Why Do We Yawn and Is it Contagious? (2024)

Do you ever find yourself yawning when you see someone else yawn?


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There are some interesting myths about this strange, wide-mouthed thing we do. Centuries ago, people believed that you should cover your mouth during a yawn to prevent your soul from leaving the body.

“We all find ourselves yawning when we feel sleepy or bored, or sometimes, for no apparent reason at all,” says family medicine physician Donald Ford, MD.

But for as much as we know about the body and how it works, laypeople and scientists alike still ponder the exact reasons why we yawn. We don’t have a definitive answer, but there are some solid theories behind why we yawn. Let’s review the main ones.

Theory 1: It’s your brain’s way of waking you up

It’s no coincidence that you frequently yawn when you feel your eyelids droop and you start daydreaming about your warm bed. In fact, a yawn might be your brain attempting to jolt you awake when you’re sleepy.

Researchers have theorized that as yawning forces your face and neck to move, this causes stimulation of your carotid artery. In turn, this causes your heart rate to increase and even to move your brain into more of an “active state.”

In other words, think of it as your body’s way of sending a gentle alarm to your head when it notices you’re dozing off.

Theory 2: It helps relieve pressure

Have your parents ever told you to try and yawn on purpose to help pop your ears when a plane lands? Well, turns out there may be some science to that tip.


“Yawns are useful in opening our eustachian tubes, which regulate air pressure in the middle ear,” says Dr. Ford.

In fact, that’s why your body often will set off a yawn as a way to relieve pressure. But the same effect also happens when we swallow — so researchers can’t say for sure if this is the main reason that we yawn.

Theory 3: It helps regulate brain temperature

Researchers have also found that yawning helps thermoregulate your brain — meaning helping your brain maintain its core internal temperature.

“They theorized that just as your computer has its own cooling mechanism to keep it from overheating, your body’s computer — the brain — uses yawning to regulate its temperature,” says Dr. Ford.

It does this in a couple of ways. Various studies have found that when we yawn, we inhale a large amount of air into our lungs, which then cools the blood vessels in our head and neck. Additionally, the facial muscles in our jaw and cheeks stretch, adjust and contract, which could help ventilate our sinuses and further cool our brain. You may have also noticed that when you yawn, it can cause you to tear up, which also releases heat.

This theory may play hand in hand with the theory that yawning is a way to make your body more awake or alert. “Sleep cycles, boredom and stress are associated with temperature fluctuations in the brain,” adds Dr. Ford.​

Is it possible to yawn excessively?

OK, now the person next to you in the meeting is giving you a side-eye because you’re on your third yawn in a row. But it’s not your fault if that’s how your body is reacting!

In addition to wondering why you yawn, you may also wonder if it’s a problem if you yawn excessively. What’s the yawning limit? It may surprise you to know that the average person yawns about 20 times a day — so, you’d have to yawn a lot more than that before you should be concerned.

And while there isn’t an exact number to what constitutes yawning too much, the main red flag you’ll want to take note of is if you’re yawning way more than is normal for you — especially if it’s not triggered by being tired or bored.

In some cases, excessive yawning can be a sign of a neurological issue, including:

  • Epilepsy.
  • Migraines.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Parkinson’s disease.
  • Stroke.

If you find that you’re yawning more than you normally do, it’s best to consult a healthcare provider.

Are yawns contagious?

Did you ever notice that after you see someone yawn, you feel the need to yawn yourself?

This is what we call a “contagious yawn” — and yes, it’s a thing. But there’s still a lot of mystery around the phenomenon. Someone’s initial yawn is considered a spontaneous yawn. When you yawn in response, this is considered a contagious yawn.


Research from 2011 found that both spontaneous and contagious yawns arise out of an underlying mechanism involved in regulating your brain’s temperature. So, many researchers theorize that contagious yawning is simply this: If you yawn after seeing someone else yawn, it’s likely because you’re both in the same area with a similar climate. In turn, both of your brains are responding to a temperature adjustment.

But is it possible that simply hearing or seeing someone yawn can send a trigger to your brain to yawn as well?

A recent 2022 study aimed to find out if there’s a clear link between social closeness and yawning. While the research confirmed that people did yawn if they saw others yawning, this wasn’t really because of an empathetic or emotional response. Instead, it may be a part of synchronized group behavior — as yawning helps alert or “wake up” the body, our bodies may respond to others yawning as a way to protect ourselves.

How to stop yawning

If your constant yawning is starting to annoy you (or others around you), you can do a couple of things to check in with your body.

If you want to stop yawning, you can try:

  • Taking some deep breaths. Similar to getting rid of hiccups, a couple of deep breaths through your nose can help stop your never-ending yawns.
  • Move around. If your yawning is due to feeling sleepy or tired (and you can’t take a quick nap), stimulating your body simply by getting up and walking could help.
  • Cool down. A little bit of cold therapy may be able to calm down your yawning as well. Try walking outside and breathing in some crisp air or take some small sips of ice water.


The bottom line on yawning

Yawning is a common phenomenon that many of us experience. You may notice it happens when you’re ​​​​ tired or bored, but it could also be a response to stress, pressure or your brain maintaining its internal temperature.

But if you’re noticing that you’re yawning more than usual and with no clear cause, you should consider talking to a healthcare provider to see if there’s an underlying issue. And if your yawns are telling you that you’re not getting enough ZZZs, be sure to talk to your provider about any possible sleep deprivation symptoms you may be having to help you get a better night’s rest.


Why Do We Yawn and Is it Contagious? (2024)


Why Do We Yawn and Is it Contagious? ›

So, many researchers theorize that contagious yawning is simply this: If you yawn after seeing someone else yawn, it's likely because you're both in the same area with a similar climate. In turn, both of your brains are responding to a temperature adjustment.

Is yawning contagious and why? ›

So, many researchers theorize that contagious yawning is simply this: If you yawn after seeing someone else yawn, it's likely because you're both in the same area with a similar climate. In turn, both of your brains are responding to a temperature adjustment.

Why do we yawn answers? ›

One is that when we are bored or tired, we just don't breathe as deeply as we usually do. As this theory goes, our bodies take in less oxygen because our breathing has slowed. Therefore, yawning helps us bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood.

Why do we yawn Why do we yawn? ›

However, almost paradoxically, it is theorized that yawning is not a sign of sleepiness or boredom, but actually a reflex that your brain induces to wake you up or make you more alert. Yawning is associated with some hormones that are released that briefly increase the heart rate and alertness.

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The Mythbusters Need Statistics and Hypothesis Testing!

Using the two proportions hypothesis test and power calculation, we learned a couple of things: The sample data do not support the hypothesis that yawns are contagious. The sample size was too small to provide adequate statistical power.

Is yawning a lack of oxygen? ›

For several years, the main theory was that yawning brings in more oxygen — mainly for your brain. More recently, researchers discarded this theory, as studies revealed that a controlled lack of oxygen doesn't result in more yawning than usual.

Why do we open our mouths to yawn? ›

A 2007 study by psychology professor Andrew Gallup concluded that yawning likely serves to regulate the temperature of the body and the brain. When we open our mouths to yawn, our jaws stretch down to their near-lowest position, heightening blood flow in the area that is then cooled by the quick intake of air.

What is the secret behind yawning? ›

Doing so helps compensate for the change in air pressure. Yawning addresses respiratory needs. Yawning causes you to take in more oxygen and elevates your heart rate. So, some experts think the action is designed in part to help clear toxins out of the blood and increase the flow of fresh oxygen.

Why is yawning without covering your mouth rude? ›

While we no longer dismiss yawning as “vulgar”, it is seen as rude and disrespectful because it implies that the yawner is bored and is making no attempt to conceal the fact. Of course, this is not necessarily the case and sometimes overwhelming fatigue can cause a bout of yawning.

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When a person yawns, depending on how forcefully they yawn or how they stretch their other facial muscles, it may put pressure on the lacrimal glands. This can stimulate them to produce tears. People also tend to yawn when they feel tired, for example, after staring all day at a computer screen.

Is it good to hold your yawn? ›

But a new study takes the yawn research one step further, suggesting that trying to stifle those involuntary stretches only makes the urge to yawn even stronger. The study, published in Current Biology provides more detail on why some people are more likely to yawn when others around them do the same.

Why do we close our eyes when we yawn? ›

It is an effort though. Yes, it is possible to yawn with your eyes open if you consciously resist closing them. The tendency to close the eyes is because you get a “better” yawn if you let the facial muscles relax into it.

Why do we catch yawns? ›

Q: So why do we yawn when we see someone else yawning? A: Contagious yawning may have evolved to synchronize group behavior—yawns often cluster during particular times of day that coincide with transitions and activity. It also may have evolved to increase vigilance within a group.

What happens if you don't yawn when others do? ›

What happens if you don't yawn when someone else does? Some people are more sensitive to this reflex than others. Recent research suggests that the variability could signal levels of empathy or ability for empathetic processing.

Do scientists know why yawning is contagious? ›

What happens in the brain when we catch yawns? Your brain has special cells called mirror neurons. These neurons activate when you see someone do something, and they make you feel like doing the same thing – for example, yawning. It's like your brain is mirroring what the other person is doing.

What is the main cause of yawning? ›

Physical Causes—Fatigue, general tiredness, body temperature malfunctions, and stimulation of the vagus nerve can cause frequent yawning. Excessive yawning and sleep disorders are often correlated. Emotional Causes—Anxiety and depression can lead to yawning excessively.

Why do we yawn when others yawn stealing oxygen? ›

Theory #3: Contagious Yawning Is Linked to Empathy Skills

When people see or hear other people yawn, they tend to yawn themselves. Even reading or thinking about yawning can prompt a yawn. The contagiousness of yawning suggests it may be an empathetic response that helps humans and other mammals communicate.

What else is contagious besides yawning? ›

As for yawn contagion, Giordano said it may be related to a phenomenon called social mirroring, where organisms imitate the actions of others. Other behaviors fall into this category, such as scratching, leg crossing and laughing.


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