Taking an exam with Canvas | Tilburg University (2024)

Taking an exam with Canvas | Tilburg University (1)

Your digital exam may take place in Canvas.

Prepare yourselffor an exam in Canvas

It is important that you complete the following steps well in advance of the exam date so that you have time to solve any problems you may encounter and you can start the exam well-prepared.

Digital exam on campus

1. Register in time for the exam

For exams you will need a valid registration in OSIRIS to be allowed to participate. Without a valid registration, participation is not possible! Online registration for an exam, resit or midterm is possible up to 5 working days before the date of the exam.

Registered students will receive an exam notification 4 days before the exam. If you did not receive an exam notification (check your SPAM), you are not registered. There is no point in contacting your lecturer, the Student Administration, or IT Support. You can register for the next resit.

More information about registering for exams can be found on the web page written exams.

2. Read the instructions

Canvas instructions

Read the general instructions how to open the exam in the exam room.

The instructions for the exam will be published in Canvas no later than 14 days prior to the examination.

The cover page will be published in Canvas no later than 5 days prior to the examination. On the cover page, you will find information about the structure of the exam, any permitted materials and sources and, if necessary, instructions about uploading answers/documents.

3. Take a practice test

Take a practice exam. Please note: you still need to 'enroll' for the Canvas course to be able to take the practice exam. You can do so by clicking ‘join this course’ on the right side of the webpage.

For exams that use software such as Anaconda or R studio, it is important to practice with these programs on the university's PCs. Especially if you, for example, use a Macbook yourself.

If you experience technical problems in this preparation, please contact Digital Exams Support via digitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu.

4. Prepare for your on-campus exam

Make the following preparations if you take the exam on campus in a Tilburg University computer room.

  • Please bring your Tilburg University card or other valid identification (driver's license, ID card or passport) with you.
  • The exam notification will tell you which seat in the exam room you need to take the exam at. Take a seat at the table reserved for you.
  • Please be on time. Take the time to put your things away in the lockers if you are taking a digital examination in Cube 241 or Cube 242. You may enter the room 15 minutes before the start of the exam.
  • Make sure that you have a working Tilburg University username/password combination. This will allow you to log in on the computer.
  • Is the use of an USB or external hard drive allowed during the exam? Please follow the instruction below to make sure your USB or external hard drive is accessible on the campus computers:
    Instruction formatting external storage device
5. Rules during a digital exam

The rules that students must adhere to when taking a digital exam.

  1. All coats and bags must be placed in the aisle, at the front of the exam room, or on the windowsills.At the rooms CUBE 241 and 242, your belongings should be stored in the lockers before you enter the exam room. Students are requested to avoid bringing any valuable personal items. All mobile telephones and other electronic devices must be turned off and left in the coat or bag. Watches must be left in the coat or bag. A central clock is present in the exam room, or the time will be displayed on the presentation screen.
  2. Water in a sealable bottle is allowed. Intermediate refills are not allowed. Alcohol and the consumption of food and sweets is prohibited in the exam rooms.
  3. If a student is unexpectedly late, the student still has access to the room until 30 minutes after the start of the exam. Those who arrive late are not entitled to extended access. Students may not leave the room earlier than half an hour after the start of the exam.
  4. The student should be seated in the seat assigned and listed on the exam notification. If there are special circ*mstances, the student will follow the instructions of the invigilator.
  5. Students are required to identify themselves by means of their Tilburg University card. If the student cannot identify themself with their Tilburg University card, they can prove their identity with a valid passport, identity card or driver's license. The student who cannot identify themself will receive an official report that will be drawn up by the invigilator. The invigilator will tell the student concerned that no evaluation of the exam will take place until the Examination Board has made a ruling.
  6. The student who does not appear on the attendance list provided by the Student Administration, and cannot provide written proof of registration or permission by the Examination Board is excluded from participating in the digital exam.
  7. After the start of the exam, the invigilator checks the student's identity on the basis of the attendance list and checks whether the student is seated at the designated place in the room. The student places their Tilburg University card or other valid means of identification on the table for this purpose. The invigilator will have the student sign the attendance list.
  8. While taking the exam, the student must refrain from fraudulent acts as referred to in the fraud regulations of Tilburg University and the Rules and Guidelines of the faculty.
  9. If fraud is suspected, the invigilator will make a report. This official report is submitted to the student concerned. The student signs the official report as 'seen'. If the student does not agree with the official report, the invigilator will make a note of this on the official report. Evidence, if any, is taken by the invigilator (this is noted on the record) and handed in to the Student Administration together with the record and examination work. The student administration ensures that the record and other documents are handed over to the Examination Board within two days. The student will receive a response from the Examination Board; the Student Desk cannot assist the student in this regard. The invigilator will tell the student concerned that no assessment of the examination will take place until the Examination Board has made a ruling. However, the student will be given the opportunity to complete the exam.
  10. If a student disrupts order, the student will be given a warning. If the student continues to disrupt order, the invigilator may ask the student to leave the room. The invigilator will then make a report. The invigilator will tell the student involved that no grading of the exam will take place until the Examination Board has made a ruling. If it appears by sound signals that the phone has not been turned off, this is considered a noise nuisance, and an official report will be made.
  11. Use of the restroom is permitted only in very exceptional cases and only under supervision. When permission is granted by the invigilator, care will be taken to ensure that no fraud is committed. Only a brief stop will be allowed, and the invigilator will not allow multiple students to go to the restroom at the same time. Use of the restroom is possible only when there are multiple invigilators in the room or at the time the invigilator is relieved by a different invigilator.
  12. Approximately 30 minutes before the end of the exam, the invigilator informs students how much time remains. Approximately 5 minutes and before the end of the exam, the invigilator informs students how much time remains.
  13. Upon completion of the exam, the student will turn in their scrap paper and unused paper to the invigilator's table. Students must mark their used scrap paper with their name and student number.
  14. The use of earplugs without technology (so-called noise stoppers) during exams is permitted.

Also interesting:

Digital exams off-campus

1. Register in time for the exam

Please check if you have registered for the exam. Forexams you will need avalid registration in OSIRISto be allowed to participate. If a student does not have a valid registration, participation in an exam is not possible!

All registered students will receive an exam notification 4days before the exam.If you did not receive an exam notification, you are not registered and cannot participate. There is no point in contacting your lecturer, the Student Administration, or IT Support. You can register for the next resit.

More information about registering for exams can be found on the web pagewritten exams.

2. Check if your hardware (laptop/computer) and internet connection meet the requirements


For digital exams off-campus the following requirements apply:

  • Operating system: Windows 7 or higher, macOS 10.11 or higher, Linux Ubuntu 18.04 or higher, Chrome OS 58 or higher.
  • Web browser: preferably the currentreleases of Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
  • Internet connection: any Internet connection with an upload speed of 0.244 Mbps is sufficient.

Internet connection

If you want to test your internet connection, use one of the many websites with which you can test your upload and download speed and ping time (e.g.,www.speedtest.net/). Test it a number of times. If the lowest upload speed achieved is higher than 0.244 Mbps, then your internet connection is sufficiently suitable for online exams. Higher is obviously better.

In general, the average internet speed is far above 0.244 Mbps (for comparison, a Ziggo Internet Start subscription is up to 5 Mbps/s, an Internet Complete is up to 25 Mbps/s and Internet Max is already up to 40 Mbps/s).

Shared internet connection

Do you have a shared internet connection, for example, with housemates? Then make sure that your housemates do not send too much data over the line during the test. Ask them to take this into account for the duration of your exam.

Technical problems during the exam

If you experience any problems during the exam, please contact Digital Exams Support via +31 (0)13 - 466 4663ordigitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu.Support is available during all scheduledexams.Always state the course code and course name of the exam you are taking, and whether the exam takes place in Canvas or TestVision.

3. Take a practice test

Would you like to prepare yourself by taking a practice exam in Canvas? Go to thepractice exam. Please note: you still need to 'enroll' for the Canvas course to be able to take the practice exam.

If you experience technical problems in this preparation, please contact Digital Exams Supportviadigitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu.

4. Read the instructions and regulations for exams in Canvas

Regulations during exams

Despite the fact that there is no invigilator at your home, the same rules apply when taking online exams as with regular written exams on campus.

Check out exam regulations

Canvas Instructions

The instructions for the examination will be published in Canvas no later than 14 days prior to the examination.

The cover page is published in Canvas no later than 5 days before the exam. The cover page contains information about the structure of the exam, permitted materials and sources, and instructions for uploading explanations, if any.

5. Prepare your workplace and yourself

Start preparing 30 minutes before the exam time, so that you can start on time.

  • Check which aids (e.g. scrap paper or books) are permitted and remove all other objects from your desk or table.
  • Make sure you are alone in the room and can work in peace.
6. During the exam

The teacher has determined the exam time and this is stated on the cover page. Keep a close eye on the time and hand in your test on time.

Technical problems during the exam

If you experience any problems during the exam, please contact Digital Exams Support via +31 (0)13 - 466 4663 or digitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu. Support is available during all scheduled exams. Always state the course code and course name of the exam you are taking, and whether the exam takes place in Canvas or TestVision.

7. After the exam (follow-up calls)

Follow-up calls

In some cases, lecturers may give you a call after the exam to check whether you have taken the exam yourself. You will be informed in a timely fashion about this (via Canvas, and on the cover page of the exam).

You will hear as quickly as possible after the exam whether you will receive a follow-up call. You will receive an e-mail with instructions, so keep an eye on your mailbox. If you fail to answer the call or if the assessor establishes in the short interview that you most likely did not take the exam on your own, an official report will be made.

Contact with fellow-students directly after the exam

The rules about contacting other students depend on whether there is a follow-up call after the exam. You will be informed via Canvas and on the cover sheet of the exam if this is the case.

  • Exam without follow-up calls: you are not allowed to communicate with other students about the exam until one hour after the end of the exam. Doing so will be considered fraude.
  • Exam with follow-up calls: it is not allowed to communicate with other students about the exam until two hours after the end of the exam. Doing so will be considered fraude.

Frequently Asked Questions

I can not login in the exam in Canvas, what should I do?


Please check if you have registered for the exam. If you did not register in time for the exam, participation is not possible. You can check in OSIRIS or at the Student Administration if you have registered. All registered students will receive an exam notification 4 days before the exam.

Did you not receive an exam notification? Then you are not enrolled and cannot participate. There is no point in contacting your lecturer, student administration or IT Support. You can register for the next resit.

Digital Exams Support (during exams taking place off-campus)

If you experience any problems during the exam, please contact Digital Exams Support via +31 (0)13 - 466 4663ordigitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu.Support is available during all scheduledexams, on Saterdays as well.Always mention the course code and course name of the exam in question.Always state explicitly whether the exam is taken in Canvas or TestVision.

What happens if my internet connection is (intermittently) lost while I'm taking a digital exam off-campus?

If your internet connection is lost during the test, you may be able to continue using the test without logging in again. After reconnecting to the internet, in most cases you can continue from the point where you lost the connection. Canvassaves your answers every 60 seconds. It is therefore possible that your latest entries have not been saved when you loose the internet connection.

If you cannot restore the internet connection, please contact Digital Exams Support via +31 (0)13 - 466 4663ordigitalexams@tilburguniversity.edu.Support is available during all scheduled exams.Always state the course code and course name of the exam you are taking, and whether the exam takes place in Canvas or TestVision.

You are responsible for a stable internet connection and will not be given extra time for the exam if you have temporarily no internet at your disposal.

If, for example due to technical problems, I start the digital exam off-campus later than the official start time, do I get extra time at the end?

The following rule applies to exams in general: you can still participate up to 30 minutes after the official start time.

If you start later than the official start time due to technical problems with your own hardware or internet connection, you will not be given extra time.

Are you allowed to start until 30 minutes after the official start time of the exam?

Yes, you can participate up to 30 minutes after the official start time. You will not be given extra time if you start later than the official start time.

When I submitted my exam answers in Canvas, I got a white screen. Have my answers all been saved?

Yes, your answers have been saved. Canvas saves every answer as soon as you click or enter them, not only after pressing "submit".

When do I get the final results?

Between 10 and 15 working days after the exam took place, the teacher will publish the final grades in OSIRIS. Based on these grades, you can decide to participate in the resit. In case an official report has been filed against you, you will not receive a final grade in OSIRIS. You can make your own decision whether or not to register for the resit.

If the teacher has published preliminary grades in Canvas, students can not derive any rights from these.

Do special arrangements also apply?

Students who needextra facilities(e.g. extra time) due to a disability canrequest this online. You can also make use of these facilities for online exams. Please note that, in some cases, you may need to make some arrangements yourself.

  • For all exams listed on theWritten exams and midtermspage: You do not need to do anything. If you are entitled to extra time, arrangements will be made automatically.
  • For all exams not listed on theWritten exams and midtermspage, but that do have a fixed starting and end time: Please contact your lecturer to indicate that you have a right to special arrangements. The lecturer will make arrangements for you with respect to the exam. He/She will of course check whether you have indeed been granted special arrangements.

For other facilities, such as a standing table or a low-stimulus room: you will need to take care of this yourself. You can change your screen settings to increase font size, if necessary.

What is a Code of Honor in relation to online exams?

During exams it is important that we can assess you on your own performance. The cover page of every exam will therefore contain a Code of Honor. By taking the exam, you agree to what is stated in this Code. The Code of Honor reads as follows:

“I will take this exam to the best of my abilities, without seeking or accepting the help of any source not explicitly allowed by the conditions of the exam.
I have neither given nor received, nor have I tolerated others’ use of unauthorized aid.
Not complying with the statement invalidates the exam for summative use, that is, a grade will not be assigned to your completed exam."

Firm action will be taken in the event academic fraud is discovered.

Some Schools have their own Code of Honor.

  • Taking an exam with TestVision TestVision: start preparing for your exam. Complete all steps and check out the frequently asked questions and answers. More information
  • Written exams and midterms Exams: all about registration for exams, exam dates, results and rules during exams. More information
Taking an exam with Canvas | Tilburg University (2024)


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Name: Catherine Tremblay

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Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.