Parallel Algorithms - flox (2025)

flox outsources the core GroupBy operation to the vectorized implementations controlled by theengine kwarg. Applying these implementations on a parallel array type like daskcan be hard. Performance strongly depends on how the groups are distributed amongst the blocks of an array.

flox implements 4 strategies for grouped reductions, each is appropriate for a particular distribution of groupsamong the blocks of a dask array.


By default, flox >= 0.9.0 will use heuristics to choose a method.

Switch between the various strategies by passing method and/or reindex to either flox.groupby_reduce()or flox.xarray.xarray_reduce(). Your options are:

  1. method="map-reduce" with reindex=False

  2. method="map-reduce" with reindex=True

  3. method="blockwise"

  4. method="cohorts"

The most appropriate strategy for your problem will depend on the chunking of your dataset,and the distribution of group labels across those chunks.

Currently these strategies are implemented for dask. We would like to generalize to other parallel array typesas appropriate (e.g. Ramba, cubed, arkouda). Please open an issue to discuss if you are interested.


Without flox installed, Xarray’s GroupBy strategy is to find all unique group labels,index out each group, and then apply the reduction operation. Note that this only worksif we know the group labels (i.e. you cannot use this strategy to group by a dask array),and is basically an unvectorized slow for-loop over groups.

Schematically, this looks like (colors indicate group labels; separated groups of colorsindicate different blocks of an array):

The first step is to extract all members of a group, which involves a lot ofcommunication and is quite expensive (in dataframe terminology, this is a “shuffle”).This is fundamentally why many groupby reductions don’t work well right now withbig datasets.


Parallel Algorithms - flox (2)

The “map-reduce” strategy is inspired by dask.dataframe.groupby).The GroupBy reduction is first applied blockwise. Those intermediate results arecombined by concatenating to form a new array which is then reducedagain. The combining of intermediate results uses dask’s _tree_reducetill all group results are in one block. At that point the result is“finalized” and returned to the user.

General Tradeoffs

  1. This approach works well when either the initial blockwise reduction is effective, or if thereduction at the first combine step is effective. Here “effective” means we have multiple members of a singlegroup in a block so the blockwise application of groupby-reduce actually reduces values and releases some memory.

  2. One downside is that the final result will only have one chunk along the new group axis.

  3. We have two choices for how to construct the intermediate arrays. See below.


If we know all the group labels, we can do so right at the blockwise step (reindex=True). This matches dask.array.histogram andxhistogram, where the bin edges, or group labels oof the output, are known. The downside is the potential of large memory useif number of output groups is much larger than number of groups in a block.


We can reindex at the combine stage to groups present in the blocks being combined (reindex=False). This can limit memory use at the costof a performance reduction due to extra copies of the intermediate data during reindexing.

This approach allows grouping by a dask array so group labels can be discovered at compute time, similar to dask.dataframe.groupby.


For example, consider groupby("time.month") with monthly frequency data and chunksize of 4 along time.Parallel Algorithms - flox (5)With reindex=True, each block will become 3x its original size at the blockwise step: input blocks have 4 timesteps while output blockhas a value for all 12 months. One could use reindex=False to control memory usage but also see method="cohorts" below.


One case where method="map-reduce" doesn’t work well is the case of “resampling” reductions. Anexample here is resampling from daily frequency to monthly frequency data: da.resample(time="M").mean()For resampling type reductions,

  1. Group members occur sequentially (all days in January 2001 occur one after the other)

  2. All groups not of exactly equal length (31 days in January but 28 in most Februaries)

  3. All members in a group are next to each other (if the time series is sorted, which itusually is).

  4. Because there can be a large number of groups, concatenating results for all groups in a single chunk could be catastrophic.

In this case, it makes sense to use dask.dataframe resample strategy which is to rechunk using flox.rechunk_for_blockwise()so that all members of a group are in a single block. Then, the groupby operation can be applied blockwise.


  1. Only works for certain groupings.

  2. Group labels must be known at graph construction time, so this only works for numpy arrays

  3. Currently the rechunking is only implemented for 1D arrays (being motivated by time resampling),but a nD generalization seems possible.

  4. Only can use the blockwise strategy for grouping by nD arrays.

  5. Works better when multiple groups are already in a single block; so that the initialrechunking only involves a small amount of communication.


The map-reduce strategy is quite effective but can involve some unnecessary communication. It can be possible to exploitpatterns in how group labels are distributed across chunks (similar to method="blockwise" above). Two cases are illustrative:

  1. Groups labels can be approximately-periodic: e.g. time.dayofyear (period 365 or 366) or time.month (period 12).Consider our earlier example, groupby("time.month") with monthly frequency data and chunksize of 4 along time.Parallel Algorithms - flox (7)Because a chunksize of 4 evenly divides the number of groups (12) all we need to do is index out blocks0, 3, 7 and then apply the "map-reduce" strategy to form the final result for months Jan-Apr. Repeat for theremaining groups of months (May-Aug; Sep-Dec) and then concatenate.

  2. Groups can be spatially localized like the blockwise case above, for example grouping by country administrative boundaries likecounties or districts. In this case, concatenating the result for the northwesternmost county or district and the southeasternmostdistrict can involve a lot of wasteful communication (again depending on chunking).

For such cases, we can adapt xarray’s shuffling or subsetting strategy by indexing out “cohorts” or group labelsthat tend to occur next to each other.

A motivating example : time grouping

One example is the construction of “climatologies” which is a climate science term for something like groupby("time.month")(“monthly climatology”) or groupby("time.dayofyear") (“daily climatology”). In these cases,

  1. Groups occur sequentially (day 2 is always after day 1; and February is always after January)

  2. Groups are approximately periodic (some years have 365 days and others have 366)

Consider our earlier example, groupby("time.month") with monthly frequency data and chunksize of 4 along time.Parallel Algorithms - flox (8)

With method="map-reduce", reindex=True, each block will become 3x its original size at the blockwise step: input blocks have 4 timesteps while output blockhas a value for all 12 months. Note that the blockwise groupby-reduction does not reduce the data since there is only one element in eachgroup. In addition, since map-reduce will make the final result have only one chunk of size 12 along the new monthdimension, the final result has chunk sizes 3x that of the input, which may not be ideal.

However, because a chunksize of 4 evenly divides the number of groups (12) all we need to do is index out blocks0, 3, 7 and then apply the "map-reduce" strategy to form the final result for months Jan-Apr. Repeat for theremaining groups of months (May-Aug; Sep-Dec) and then concatenate. This is the essence of method="cohorts"


We can generalize this idea for more complicated problems (inspired by the split_outkwarg in dask.dataframe.groupby)We first apply the groupby-reduction blockwise, then split and reindex blocks to create a new array with which we complete the reductionusing map-reduce. Because the split or shuffle step occurs after the blockwise reduction, we sometimes communicate a significantly smalleramount of data than if we split or shuffled the input array.


  1. Group labels must be known at graph construction time, so this only works for numpy arrays.

  2. This does require more tasks and a more complicated graph, but the communication overhead can be significantly lower.

  3. The detection of “cohorts” is currently slow but could be improved.

  4. The extra effort of detecting cohorts and multiple copying of intermediate blocks may be worthwhile only if the chunk sizes are smallrelative to the approximate period of group labels, or small relative to the size of spatially localized groups.

Example : sensitivity to chunking

One annoyance is that if the chunksize doesn’t evenly divide the number of groups, we still end up splitting a number of chunks.Consider our earlier example, groupby("time.month") with monthly frequency data and chunksize of 4 along time.Parallel Algorithms - flox (10)

import floximport numpy as nplabels = np.tile(np.arange(12), 12)chunks = (tuple(np.repeat(4, labels.size // 4)),)

flox can find these cohorts, below it identifies the cohorts with labels 1,2,3,4; 5,6,7,8, and 9,10,11,12.

preferred_method, chunks_cohorts = flox.core.find_group_cohorts(labels, chunks)chunks_cohorts.values()
dict_values([[np.int64(0), np.int64(1), np.int64(2), np.int64(3)], [np.int64(4), np.int64(5), np.int64(6), np.int64(7)], [np.int64(8), np.int64(9), np.int64(10), np.int64(11)]])

Now consider chunksize=5.Parallel Algorithms - flox (11)

labels = np.tile(np.arange(12), 12)chunks = (tuple(np.repeat(5, labels.size // 5)) + (4,),)preferred_method, chunks_cohorts = flox.core.find_group_cohorts(labels, chunks, merge=True)chunks_cohorts.values()
dict_values([[np.int64(0), np.int64(1), np.int64(2)], [np.int64(3)], [np.int64(4)], [np.int64(5), np.int64(6), np.int64(7)], [np.int64(8)], [np.int64(9)], [np.int64(10), np.int64(11)]])

We find 7 cohorts (note the original xarray strategy is equivalent to constructing 12 cohorts).In this case, it seems to better to rechunk to a size of 4 (or 6) along time.

Indeed flox’s heuristics think "map-reduce" is better for this case:


Example : spatial grouping

Spatial groupings are particularly interesting for the "cohorts" strategy. Consider the problem of computing county-levelaggregated statistics (example blog post). There are ~3100 groups (counties), each marked bya different color. There are ~2300 chunks of size (350, 350) in (lat, lon). Many groups are contained to a small number of chunks:see left panel where the grid lines mark chunk boundaries.

Parallel Algorithms - flox (12)

This seems like a good fit for 'cohorts': to get the answer for a county in the Northwest US, we needn’t look at valuesfor the southwest US. How do we decide that automatically for the user?


flox >=0.9 will automatically choose method for you. To do so, we need to detect how each grouplabel is distributed across the chunks of the array; and the degree to which the chunk distribution for a particularlabel overlaps with all other labels. The algorithm is as follows.

  1. First determine which labels are present in each chunk. The distribution of labels across chunksis represented internally as a 2D boolean sparse array S[chunks, labels]. S[i, j] = 1 whenlabel j is present in chunk i.

  2. Then we look for patterns in S to decide if we can use "blockwise". The dark color cells are 1 at thatcell in S.Parallel Algorithms - flox (13)

    • On the left, is a monthly grouping for a monthly time series with chunk size 4. There are 3 non-overlapping cohorts somethod="cohorts" is perfect.

    • On the right, is a resampling problem of a daily time series with chunk size 10 to 5-daily frequency. Two 5-day periodsare exactly contained in one chunk, so method="blockwise" is perfect.

  3. The metric used for determining the degree of overlap between the chunks occupied by different labels iscontainment. For each label i we can quickly compute containment againstall other labels j as C = S.T @ S / number_chunks_per_label. Here is C for a range of chunk sizes from 1 to 12, for computingthe monthly mean of a monthly time series problem, [the title on each image is (chunk size, sparsity)].

    chunks = np.arange(1, 13)labels = np.tile(np.arange(1, 13), 30)

    Parallel Algorithms - flox (14)

  4. To choose between "map-reduce" and "cohorts", we need a summary measure of the degree to which the labels overlap witheach other. We can use sparsity — the number of non-zero elements in C divided by the number of elements in C, C.nnz/C.size.We use sparsity(S) as an approximation for the sparsity(C) to avoid a potentially expensive sparse matrix dot product when Sisn’t particularly sparse. When sparsity(S) > 0.4 (arbitrary), we choose "map-reduce" since there is decent overlap between(any) cohorts. Otherwise we use "cohorts".

Cool, isn’t it?!

For reference here is S and C for the US county groupby problem:Parallel Algorithms - flox (15)The sparsity of C is 0.006, so "cohorts" seems a good strategy here.

Parallel Algorithms - flox (2025)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.