 Using!P, 2440 Ref!P.COLOR, 1743 Ref, 256 WNew!P.MULTI, 2377 Ref!P.T, 2410 Ref!QUIET, 889 Ref!X, 2444 Ref!Y, 2444 Ref!Z, 2444 Refcreating, 376 Refdisplaying information on currently-defined,576 Reffor axes, 2444 Reffor errors, 425 Buildfor graphics, 2437 Reffunctions for returning, 290 EDGobsolete, 2512 Ref

read-only, 376 Refsaving, 1206 Ref

SYSTIME function, 1385 Ref

TT system variable field, 2444 RefT_CVF function, 1388 RefT_PDF function, 1389 RefT3D keyword, 2409 RefT3D procedure, 1391 RefT3D system variable field, 2444 RefTABLE keyword, 56 DataMtable structure, defining

Text, 133 DataMText under UNIX, 137 DataM

table widgets, 1636 Ref, 584 Buildalignment of text, 581 Buildattributes, 581 Buildcell select events, 585 Buildcolumn labels, 581 Buildcolumn width change events, 585 Builddata invalid events, 587 Builddata transfer to, 583 Builddefined, 593 Buildediting cells, 582 Buildevents, 584 Buildfocus events, 586 Buildheading display, 581 Buildheight, 582 Buildinsert character events, 586 Buildinsert string events, 587 Buildkeyboard focus events, 1640 Refrow labels, 583 Buildscroll height, 584 Buildscroll width, 584 Buildscrolling, 583 Build

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sizing columns, 582 Buildtext delete events, 586 Buildtext selection events, 587 Buildusing, 510 Build, 191 GStartwidth, 582 Build

TABLE_SIZE system variable field, 2439 Reftables

connecting, 32 DataMfinding a specific table, 31 DataMfinding available tables, 31 DataMGetTables method, 31 DataMretrieving data, 32 DataMworking with data, 33 DataM

tabs, removing from a string, 68 Buildtag numbers

HDF, 98 SDFTAG_NAMES function, 1394 Reftags argument, 182 EDGtags, number in a structure, 939 RefTAN function, 1396 Reftangent, 1396 Ref

hyperbolic, 1397 Refinverse, 90 Ref

TANH function, 1397 Reftapes

reading from, 1398 Refrewinding, 1186 Refskipping records, 1258 Refwriting data to, 1399 Refwriting EOF mark, 1509 Ref

TAPRD procedure, 1398 RefTAPWRT procedure, 1399 RefTCP/IP client side socket support, 1285 Ref,37 WNew, 223 WNewtechnical support, 20 UsingTEK_COLOR procedure, 1400 RefTEK4014 keyword, 2345 Ref

TEK4100 keyword, 2346 RefTektronix device, 2384 RefTemporary array

getting, 188 EDGTEMPORARY function, 1401 RefTemporary variable

freeing, 191 EDGgetting, 188 EDG

temporary variables, 1401 Ref, 187 EDGTERM environment variable, 32 UsingTerminal Information, 291 EDGterminology conventions, 16 DataMternary operator (?

), 30 Buildternary operator, ?:, 2453 Reftesselation, 1429 RefTessellate method, 2212 Reftessellator object, 2206 Ref, 516 Using,581 Usingtest data, 52 GStarttest functions, 784 Ref

CTI_TEST, 263 RefFV_TEST, 520 RefKW_TEST, 662 RefLNP_TEST, 784 RefMD_TEST, 858 RefR_TEST, 1082 RefRS_TEST, 1201 RefS_TEST, 1203 RefTM_TEST, 1416 RefXSQ_TEST, 1762 Ref

test mode, IDL GUIBuilder, 501 Build,185 GStartTESTCONTRAST, see obsolete routinestesting

.prc file from a project, 336 BuildTETRA_CLIP function, 1402 Ref

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TETRA_SURFACE function, 1404 RefTETRA_VOLUME function, 1405 Reftext

aligning (XYOUTS), 1777 Refcharacter

height, 2439 Refsize, 2441 Refthickness, 1777 Ref, 2441 Refwidth, 2439 Ref

displaying, 1703 Reffont index, 2405 Reffont selection, 2441 Refplane of, 1777 Refplotting in graphics windows, 1776 Refpositioning, 2493 Refreplacing in IDLDE

Macintosh platform, 166 UsingMotif platform, 112 UsingWindows platform, 74 Using

searching in IDLDEMacintosh platform, 166 UsingMotif platform, 111 UsingWindows platform, 74 Using

selecting in IDL editor (Windows),247 Buildsize, 2411 Ref, 90 GStartsize of characters, 1777 Refwidgets, see text widgetswidth of, 1777 Ref

Text driverAlter Table statement, 146 DataMconnections supported, 146 DataMdata source

configuring, 127 DataMconnecting via connection string,140 DataM

data types, 145 DataM

date masks, 139 DataMdefining table structure, 133 DataMdefining table structure under UNIX,137 DataMformats, 126 DataMODBC conformance, 146 DataMSelect statement, 145 DataMstatements supported, 146 DataMsystem requirements, 126 DataM

Text label property, 566 Buildtext object, 2213 Ref, 513 Using, 603 Usingtext widgets, 1651 Ref

appending text to, 1552 Refchanging selected text, 1575 Refconverting

character offsets to column/line form,1610 Refline/column positions to character offsets,1610 Ref

defined, 594 Builddelete events, 563 Builddetermining

if all events are being returned, 1609 Refif text widget is editable, 1609 Ref

displaying help text, 458 Buildeditable, 1652 Ref

making editable after creation, 1557 Refevents returned by, 1552 Ref, 1651 Ref,1658 Reffocus events, 563 Buildkeyboard focus events, 1653 Refproperties, 561 Buildreturning

line number of top line in viewport,1610 Refnumber of characters, 1610 Refoffsets of text selection, 1610 Ref

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selected text, 1575 Refselection events, 564 Buildsetting

text selection, 1568 Reftop line, 1569 Ref

setting attributes, 561 Buildsetting editable state, 561 Buildsetting height, 561 Buildsetting initial displays, 562 Buildsetting keyboard focus to, 1561 Refsetting scrolling, 562 Buildsetting width, 562 Buildsetting word wrapping, 562 Buildstring insert events, 564 Buildsuppressing newline characters, 1564 Reftext insert events, 564 Buildusing, 509 Build, 191 GStart

texture mapping, 632 Usingtexture mapping polygon objects, 611 UsingThe IDL RPC directory, 105 EDGThe IDL_EZ_ARG struct, 414 EDGTHICK keyword, 2410 RefTHICK system variable field, 2444 Ref,2448 Refthickness of characters, 1777 RefTHIN function, 1407 Refthinning images, 1407 Refthin-plate-spline interpolation, 548 Ref,893 RefTHREED procedure, 1409 Refthree-dimensional

contour plot, 97 GStartcoordinate conversion, 328 Usinggraphics, 323 Usingsurfaces, 88 GStarttransformation, 333 Using

matrices, 323 Using

transformationsarray transforms, 1492 Refcoordinates, 245 Ref, 334 Refduplicating SURFACE transforms,1371 Refimplementing transforms, 1391 Refplotting, 245 Ref, 334 Refscaling, 1212 Ref, 1214 Refspecifying orientation, 287 RefT3D keyword, 2444 Ref

threshold for denoise, hard versus soft,45 Wvlt, 54 WvltTHRESHOLD keyword, 2346 Refthresholding, 69 GStartthrow, C++ language, 164 Reftick labels, 601 Usingtick marks, 275 Using

annotation, 2417 Ref, 2449 Refdata values for, 2418 Ref, 2450 Refgetting values of, 2412 Refintervals, 2417 Ref, 2450 Reflayout in individual axes, 2416 Reflength, 2410 Ref, 2444 Reflength on individual axes, 2416 Ref,2449 Reflinestyles, 2411 Refminor, 2411 Ref, 2446 Refstring labels for, 2449 Refstyles, 2446 Refsuppressing, 2417 Ref, 2450 Refunits for labeling, 2417 Ref

TICKFORMAT system variable field,2449 RefTICKINTERVAL system variable field,2449 RefTICKLAYOUT system variable field,2449 Ref

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TICKLEN keyword, 2410 RefTICKLEN system variable field, 2444 Ref,2449 RefTICKNAME system variable field, 2449 RefTICKS system variable field, 2450 RefTICKUNITS system variable field, 2450 RefTICKV system variable field, 2450 RefTIFF files

reading, 1137 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Buildwriting, 1684 Ref

TIFF support, 41 WNewTIFF_DUMP, see obsolete routinesTIFF_READ, see obsolete routinesTIFF_WRITE, see obsolete routinestime

converting from string to binary, 112 Refreturning current, 1385 Ref

time format, 37 DataMtime functions, 164 DataMTIME_TEST2 procedure, 1410 RefTIMEGEN, 287 Using, 592 UsingTIMEGEN function, 1411 Ref, 232 WNewtimer events (for widgets), 628 Buildtimers, 278 EDG

blocking, 278 EDG, 282 EDGcallbacks, 279 EDGcancelling requests, 281 EDGIDL_TimerBlock(), 282 EDGIDL_TimerCancel(), 281 EDGIDL_TimerSet(), 279 EDG

TIMES keyword, 2346 Reftime-series analysis, 487 Using

autocorrelation, 65 Refautocovariance, 65 Refautoregressive modeling, 1447 Ref,1451 Ref

cross correlation, 139 Refcross covariance, 139 Refforward differencing, 1449 Refroutines, 489 Using

timestamp format, 37 DataMTitle Bar base property, 552 BuildTitle base property, 552 BuildTitle droplist property, 570 BuildTITLE keyword, 2410 RefTitle slider property, 569 BuildTITLE system variable field, 2444 Ref,2451 Reftitles

multiline on plots, 260 UsingTM_TEST function, 1416 Reft-means test, 1416 Refto_delete field, 416 EDGtoggle buttons, 1547 Reftoolbars

IDL GUIBuilder, 508 Build, 180 GStartIDLDE

Windows platform, 65 UsingIDLDE for Windows, 17 GStartMotif platform, 103 Using, 104 Using,142 Using

toolsdenoise, 43 Wvlt, 104 Wvltuser-defined, 18 Wvlt, 47 Wvlt

TOOLS keyword, 47 Wvlttop margin, setting, 2446 Reftop-level base, 1519 RefTOTAL function, 1418 RefTQLI, see obsolete routinestrace execution, see debugging.Trace file, 72 DataMTRACE function, 1421 Reftraceback information, 424 Build

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displaying, 576 Refreturning, 572 Ref

TrackballInit method, 2304 RefReset method, 2306 RefUpdate method, 2307 Ref

TrackBall object, 2303 Ref, 516 Usingtransfer vector, 298 EDGtransformation matrices, 2444 Ref, 323 Usingtransformations, 548 Using

combining, 548 Usingcoordinate, 549 Usingmodel class example, 552 Usingmodel objects, 546 Usingrotation, 546 Using, 547 Usingscaling, 546 Usingtranslation, 546 Using, 546 Using

transformsFFT improvements, 17 WNewFourier, 473 Ref, 409 UsingHilbert, 422 UsingHough, 592 Ref, 18 WNew, 179 WNewHough inverse, 18 WNewRadon, 1084 Ref, 18 WNew, 210 WNewRadon backprojection, 19 WNewTustin bilinear, 434 Usingwavelet, 424 Using

Translate method, 2066 Ref, 546 UsingIDLanROI, 1820 RefIDLanROIGroup, 1837 Ref

translation, 1391 Ref, 324 Using, 546 Using,546 UsingTRANSLATION keyword, 2347 Reftranslation tables, bypassing, 2317 Reftransparency

alpha channel, 640 Usingpolygon objects, 2121 Ref

surface objects, 2195 Reftransparency of voxels, 652 Usingtransparent bitmaps, 1548 Ref, 518 BuildTRANSPOSE function, 1423 Reftransposing arrays, 1423 RefTransverse Mercator map (UTM) projection,847 RefTransverse Mercator map projection,367 UsingTRED2, see obsolete routinesTREE_EXAMPLE example routine, 143 Buildtrees, 138 Build

binary, 143 Buildtrend analysis, 487 UsingTRI_SURF function, 1425 Reftriangle fan mesh, 688 Usingtriangle strip mesh, 688 UsingTRIANGULATE procedure, 1429 Reftriangulation, 1429 Ref, 1432 Ref

spherical, 1429 RefTRIDAG, see obsolete routinestridiagonal array or matrix, 1440 Ref,1442 Ref, 1443 RefTRIGRID

irregularly spaced rectangular output grids,23 WNew

TRIGRID function, 1432 Reftrilinear interpolation, 637 Reftrimming strings, 1359 RefTRIQL procedure, 1440 RefTRIRED procedure, 1442 RefTRISOL function, 1443 RefTRNLOG function, 1445 Reftrue map scale, 350 Usingtrue, definition of, 273 BuildTRUE_COLOR keyword, 2347 Ref

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converting to pseudo-color, 195 Refimages, displaying, 1457 Refimages, PostScript, 2373 Refimages, reading, 1465 Ref

true-colorvisuals, 2322 Ref

TrueColor (24-bit) images, 28 Wvlttrue-color displays, 396 UsingTrueType, 2342 Ref, 2484 RefTrueType fonts, 2472 Ref, 2498 Ref,571 UsingTS_COEF function, 1447 RefTS_DIFF function, 1449 RefTS_FCAST function, 1451 RefTS_SMOOTH function, 1453 RefTT_FONT keyword, 2347 RefTTY keyword, 2348 RefTustin transform, 434 Usingtutorials, 12 GStartTV procedure, 1455 RefTVCRS procedure, 1459 RefTVDELETE, see obsolete routinesTVLCT procedure, 1461 RefTVRD function, 1464 RefTVRDC, see obsolete routinesTVSCL procedure, 1467 RefTVSET, see obsolete routinesTVSHOW, see obsolete routinesTVWINDOW, see obsolete routinestwo-dimensional Gaussian fit, 531 Reftwo-tailed hypothesis tests, 465 Usingtype argument, 188 EDG, 192 EDG, 198 EDGType button property, 560 Buildtype codes, 168 EDG

type conversionto 64-bit integer, 793 Refto byte, 132 Refto complex, 207 Ref, 362 Refto double-precision, 424 Refto integer, 498 Refto longword, 792 Refto single-precision, floating-point, 501 Refto string, 1339 Refto unsigned 64-bit integer, 1477 Refto unsigned integer, 1470 Refto unsigned longword, 1476 Ref

type field, 182 EDG, 206 EDGType Information, 293 EDGTYPE system variable field, 2451 Reftype-ahead buffer, 539 Reftypes

complex, 170 EDGlong integer, 170 EDGmapping of, 170 EDGstring, 171 EDGtype codes, 168 EDGtype masks, 169 EDGunsigned byte, 170 EDG

typographical conventions, 16 Using,508 Using

Uuargv field, 417 EDGUCHAR type definition, 170 EDGUINDGEN function, 1469 RefUINT function, 1470 RefUINTARR function, 1471 RefUL64INDGEN function, 1472 RefULINDGEN function, 1473 RefULON64ARR function, 1474 Ref

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ULONARR function, 1475 RefULONG function, 1476 RefULONG64 function, 1477 Refunconstrained minimizer, 482 Usingundefined variables, checking for, 379 Buildunderflow errors, 427 Buildundocumented object classes, 521 Usingunformatted binary data, 1152 Ref, 1693 Refunformatted I/O, 152 Build, 197 Builduniform random deviates, 1101 Refuniformly-distributed random numbers,1098 RefUNIQ function, 1478 Refunit argument, 245 EDG, 254 EDG, 255 EDG,259 EDG, 260 EDGunit number, logical, 962 RefUNIT system variable field, 2439 RefUNIVERSAL symbols, 298 EDGUNIX

environment, 147 DataMdouble-byte character sets, 149 DataMsystem information file (.odbc.ini),147 DataMtranslators, 149 DataMvariables, 149 DataM

environment variables, 545 RefUnix

avoiding shell, 39 EDGOS-specific abilities, 40 EDG

UNIX platformbreakpoints, 438 Buildchanging file permissions, 477 Ref,164 WNewlicensing Wizard, 54 WNew

Unix Signal Masks, 272 EDGUNIX, OS-specific file I/O information,224 Build

unmapping widgets, 1524 Refunsharp masking, 386 Using, 76 GStartunsigned 64-bit integer

arrays, 1472 Refdata type, converting to, 1477 Ref

unsigned arrayslongword, 1473 Ref

unsigned byte data type, 170 EDGunsigned data type

integer, 40 Buildlong, 40 Build

unsigned integerarrays, 1469 Refdata type, converting to, 1470 Ref

unsigned longwordarrays, 1475 Refdata type, converting to, 1476 Ref

Update method, 2307 Refupper margin, setting, 2446 Refuppercase strings, 67 Builduppercase, converting strings to, 1365 Refupward direction of text objects, 605 UsingUSE_CURSOR_LIB keyword, 52 DataMUser Information, 295 EDGuser interface compound widgets, 595 BuildUser Interrupts, 289 EDGuser values

for widgets, 610 BuildUSER_FONT keyword, 2348 RefUSER_ID keyword, 48 DataMUSER_NAME keyword, 52 DataMuser-defined plotting symbols, 1480 RefUSERSYM procedure, 1480 Refusing

colorbar objects, 644 Usingimage objects, 641 Usingpixmap objects, 670 Using

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volume objects, 650 Usingwindow objects, 667 Using, 670 Using

Using Callable IDLfrom C, 364 EDGfrom Fortran, 371 EDGoverview, 351 EDG

using external modules, 145 Refutility enhancements, 62 WNewUTM (Transverse Mercator) map projection,847 RefUTM map projection, 367 Using

Vv argument, 196 EDGvalue

parameters passed by, 309 Buildwidgets, 607 Build

value argument, 198 EDGvalue field, 208 EDG, 417 EDGvalue.arr field, 179 EDGvalue.c field, 178 EDGvalue.cmp field, 178 EDGvalue.d field, 178 EDGvalue.dcmp field, 178 EDGvalue.f field, 178 EDGvalue.i field, 178 EDGvalue.l field, 178 EDGvalue.l64 field, 178 EDGvalue.s field, 181 EDGvalue.str field, 178 EDGvalue.ui field, 178 EDGvalue.ul field, 178 EDGvalue.ul64 field, 178 EDGVALUE_LOCATE function, 1482 Refvanishing moments, wavelet functions,32 Wvlt

var argument, 189 EDG, 190 EDGvariable information, see datasetsVariable Name

obtaining, 200 EDGvariable name, 87 SDFvariable names, 43 DataMvariable selection, see datasetsVariable Watch Window, 444 Build,162 GStart

IDLDEWindows platform, 66 Using

variables, 202 EDGarray, 179 EDGassociated, 87 Refattributes of, 52 Buildcopying, 197 EDGdata type, determining, 1253 Ref, 382 Builddeleting, 380 Refderived, 491 Usingdetermining scope, 376 Builddisappearing, 414 Builddisplaying current, 444 Build, 162 GStartin current scope, looking up, 202 EDGinteractive editing tool, 1766 Refnamed, 45 Ref, 45 Ref, 1785 Refnames of, 53 BuildnetCDF, 20 SDF, 467 SDFobtaining names of, 200 EDGoverview, 52 Buildreading display images into (TVRD func-tion), 1464 Refreturning address in main program fromname, 201 EDGreturning information on, 571 Refsaving, 1206 Refscalar, 178 EDGsetting to scalar values, 198 EDG

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standardized, 491 Usingstructure, 181 EDGsystem, 55 Build, 290 EDGtemporary, 1401 Ref, 187 EDGundefined, checking for, 379 Build

variance, 520 Ref, 903 RefVARIANCE function, 1484 RefVAX_CALL_EXT routine, 664 BuildVAX_FLOAT function, 1485 RefVAX_FLOAT keyword, 664 BuildVBCopyPrint

copying and printing IDL graphics, 56 EDGVBPaint

handling events within VB, 64 EDGVBShare1D, 63 EDGVECTOR_FIELD procedure, 1487 Refvector-drawn fonts, 2472 Ref, 2501 Ref

! character, 2493 Refdisplaying, 1248 Refediting (EFONT procedure), 428 Refspecial characters, 2475 Ref

vectorsdrawing arrowheads, 82 Refmultiplying, 449 Usingsubscripting, 90 Build

VEL procedure, 1488 Refvelocity field, plotting, 504 Ref, 1488 Ref,1490 RefVELOVECT procedure, 1490 RefVERT_T3D function, 1492 Refvertical slider, see slider widgetsview area, 536 Usingview object, 2226 Ref, 511 Using, 527 Usingview volume

example programs, 544 Usingfinding, 544 Usingoverview, 543 Using

viewplane rectangle, 543 Usingviewgroup object, 2236 Ref, 511 Using,526 Usingviewing

wavelet functions, 30 Wvltviewplane rectangle, 543 Usingviewport, 536 Using, 537 UsingViewport Columns table property, 584 BuildViewport Rows table property, 584 Buildvirtual memory, 354 Build, 362 Build

minimizing, 364 Buildminimizing with TEMPORARY, 365 Buildrunning out of, 363 Buildsystem parameters, 365 Build

Visible, 82 EDGVisible base property, 553 BuildVisible property, 553 BuildVisualBasic

printing, 59 EDGVMS

calling convention and parameter passing,156 EDGOpen VMS

virtual memory performanceVMS file I/O information, 227 BuildVMS logical name, 379 RefVMS logical name tables, 1445 RefVMS logical tables, 1446 RefVMS See OpenVMSVMS text libraries, 456 RefVMSCODE, see obsolete routinesVOIGT function, 1494 Refvolume

visualization, 342 Using, 344 Usingvolume object, 2245 Ref, 513 Usingvolume objects

attributes, 652 Using

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color values, 653 Usingcompositing, 654 Usingcreating, 650 Usinginterpolating values, 654 Usinglighting, 653 Usingopacity table, 652 Usingoverview, 650 Usingrendering speed, 655 Usingusing, 650 Usingzbuffering, 654 Using

volume slices, 1259 Refvolumes

extracting slices, 464 Refrendering, 1043 Refsearching for objects, 1218 Refvisualizing, 1021 Ref, 1043 Ref, 1241 Ref,1498 Ref

volumetric reconstruction, 1159 RefVORONOI procedure, 1496 Refvoxel rendering, 1498 Refvoxel transparency, 652 Usingvoxel values, 650 UsingVOXEL_PROJ function, 1498 RefVRML object, 2262 Ref, 517 Using,679 UsingVRML objects

creating, 679 Usingoverview, 679 Using

VT240 keyword, 2348 RefVT240 terminal, 2383 RefVT330 terminal, 2383 RefVT340 keyword, 2348 RefVT340 terminal, 2383 Ref

WWAIT procedure, 1503 Ref

WARP_TRI function, 1504 Refwarping

images, 1006 Refto maps, 833 Ref, 837 Ref

polynomial, 1006 Refusing the Z-buffer, 1017 Ref

WATERSHED function, 1506 RefWAV audio files, importing, 28 WvltWavefront Advanced Data Visualizer,1145 Ref, 1691 RefWavefront files

reading, 1145 Refwriting, 1691 Ref

wavelet functionsbuilt-in

Gaussian, 243 WNewMorlet, 246 WNewPaul, 249 WNewsymlet, 92 Wvlt

coiflet, 77 Wvltcompact support, 31 WvltDaubechies, 79 Wvltdiscrete versus continuous, 31 Wvltfamily, 66 WvltGaussian, 81 WvltHaar, 84 WvltMorlet, 86 Wvltorder, 66 Wvltorthogonal versus nonorthogonal, 31 WvltPaul, 89 Wvltregularity, 32 Wvltsymmetry, 31 Wvltuser-defined, 32 Wvlt, 96 Wvltvanishing moments, 32 Wvltviewing, 30 Wvlt

wavelet power spectrum, 34 Wvltenergy scaling, 37 Wvlt

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example, 51 Wvltplotting method, 51 Wvltrotation, translation, stretching, 39 Wvlttheory, 51 Wvltzero phase lines, 37 Wvltsee also WV_PLOT3D_WPS function

wavelet toolkitstatus bar, 14 Wvltsee also IDL Wavelet Toolkit

Wavelet Toolkit enhancements, 59 WNewwavelet transform, 1697 Ref, 424 Using

continuous, 237 WNew, 31 Wvlt, 50 Wvlt,67 Wvltdiscrete, 31 Wvlt, 50 Wvlt, 74 Wvltpartial, 102 Wvlt

WDELETE procedure, 1508 Ref, 2351 Refweather fronts, plotting, 1510 RefWEOF procedure, 1509 RefWEXMASTER (widget examples), 1727 RefWF_DRAW procedure, 1510 RefWhen is it Appropriate to Add Code to IDL?,22 EDGWhen is it Appropriate to use Callable IDL?,347 EDGWHERE function, 1513 RefWHILE...DO statement, 1517 Refwhitespace, removing from strings, 1330 Ref,1359 Ref, 68 BuildWIDED, see obsolete routinesWidget Browser, 513 Build, 534 Buildwidget stub

examples, 403 EDG, 405 EDGfunction, 397 EDGinterface, 348 EDG, 396 EDG

WIDGET_BASE function, 1518 Ref,632 BuildWIDGET_BUTTON function, 1540 Ref

WIDGET_CONTROL procedure, 1549 Ref,626 Build, 627 BuildWIDGET_CONTROL Used withWIDGET_STUB, 398 EDGWIDGET_DRAW function, 1578 RefWIDGET_DROPLIST function, 1591 RefWIDGET_EVENT function, 1598 RefWIDGET_INFO function, 1602 RefWIDGET_KILL_REQUEST event, 1532 RefWIDGET_LABEL function, 1614 RefWIDGET_LIST function, 1620 RefWIDGET_MESSAGE, see obsolete routinesWIDGET_SLIDER function, 1628 RefWIDGET_STUB function, 397 EDGWIDGET_TABLE function, 1636 RefWIDGET_TEXT function, 1651 Refwidgets, 590 Build

3D orientation, 595 Buildadding custom to IDL, 396 EDGaligning (ALIGN_XXX keywords),1519 Refanimation, 276 Refannotation, 77 Refapplication

errors, 604 Buildtips, 644 Build

attributesslider, 568 Build

base, 1518 Ref, 592 Buildbase focus events, 555 Buildbase, alignment, 547 Buildbase, allow moving, 548 Buildbase, allowing closing, 547 Buildbase, displaying titlebars, 552 Buildbase, floating, 548 Buildbase, grid layouts, 549 Buildbase, kill request events, 555 Build

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base, layouts, 549 Buildbase, menus, using system, 552 Buildbase, modal, 550 Buildbase, resizing, 550 Buildbase, rows and columns, 546 Buildbase, scroll area size, 554 Buildbase, scrolling, 551 Buildbase, setting attributes, 546 Buildbase, setting events, 555 Buildbase, setting properties, 546 Buildbase, spacing of contained widgets,551 Buildbase, spacing of widgets in, 553 Build,554 Buildbase, titles, 552 Buildbase, visibility, 553 Buildbases, using, 508 Build, 191 GStartBrowser, 513 Buildbutton, press events, 560 Buildbutton, release events, 559 Buildbutton, setting properties, 557 Buildbuttons, 1540 Ref, 592 Build

bitmap labels, 1147 Refgroups, 291 Refrelease events, 1543 Ref

buttons, adding menus, 517 Buildbuttons, displaying bitmaps, 558 Buildbuttons, labels, 559 Buildbuttons, using, 508 Build, 191 GStartcallbacks, 1524 Ref, 1527 Refchanging appearance of, 1527 Ref, 1544 Ref,1583 Ref, 1594 Ref, 1617 Ref, 1623 Ref,1631 Ref, 1655 Refchanging values, 626 Buildcheckboxes, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartclearing events (CLEAR_EVENTS key-word), 1553 Ref

colorindex, 296 Ref, 351 Refresources, 1529 Refselection, 299 Ref

common blocks and, 640 Buildcommon events, 543 Buildcompound, 276 Ref, 287 Ref, 291 Ref,296 Ref, 299 Ref, 301 Ref, 305 Ref,321 Ref, 334 Ref, 344 Ref, 351 Ref,355 Ref, 595 Build, 642 Build, 646 Build

template for creating, 354 Refcompound, adding, 532 Buildcompound, example, 532 Buildcompound, handling events for, 543 Buildcontrolling, 626 Buildcontrolling visibility, 534 Buildcreating in IDL GUIBuilder, 508 Build,180 GStartcreating with IDL GUIBuilder, 492 Builddefault font for, 1554 Refdestroy events, 544 Builddestroying, 1555 Refdetermining if widgets are realized

(ACTIVE keyword), 1603 Ref(REALIZED keyword), 1608 Ref

disabling and enabling screen updates (UP-DATE keyword), 1574 Refdisplaying, 534 Builddraw, 1578 Ref, 592 Build, 619 Build,619 Builddraw area properties, 575 Builddraw area, color model, 575 Builddraw events, 578 Builddraw, attributes, 575 Builddraw, backing store, 577 Builddraw, changing view events, 579 Builddraw, colors used in, 575 Build

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draw, graphic type, 576 Builddraw, mouse events, 578 Builddraw, mouse motion events, 579 Builddraw, render type, 576 Builddraw, scrolling, 577 Builddraw, scrolling area, 577 Build, 578 Builddraw, using, 510 Build, 191 GStartdraw, viewport move events, 580 Builddroplist, 1591 Ref, 593 Builddroplist attributes, 570 Builddroplist events, 570 Builddroplist properties, 570 Builddroplist, select events, 571 Builddroplist, title, 570 Builddroplists, initial value, 570 Builddroplists, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartdynamic resizing, 632 Buildenabled or disabled state, 541 Buildevents, 1598 Ref, 611 Buildexamples, 1727 Ref, 598 Buildexclusive buttons, 1522 Refexplicit size, 631 Buildfield, 305 Reffinding screen size, 635 Buildform, 313 Refframes, using, 541 Buildgeometry, 631 Buildgetting user values, 1558 Refheight, 543 Buildhelp buttons, 1542 Refhiding and showing, 1571 Refhierarchies, 626 Buildhorizontal size, changing, 1565 Ref,1576 Refhourglass cursor, 627 Buildiconifying, 1560 Refinternal functions, 400 EDG

interrupting the event loop, 639 Buildinvalid IDs, 1553 Ref, 1598 Refkilling hierarchies, 626 Buildlabel, 1614 Ref, 593 Buildlabel, setting properties, 566 Buildlabels, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartlifecycle, 602 Buildlist, 1620 Ref, 593 Buildlistbox attributes, 572 Buildlistbox events, 573 Buildlistbox properties, 572 Buildlistbox, height, 572 Buildlistbox, initial value, 572 Buildlistbox, multiple selections, 572 Buildlistbox, selection events, 573 Buildlistbox, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartlistbox, width, 573 Buildlocation, 632 Buildmain event loop for, 1721 Refmanaging the state of applications, 640 Buildmapping, 1524 Ref

mapping and unmapping, 1563 Refmenu bars, 1519 Ref, 1524 Refmenus, 621 Buildmessage, 596 Buildmessage dialog box, 392 Refmodal, 392 Refmodal dialogs, 550 Buildnaming, 540 Buildnatural size, 631 Buildnon-exclusive buttons, 1526 Refportability, 644 Buildpositioning, 1536 Ref, 1536 Ref, 1536 Ref,542 Buildpost creation events, 545 Buildpreventing layout flicker, 635 Buildproperties for IDL GUIBuilder, 511 Build

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pulldown menu, 344 Refpulldown menus, 623 Build

separators, 1544 Refradio buttons, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartrealize events, 544 Buildrealizing, 1564 Ref

hierarchies, 626 Buildregion of interest, 301 Refregistered, 1751 Refregistering with XMANAGER, 1721 Refresetting all widgets, 1565 Refresizing (DYNAMIC_RESIZE keyword),1541 Ref, 1591 Ref, 1614 Refrestarting after an error, 604 Buildretrieving values, 626 Buildreturning

children of, 1603 Refinformation about, 1602 Refname of event handler procedure, 1605 Refparent of, 1608 Refsiblings of, 1608 Refsize of (GEOMETRY keyword), 1605 Reftracking event status, 1611 Reftype of, 1607 Ref, 1611 Refvalidity of, 1612 Ref

sending event to (SEND_EVENT keyword),1566 Refsensitizing, 627 Buildsensitizing and de-sensitizing, 1530 Ref,1544 Ref, 1566 Ref, 1566 Ref, 1584 Ref,1594 Ref, 1617 Ref, 1623 Ref, 1632 Ref,1643 Ref, 1655 Refsetting button events, 560 Buildsetting buttons, 1566 Refsetting label attributes, 566 Buildshowing and hiding, 1571 Ref

size, 632 Buildchanging

horizontal, 1565 Ref, 1576 Refvertical, 1565 Ref, 1576 Ref

dynamic resizing, 632 Buildexplicit, 631 Buildnatural, 631 Buildsizing, 631 Build

sizing, default or explicit, 540 Buildslider, 321 Ref, 1628 Ref, 593 Buildslider properties, 568 Buildslider, change value events, 569 Buildslider, displayed values, 569 Buildslider, initial position, 568 Buildslider, maximum value, 568 Buildslider, minimum value, 568 Buildslider, setting events, 569 Buildslider, title, 569 Buildslider, using, 509 Build, 191 GStartspace between children, 1531 Reftable, 1636 Ref, 593 Buildtable attributes, 581 Buildtable events, 584 Buildtable properties, 581 Buildtable, alignment, 581 Buildtable, cell select events, 585 Buildtable, column labels, 581 Buildtable, column width events, 585 Buildtable, data transfer to, 583 Buildtable, editing, 582 Buildtable, focus events, 586 Buildtable, heading display, 581 Buildtable, height, 582 Buildtable, insert character events, 586 Buildtable, insert string events, 587 Buildtable, invalid data events, 587 Buildtable, row labels, 583 Build

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table, scroll height, 584 Buildtable, scroll width, 584 Buildtable, scrolling, 583 Buildtable, sizing columns, 582 Buildtable, text delete events, 586 Buildtable, text selection events, 587 Buildtable, using, 510 Build, 191 GStarttable, width, 582 Buildtemplate for creating, 1729 Reftext, 1651 Ref, 594 Buildtext, character inserts, 564 Buildtext, delete event, 563 Buildtext, editable, 561 Buildtext, events, 563 Buildtext, focus events, 563 Buildtext, height, 561 Buildtext, initial display, 562 Buildtext, scrolling, 562 Buildtext, selection events, 564 Buildtext, string inserts, 564 Buildtext, using, 509 Build, 191 GStarttext, width, 562 Buildtext, word wrapping, 562 Buildtimer events, 544 Build, 628 Buildtracking events, 1533 Ref, 544 Buildtypes, 592 Buildunmapping, 1524 Ref, 1563 Refuser values, 610 Build, 610 Buildvalues, 1559 Ref, 607 Build

user, 610 Buildversion of implementation, 1612 Refvertical size, changing, 1565 Ref, 1576 Refviewing widgets managed by XMANAGER,1730 RefWIDGET_CONTROL, 398 EDGWIDGET_STUB, 397 EDGwidth, 542 Build

XMANAGER procedure, 1598 Refzoom, 355 Ref

Width listbox property, 573 Buildwidth of text, 1777 RefWidth text property, 562 BuildWilcoxon Rank-Sum Test, 1201 RefWILCOXON, see obsolete routineswildcards, in string searches, 76 Buildwindow object, 2276 Ref, 517 Usingwindow objects

color model, 667 Usingcreating, 667 Usingdraw widgets, 667 Usingerasing, 670 Usingexposing, 670 Usinghiding, 670 Usingiconifying, 670 Usinginstancing, 672 Usingmaximum size, 2276 Ref, 668 Usingrestoring, 671 Usingsaving, 671 Usingselection, 659 Usingsetting the cursor, 671 Usingusing, 667 Using, 670 Using

WINDOW procedure, 1661 Ref, 2351 RefWINDOW system variable field, 2439 Ref,2451 RefWINDOW_STATE keyword, 2348 Refwindowing

Hamming windowed signal, 418 Usingwindowing algorithm

HANNING function, 416 UsingWindows

calling convention and parameter passing,164 EDG

windowsbacking store, 1662 Ref, 2337 Ref, 2351 Ref

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clipboard support for graphics, 68 Using,162 Usingcopying areas, 2319 Refcopying pixels from, 2319 Refcreating, 1661 Refdeleting, 1508 Ref, 152 GStartdismissing, 64 GStartdisplay size, 2440 Refdraw widgets, 1578 Ref, 1578 RefEditor

Macintosh platform, 159 Usingerasing, 442 Refexposing, 1696 Reffinding screen size, 635 Buildheight, 1663 Refhiding, 1696 Reficonifying, 1696 RefID for draw widgets, 1585 Refindex of currently open, 2439 Refnumber of colors, 2439 Refpixmaps, 1662 Refposition of, 2328 Ref, 2443 Refpositioning, 1663 Refresizing, 68 GStartselecting current, 1695 Refsystems, 2351 Refvisible area of display, 2440 Refwidth, 1663 Ref

Windows display device (WIN), 2310 RefWindows Metafile Format, 2310 Ref,14 WNewWindows platform

always on top, 49 WNewbreakpoints, 438 Buildchanging file permissions, 477 Ref,164 WNewlarge file support, 31 WNew

licensing wizard, 54 WNewWinHelp, 451 Buildwire mesh surface

animation, 147 GStartwire-mesh surface plots, 1366 RefWMENU, see obsolete routinesWMF, 2310 RefWMF. See Windows Metafile Format.Word Wrapping text property, 562 Buildworking directory

changing on Macintosh, 187 UsingWorld Wide Web, 898 Refwrapper routines, 301 Buildwrite mask, 2328 Ref, 2345 RefWrite method, 1890 RefWRITE_BMP procedure, 1665 RefWRITE_GIF procedure, 41 WNewWRITE_IMAGE procedure, 1667 RefWRITE_IMAGE routine, 41 WNewWRITE_JPEG procedure, 1669 RefWRITE_NRIF procedure, 1672 RefWRITE_PICT procedure, 1674 RefWRITE_PNG procedure, 1675 RefWRITE_PPM procedure, 1678 RefWRITE_SPR procedure, 1679 RefWRITE_SRF procedure, 1680 RefWRITE_SYLK function, 1682 RefWRITE_TIFF procedure, 1684 RefWRITE_TIFF routine, 41 WNewWRITE_WAV procedure, 1690 RefWRITE_WAVE procedure, 1691 RefWRITEU procedure, 1693 Refwriting

a compound widget, 646 BuildBMP files, 1665 RefGIF files, 41 WNewimage files, 221 Using

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JPEG files, 1669 RefNRIF files, 1672 RefPGM files, 1678 RefPICT files, 1674 RefPPM files, 1678 Refroutines for image files, 225 UsingSee also CDF filesSee also HDF filesSee also netCDF filesSRF files, 1680 RefTIFF files, 1684 Refwave files, 1691 Ref

writing binary data, 31 GStartwriting files

Macintosh platform, 188 Usingwriting images, 36 GStartWSET procedure, 1695 Ref, 2351 RefWSHOW procedure, 1696 Ref, 2351 RefWTN function, 1697 RefWV_APPLET procedure, 62 WvltWV_CW_WAVELET function, 30 Wvlt,64 Wvlt

GET_VALUE, 65 WvltSET_VALUE, 65 Wvltwidget events generated, 66 Wvlt

WV_CWT function, 237 WNew, 67 WvltWV_DENOISE function, 239 WNew, 69 WvltWV_DWT function, 74 WvltWV_FN_COIFLET function, 77 WvltWV_FN_GAUSSIAN function, 243 WNew,81 WvltWV_FN_HAAR function, 84 WvltWV_FN_MORLET function, 246 WNew,86 WvltWV_FN_PAUL function, 249 WNew,89 WvltWV_FN_SYMLET function, 92 Wvlt

WV_IMPORT_DATA procedure, 28 Wvlt,94 WvltWV_IMPORT_WAVELET procedure,33 Wvlt, 96 WvltWV_PLOT_MULTIRES function, 100 Wvlt

File Menu, 41 WvltWV_PLOT3D_WPS function, 97 Wvlt

Edit Menu, 36 WvltFile Menu, 35 WvltView Menu, 36 Wvlt

WV_PWT function, 102 WvltWV_TOOL_DENOISE function, 104 Wvlt

File Menu, 44 Wvlt

XX - Y Plots, 258 UsingX Offset common property, 542 BuildX Pad base property, 553 BuildX resources, 135 Using

widget colors, 1529 RefX Scroll base property, 554 BuildX Scroll draw area property, 577 BuildX Size common property, 542 BuildX Windows

bitmap files, reading, 1147 RefDump files, reading, 1149 Reffonts, 1710 Refresource names, 1527 Ref, 1544 Ref,1583 Ref, 1594 Ref, 1617 Ref, 1623 Ref,1631 Ref, 1655 Ref

X Windows device, 2387 RefDirectColor visual, 2323 RefPseudoColor visual, 2336 RefStaticColor visual, 2345 RefStaticGray visual, 2345 RefTrueColor visual, 2347 Ref

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visuals, 2387 RefX_CH_SIZE system variable field, 2439 RefX_PX_CM system variable field, 2440 RefX_SIZE system variable field, 2440 RefX_VSIZE system variable field, 2440 RefX11 Bitmap, standard file format I/O routines,240 BuildXANIMATE, see obsolete routinesXBACKREGISTER, see obsolete routinesXBM_EDIT procedure, 1548 Ref, 1701 RefXCHARSIZE keyword, 2411 RefXDICE procedure, 652 BuildXDISPLAYFILE procedure, 1703 RefXDISPLAYFILE,displaying help files,460 BuildXDL, see obsolete routinesXDR, 204 BuildXDR files, 154 BuildXDR format (floating point values), 133 RefXDXF procedure, 1706 Ref, 252 WNewXFONT function, 1710 RefXGRIDSTYLE keyword, 2411 RefXINTERANIMATE procedure, 1711 RefXLoadCT functionality using VB, 60 EDGXLOADCT procedure, 1718 RefXMANAGER procedure, 1598 Ref, 1721 Ref,612 Build, 616 Build, 644 BuildXMANAGERTOOL, see obsolete routinesXMARGIN keyword, 2411 RefXMAX machine-specific parameter, 810 RefXMENU, see obsolete routinesXMIN machine-specific parameter, 810 RefXMINOR keyword, 2411 RefXMNG_TMPL procedure, 1729 RefXMTOOL procedure, 1730 RefXOBJVIEW procedure, 1731 RefXoffset, 83 EDG

XOFFSET keyword, 2348 Ref, 2374 RefXON_XOFF keyword, 2349 RefXOR operator, 2453 Ref, 27 BuildXPALETTE procedure, 1739 RefXPCOLOR procedure, 1743 Ref, 256 WNewXPDMENU, see obsolete routinesXPLOT3D procedure, 1744 Ref, 257 WNewXprinter, 51 UsingXRANGE keyword, 2411 RefXREGISTERED function, 1751 Ref,616 BuildXROI

importing images, 1759 Ref, 270 WNewXROI procedure, 1753 Ref, 264 WNewXsize, 82 EDGXSIZE keyword, 2349 RefXSQ_TEST function, 1762 RefXSTYLE keyword, 2412 RefXSURFACE procedure, 1764 RefXTHICK keyword, 2412 RefXTICK_GET keyword, 2412 RefXTICKFORMAT keyword, 2413 RefXTICKINTERVAL keyword, 2415 RefXTICKLAYOUT keyword, 2416 RefXTICKLEN keyword, 2416 RefXTICKNAME keyword, 2417 RefXTICKS keyword, 2417 RefXTICKUNITS keyword, 2417 RefXTICKV keyword, 2418 RefXTITLE keyword, 2418 RefXVAREDIT procedure, 1766 RefXviewport, 83 EDGXVOLUME procedure, 1767 Ref, 273 WNewXVOLUME_ROTATE procedure, 1773 RefXVOLUME_WRITE_IMAGE procedure,1775 Ref

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xwd filesreading, 1149 Refstandard file format I/O routines, 240 Build

XYOUTS procedure, 1776 RefSee also positioning

YY Offset common property, 542 BuildY Pad base property, 554 BuildY Scroll base property, 554 BuildY Scroll draw area property, 578 BuildY Size common property, 543 BuildY_CH_SIZE system variable field, 2439 RefY_PX_CM system variable field, 2440 RefY_SIZE system variable field, 2440 RefY_VSIZE system variable field, 2440 RefYCHARSIZE keyword, 2411 RefYGRIDSTYLE keyword, 2411 RefYMARGIN keyword, 2411 RefYMINOR keyword, 2411 RefYoffset, 83 EDGYOFFSET keyword, 2349 Ref, 2374 RefYRANGE keyword, 2411 RefYsize, 82 EDGYSIZE keyword, 2350 RefYSTYLE keyword, 2412 RefYTHICK keyword, 2412 RefYTICK_GET keyword, 2412 RefYTICKFORMAT keyword, 2413 RefYTICKINTERVAL keyword, 2415 RefYTICKLAYOUT keyword, 2416 RefYTICKLEN keyword, 2416 RefYTICKNAME keyword, 2417 RefYTICKS keyword, 2417 RefYTICKUNITS keyword, 2417 RefYTICKV keyword, 2418 Ref

YTITLE keyword, 2418 RefYviewport, 84 EDG

ZZ keyword, 2419 RefZAPFCHANCERY keyword, 2350 RefZAPFDINGBATS keyword, 2350 RefZ-buffer

closing, 2318 Refusing with POLYFILL, 1016 Refusing with POLYSHADE, 1021 Refwarping images to polygons, 1017 Ref

Z-buffer device, 2395 Refzbuffering, 654 UsingZCHARSIZE keyword, 2411 Refzero argument, 191 EDGzero phase lines, wavelet power spectrum,37 Wvltzeroed structures, 99 Build, 467 Buildzeroing byte arrays, 131 RefZGRIDSTYLE keyword, 2411 RefZMARGIN keyword, 2411 RefZMINOR keyword, 2411 RefZOOM procedure, 1779 RefZOOM system variable field, 2440 Refzoom widget, 355 RefZOOM_24 procedure, 1781 RefZRANGE keyword, 2411 RefZROOTS, see obsolete routinesZSTYLE keyword, 2412 RefZTHICK keyword, 2412 RefZTICK_GET keyword, 2412 RefZTICKFORMAT keyword, 2413 RefZTICKINTERVAL keyword, 2415 RefZTICKLAYOUT keyword, 2416 RefZTICKLEN keyword, 2416 Ref

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ZTICKNAME keyword, 2417 RefZTICKS keyword, 2417 RefZTICKUNITS keyword, 2417 Ref

ZTICKV keyword, 2418 RefZTITLE keyword, 2418 RefZVALUE keyword, 2419 Ref

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