Credits, Grades and Transcripts | University Extension (2024)


University Extension courses are full academic credit courses that appear on a student’s official UT Austin transcript. Semester courses record as Extension credit. Self-paced online courses record as Correspondence credit.

Applying Credit to a Degree

University Extension does not offer degrees. Credit you earn in University Extension coursesmay be applied toward degree credit at a college or university, depending on the school’s transfer policies.

If you wish to use your University Extension course credits toward graduation or to transfer credits to your degree program at your home institution, be sure to planwell. Check with your academic advisor to learn about any deadlines your college or home institution might have.

If you are pursuing a degree at an institution other than UT Austin, consult with your advisors at that institution to determinecourse applicability and the acceptance of transfer creditto your degree. Students in UT Austin degree programs should consult with their academic advisor. If you are taking a course for credit toward licensing or other professional requirements, check with the appropriate licensing or professional organization before you enroll to ensure that the credit will be accepted.

Credit Value and Course Numbers

University Extension courses are full academic credit courses that appear on a student’s official UT Austin transcript. Semester courses record asExtensioncredit. Self-paced online courses record asCorrespondencecredit.

Courses in The University of Texas at Austin’s course inventory are designated by numbers, or by numbers with a capital letter following. The numbers indicate both the rank and the credit value of the course.

  • The first digit of the course number indicates the credit value of the course in semester hours. Courses numbered 201 through 299 have a value of two semester hours; 301 through 399, a value of three semester hours; and so on. A zero as the first digit indicates that the course is noncredit.
  • The last two digits specify the rank of the course. 01 through 19 indicates lower-division courses; 20-79 indicates upper-division courses; 80-99 indicates graduate level.

For additional information, reference The University of Texas at Austin General Information Catalog.


University Extension course grades are recorded by and permanently kept with The University of Texas at Austin's Office of the Registrar.

Grades for semester-based courses will appear at the Registrar’s office at the end of the applicable semester.Grades for self-paced courses will appear two to three weeks after you take your final exam. Use the View My Gradesapplication to view your official course grade. After a grade has been reported to theOffice of the Registrar, it may not be changed unless an error was made by the instructor.

The following letter grades are used to record the instructor’s evaluation of students’ performance in a course: A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, and F. Some individual courses may not utilize a plus/minus grading scale. A passing grade for undergraduates is D- or better; for graduates it is C or better.

If a student takes a course on the Pass/Fail basis, undergraduates earn either the symbol CR (credit) or a grade of F; graduate students earn either the symbol CR or the symbol NC (no credit).

The symbol Q is given to students who drop a course without academic penalty. Transcripts are not issued for University Extension courses where a grade of Q is recorded or where the selected grade option for the course is “Audit.”

Change of Grading Status

If you are planning to use your University Extension credit hours toward a degree, please be aware before you register of the conditions your institution imposes regarding eligibility to take courses on a Pass/Fail basis. UEX strongly recommends students speak with their advisor before taking a course Pass/Fail.

If you are taking a semester course and wish to change your grading status, check the Change of Course Grading Status deadline on the official calendar.

If you are taking a self-paced online course, you are allowed to change your grading status one time during your course enrollment by submitting a request in writing, before completing 50% of your assignments.

Class Attendance

Regular attendance is required at all classes. Instructors are responsible for implementing attendancepolicies and must notify students of any special attendance requirements. If an instructor indicates that a student has fallen below a passing grade in a course because of excessive absences, University Extension, upon written recommendation of the instructor, may drop the student from that course and assign a grade of F for the semester.

A student who misses classes or other required activities, including examinations, for the observance of a religious holy day should inform the instructor as far in advance of the absence as possible, so that arrangements can be made to complete an assignment within a reasonable time after the absence. Students who have questions or concerns about academic accommodations for religious observance or religious beliefs may contact the Center for Access and Restorative Engagement.

Temporary Delay in Reporting the Final Course Grade

A student is expected to complete a course within the assigned term. In rare instances, for nonacademic reasons and at the discretion of the instructor, a temporary delay of the final course grade, symbol X, may be recorded. A request for temporary delay of the final course grade because of incomplete work can be made only if the student has a passing average on the classwork already completed.

An X should be assigned only if the student has been informed and the exact procedures by which the student will make up the work are agreed upon. It is often helpful to have the arrangement in writing, specifying what the student is expected to do to complete the course, including due dates.

University Extension instructors follow official UT Austin guidelines found in the General Information Catalog concerning the requirements for completing a grade of X. Undergraduate coursework must be completed and the instructor must report a final grade on or before the last date for grade reporting in the next semester, or an F will be recorded as the final grade in the course. The symbol X will also remain on the record. If a graduate student receives the symbol X in a course, the student must complete the course requirements by the last class day in his or her next long-session semester of enrollment; the instructor must report a final grade by the end of the grade reporting period in that semester. If these deadlines are not met, the symbol X is converted to the symbol I (permanent incomplete). If the student is not enrolled during a long-session semester for twenty-four months following the end of the semester in which the X is reported, and the instructor does not report a final grade, then the symbol X is converted to the symbol I. The symbol I cannot be converted to a grade.

Repetition of a Course

The last grade that you earned in a course is your official grade. If you repeat a course and have two or more grades, all the grades and all semester hours are used to calculate your grade-point average and determine your eligibility to take additional courses. In most UT Austin colleges and schools, a student may not repeat for credit any course in which he or she has earned a grade of C- or higher (or CR, if the course was taken on the pass/fail basis).

Students may not enroll in the sameself-paced course more than twice; some courses may have additional restrictions. To request to enroll in a course for a third time or beyond you must submit a written petition; supporting documentation may be required. If approved, these re-enrollments will be subject to a $50 administrative fee.

Course Appeals

Appeals must be submitted in a timely manner and with appropriate documentation. Appeals to reconsider a final course grade may be submitted up to one long-session semester (fall or spring) after you complete the course.

If you believe your instructor has made an error on an assignment or exam grade, you should first discuss any grade disputes with your course instructor. If you and your instructor cannot work out the dispute, you have the right to file an appeal with University Extension.

If you wish to appeal for an exception to a particular administrative policy, you should appeal directly to University Extension.

All appeals must be in writing. We cannot accept appeals via phone or in person, but you may fax or email a written appeal.

All appeals must include:

  • Your name and University of Texas EID
  • Course title and number
  • Instructor name
  • A clear, detailed description of your appeal
  • An explicit statement of request
  • Supporting documentation (Note: if your appeal concerns a medical or mental health situation, please do not include diagnostic or specific information about your condition as part of your documentation.)


Credit for University Extension courses will appear on an official transcript from The University of Texas at Austin.You will not automatically receive a transcript.You must order one through theTexas One Stop website.

Please note that you must wait until the final course grade is recorded with the university before you can order a transcript. Use theView My Grades application to confirm that your course grade is posted to your UT Austin transcript.

University Extension students that have never enrolled as admitted students at The University of Texas at Austin will be able to use theonline transcript ordering system for up to three years following their grade being posted.After this three-year period, University Extension students that have never enrolled as admitted students at UT Austin must use thistranscript order form to request a transcript. The form can be submitted online or via or fax it to 512-475-7520 along with the $20 ordering fee.

More information on transcript ordering options and processes can be found on theTexas One Stop website.

Credits, Grades and Transcripts | University Extension (2024)


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